God's Salvation


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A sinner, = (everyone) has nothing to offer God, that God can accept to accept you and me.

= ""All have sinned, there is non righteous, no not one""'...

A.) So, God offers Jesus as His complete Acceptance of Us., as the : '"one time eternal Sacrifice for our sin".

Why "for our sin" ??

Because its our sin that separates us from God, .... and once this is resolved by The Cross of Christ... as Jesus dying for all our sin, so that we are can be eternally forgiven, .. then God now has in place the eternal substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus "dying for us".

So, this is the Salvation of God, whereby a SINNER can be received into God's family, and into God Himself as born again as "one with God' solely on the merit of the finished work of Jesus on The Cross.

Jesus on The Cross explained this as... "it is Finished"., and HE is "It"... our Salvation, or Forgiveness, our Justification, and our Eternal life, and our Resurrection".

So, this acceptance of Christ's sacrifice as our Salvation, is "The FREE Gift of Salvation".

Heretics do not want God's eternal "gift of Salvation" to be Free, so they dispute it, deny it, and redefine it as "you must do THIS... also, and you must also be careful not to do THAT, and then if you do all this and that, then maybe you'll make it into heaven after you die... ... possibly".

However TRUTH that is real Faith understands that that : JESUS is Salvation, and that is why "in Christ alone we place our Trust", and "our FAITH is counted by God" and God then receives us, forgives us, and establishes us forever as washed in the Blood of Jesus, and "made righteous".. having received "the Gift of Righteousness"".

Notice....: John 14:6..

Jesus said....>>"no person comes to the Father, but by ME".... and that is the NT explaining Jesus dying on The Cross for ALL our Sin, which allows God to eternally forgive us, eternally reclaim us as His, and give us the new birth in the Spirit, as a "new Creation in Christ'"..

A.) Thank you : JESUS
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