Fundamentals of the Christian faith

Fundamentals of the Christian faith?:

1) Christ Is God
2) Christ Was Born of a virgin
3) Christ Died To Pay for the penalty of sin
4) Christ Rose from the dead
5) Christ Is Coming again

Precious @Administrator, appreciate the kind words.

Looks good thanks for helping me out. I'm going to go right down the list starting with Christ is God. I'll post the link after I made some head with the first topic you provided.
I'm looking for some input on the Fundamentals of the Christian faith that I can post on our blog And or website. Your input would be greatly appreciated As we value what our members have to think and say.
There's only ONE that's really important / critical: Salvation takes place when a person has FAITH (and that not of themselves it's God's GIFT Eph 2:8,9) in the SIN OFFERING (Isa 53:10) of Jesus on the Cross. when a person calls out to God in FAITH for salvation, then the Holy SPirit indwells them after which they will be able to understand The Kingdom / will of God and LEARN OF HIM.
1) Christ Is God
Our GOD is named YHWH so Christ has all the attributes of the UNITY named YHWH.
YHWH is light so cannot create dark.
YHWH is love so cannot create that which HE hates.
YHWH is holy, that is, perfectly dedicated to HIMself, to the purity of HIS self expression, so HE would never create that which HE abhors by any means.

All sin therefore is created by the free will of HIS creation.
There's only ONE that's really important / critical: Salvation takes place when a person has FAITH (and that not of themselves it's God's GIFT Eph 2:8,9) in the SIN OFFERING (Isa 53:10) of Jesus on the Cross. when a person calls out to God in FAITH for salvation, then the Holy SPirit indwells them after which they will be able to understand The Kingdom / will of God and LEARN OF HIM.
I still Working on it but thanks for mentioning faith I'm definitely going to put that in. And the fact that it's God's gift. Thanks Bob
Our GOD is named YHWH so Christ has all the attributes of the UNITY named YHWH.
YHWH is light so cannot create dark.
YHWH is love so cannot create that which HE hates.
YHWH is holy, that is, perfectly dedicated to HIMself, to the purity of HIS self expression, so HE would never create that which HE abhors by any means.

All sin therefore is created by the free will of HIS creation.
Hold dig deeper into all that you brought to my attention in this post and see what I can come out to it. Thanks Ted.
Fundamentals of the Christian faith?:

1) Christ Is God
2) Christ Was Born of a virgin
3) Christ Died To Pay for the penalty of sin
4) Christ Rose from the dead
5) Christ Is Coming again

Precious @Administrator, appreciate the kind words.

Here is the link to the our site
We will be adding more as time goes on.
I still Working on it but thanks for mentioning faith I'm definitely going to put that in. And the fact that it's God's gift. Thanks Bob
Back in the day I was saved as the result of Baptist outreach, and propagandized by them in new convert's class, the one thing that "Stuck" was the truth that in all things GOD MOVED FIRST!!! God Convicted me of my SIN, and I knew that ONLY UNDER CONVICTION OF SIN was it possible for me to really Repent, and call out in FAITH for salvation. For a while I thought I was a "Calvinist" - until I found out the rest of what Calvinism was all about.
Back in the day I was saved as the result of Baptist outreach, and propagandized by them in new convert's class, the one thing that "Stuck" was the truth that in all things GOD MOVED FIRST!!! God Convicted me of my SIN, and I knew that ONLY UNDER CONVICTION OF SIN was it possible for me to really Repent, and call out in FAITH for salvation. For a while I thought I was a "Calvinist" - until I found out the rest of what Calvinism was all about.
I hear that... I think that might be the best thing I've ever read on any forum. I feel exactly the same way and went through the same thing. Personal testimonies like that are always better than Book learning. When it happens to you in life you know it's real. I'm so glad Jesus set me free.
This morning while relaxing upon waking up, I found myself thinking about what Jesus said that he came to give us life, that more abundantly. John 10:10.

In all my thoughts, what I found myself considering was totally different from how I previously viewed an abundant life.

Granted, I figured that's because I'm a slow learner and late bloomer. 🤷🏽

God's abundance...
Psalm 16:11
In His presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forever more.

Going back to Genesis 1-2, and tying it together with Psalm 33:6-9, and Acts 14:17... God's abundance has given us everything we need to live, and learn how to live.

Then, from 2 Peter 1:3, he's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him through his own glory and virtue.

I think that this would be a good one.
This morning while relaxing upon waking up, I found myself thinking about what Jesus said that he came to give us life, that more abundantly. John 10:10.

In all my thoughts, what I found myself considering was totally different from how I previously viewed an abundant life.

Granted, I figured that's because I'm a slow learner and late bloomer. 🤷🏽

God's abundance...
Psalm 16:11
In His presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forever more.

Going back to Genesis 1-2, and tying it together with Psalm 33:6-9, and Acts 14:17... God's abundance has given us everything we need to live, and learn how to live.

Then, from 2 Peter 1:3, he's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him through his own glory and virtue.

I think that this would be a good one.
I think you're right sounds like a good one to me also. I'll get to work on it
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