If you want to take this slow, then prove the necessity of omniscience relative to Divinity. I'll wait.
No need for you to slow down; I am already way ahead of you!
Unless you have an inside track to what it’s like from God’s point of view, you and I have no way of being absolute; which was my whole point to Civic in an earlier post. Nobody can explain this perfectly so as to be able to tell someone else ‘You’re wrong’! Discuss with grace and humility, gentleness and patience, for no one can say they are absolutely right in this matter. (Cf Eph 4:1-4)
Your comments require that I believe Genesis 1 is the beginning of all creation and that man is the center of all of God's wonderous works. I don't believe this at all. God is too BIG for such limitation and man centered requirements.
It is the beginning of this physical universe. There may have been heavenly things created prior to this universe, but that is not revealed one way or another in scripture.
As for God being “too BIG for such limitation and man centered requirements”, you seem to be requiring God to do more than what he has done. God was not obligated to created anything period; much less is he mandated to not create too small relative to his greatness!
All creation leads to the creation of man, and in this creation, he places his most personal touch, his own image. The entirety of the world was created for man’s benefit and use. Man is and was the highest expression of his purpose and desires.
Jesus never became a donkey or an elephant in order to save the animal kingdom, he became a man, for the sake of man.
You take this to mean that time can't possibly exist without man.
Did I say this? I did not! If time exists in God’s natural state, it is very different than in our four dimensional world. I’m not saying there is or isn’t, but I am saying that in heavenly realms it will be different than here. That’s why I look at eternity as being relative to that which cannot change rather than activity. Eternity is like a photograph, time continues on, but we are forever the same in the photo.
God is eternal because his character and nature are forever fixed and cannot be changed. (It’s interesting that in film development, one of the chemicals is called “fixer” because it stops the development process and makes the image permanent, unchangable.
Which is just utter ridiculous to me. I'd ask for proof but there isn't any to be found.
What you seem to be implying, is that God cannot exist outside of time! Is God dependent of time for his existence. Is time an independent entity in God’s eternal existence? Did God need to create time? What does that do to the Aseity of God?
Finally, the existence of proof and the acceptance of proof are two entirely different things. It may be there but you may not accept it as proof.
From way ahead,