Does God know everything?

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Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

And because He could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his [edit] teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so [edit] twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin's developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.

= Welcome to [edit] CALVINISM.

See that?
That's [edit] Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
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There are many dangers of Calvinism for Christians to be aware of.

Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

Calvinism is a perversion of the gospel, a philosophy of the flesh, and a recipe for spiritual death and destruction. There is little emphasis upon God’s love for the lost and His own people but rather an unbiblical preoccupation with God’s sovereignty, His election of the saved, and His wrath for the lost.
God is love. Everything we know about him teaches us that, and every encounter we have with him expresses it.

Unfortunately, Calvinists sometimes seem to have a blind spot for the love of God. Consider this question from The Shorter Catechism, which is an abbreviated version of The Westminster Confession of Faith, a classic Calvinist statement of faith. The Catechism asks this most fundamental theological question: “What is God?”

Here is the answer that is given: “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.”

Do you notice anything missing from this definition? Where is the love? The definition mentions God’s power, his wisdom, and his justice, along with other attributes, but amazingly enough it leaves out perhaps the most beautiful definition of God in the entire Bible: “God is love”. 1 John 4:8,16

Calvinist theologian Arthur W. Pink: “When we say that God is sovereign in the exercise of His love, we mean that He loves whom he chooses. God does not love everybody . . . .”

How does that work? The bad news is... not really well. Is it not the very heart of the gospel that God loves everyone? Is that not the good news that we joyfully share with all persons? “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life”. John 3:16

In the Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin there is not one time in this book does Calvin ever quote “God is love.” Hard to believe that in is massive book that is 1,521 pages long and that discusses thousands of biblical texts and discusses God’s nature extensively, Calvin never one time cited 1 John 4:8 or 1 John 4:16. Not even once! This is a stunning omission.

I'm still looking for the love in Calvinism.


Does God "know" everything?
I reject the idea that GOD knew who would end in hell before HE created them but then created them anyway...and absurd idea when one understands the meaning of HIS divine attributes of eternal loving kindness, righteousness and justice.

GOD does not take pleasure in the deaths of anyone: Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take NO PLEASURE in the death of the wicked... yet GOD does only that which gives HIM pleasure so...why would HE create people knowing they would end in hell when He has no desire for them to do so?

Also, HE wants all people to be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4...who WANTS all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. so whether HE will get this want fulfilled or not, HE obviously did NOT create anyone without the possibility for salvation, ie, destined to hell at creation!

All HE had to do to ensure that hell was empty according to HIS pleasures and wants was to not create those whom HE foreknew would end there!!!

Some serious work needs to be done on the re-definition of what HE knows and when..
I reject the idea that GOD knew who would end in hell before HE created them but then created them anyway...and absurd idea when one understands the meaning of HIS divine attributes of eternal loving kindness, righteousness and justice.

GOD does not take pleasure in the deaths of anyone: Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take NO PLEASURE in the death of the wicked... yet GOD does only that which gives HIM pleasure so...why would HE create people knowing they would end in hell when He has no desire for them to do so?

Also, HE wants all people to be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4...who WANTS all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. so whether HE will get this want fulfilled or not, HE obviously did NOT create anyone without the possibility for salvation, ie, destined to hell at creation!

All HE had to do to ensure that hell was empty according to HIS pleasures and wants was to not create those whom HE foreknew would end there!!!

Some serious work needs to be done on the re-definition of what HE knows and when..

What does God value? If we are going to have these types of discussions at any meaningful level. We must answer this question accurately.

To know what God values is the determine God's intent in Creation.

Arguments such as this usually end up with "God's Good Pleasure" be stated as why God does what He does. Which is nothing more than an excuse for very bad theology.

So I'm asking the question. What does God value in your theology? I know my answer but I don't want to spoil the "cooking"......
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Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

And because He could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin's developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
Believe it or not, simple logic —not to mention scripture, which agrees— says the same thing as Calvin. And I don't believe it by way of Calvin. I came to it by experience of my own inability to do what I thought I had set out to do on my own free will (with God's help, of course), and by many agonizing years of distress, prayers and study of Scripture. I didn't even know that what I came to was essentially Calvinism.

As to the logic (we can deal with the other reasons later): If omniscient God knew (according to your description of 'foreknowledge') what would happen, but created what it took for what would happen to come to pass, then God intended that it come to pass. There are many other logical reasons to believe it, but you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic there.
What does God value in your theology? I know my answer but I don't want to spoil the "cooking"......

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus upon an ultimate value.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of every individual sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would always save anyone who could be saved from their sins to become HIS Bride, and would never condemn then for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.”
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being every single person must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by a mature free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create by any means, any system at all, evil people? It is impossible. No one inherited any sinfulness from Adam nor any judgement for any another person's sin.
"God can do all things" seems to place no limitations on God.
ImCo this interpretation puts an end to the Arminian pov that GOD wants to save some and could indeed save them but they will not let HIM save them by refusing HIS gift of grace until the gates of hell are sealed between them.

IF the only way any are not saved is due to their free will decision to sin the unforgivable sin flying in the face of HIS warnings of the dire consequences then there is one thing HE cannot do and that is to abide evil.
If omniscient God knew (according to your description of 'foreknowledge') what would happen, but created what it took for what would happen to come to pass, then God intended that it come to pass. There are many other logical reasons to believe it, but you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic there.
Does not the fact that this interpretation of what HE foreknew going against a number of verses that contend that HE doesn't want anyone to end in hell but wants all to be saved, meaning that they end in hell against HIS will, give you pause? IF GOD knew before they were created who would end in but created them anyway, how can HE claim to want all to be saved and that HE takes no pleasure in the death of anyone???
Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked...

Also, HE wants all people to be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4...who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. so whether HE will get this want fulfilled or not, HE obviously did NOT create anyone evil and without hope for salvation, ie, destined to hell at creation!

HE knows perfectly what HE has decreed into creation and what HE has not decreed to be created HE knows perfectly as possibilities.

Acts 15:18 'Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.'

but NOT all of everything…

GOD knows with a full and complete knowledge everything HE decrees to exist or to happen, that is, all HIS works. GOD also knows that which HE has not decreed to exist or to happen as possibilities, fully and with complete knowledge.

Pre-Conception Existence Theology contends that GOD, by sovereign decree, created all of us with the ability to make true free will decisions, but HE did NOT decree the results of those choices so "HE knew what we would choose perfectly only as possibilities.

So, I contend that GOD's omniscience covers:
1. all of reality; that is, all that HE ever decreed to be created, that is, all HIS works.
2. all of possibility; that is every possible permutation of the nature of the future was known to HIM.

So, I claim HIS omniscience is full and complete.

BUT I also contend that by HIS sovereignty, HE did not decree which possibility any of the spirits created in HIS image would choose, leaving that decision up to their own choice based upon their faith, their unproven hope for their happiness, Heb 11: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ie unproven.

Does anyone argue that GOD cannot not decree which possibility will be chosen by a created person? GOD's will is sovereign and IF He does not decree which possibility will be chosen that is HIS will and it is righteous.

Therefore, in this manner, HE did not create the destiny of (ie, predestinate) anyone before their creation nor before their decision to accept HIM or to reject HIM as GOD to go to hell! The earthy fate HE predestined them to was in perfect accord with their own true free will decision, made by faith, ie an unproven hope, before the earth was created.

Earthly life is predestined and predetermined to bring HIS sinful elect to redemption and to holiness by using the reprobate, demonic weeds as the supreme bad example of hatred to GOD.
There no restrictions on God’s power, and the bible tells us so.

THEN JOB said to the Lord,
Job 42:2 I know that You can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted.

Matt 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.

"God can do all things" seems to place no limitations on God.

He can but it is not in His Nature to do evil. Thusly, God can not LIE....
Believe it or not, simple logic —not to mention scripture, which agrees— says the same thing as Calvin. And I don't believe it by way of Calvin. I came to it by experience of my own inability to do what I thought I had set out to do on my own free will (with God's help, of course), and by many agonizing years of distress, prayers and study of Scripture. I didn't even know that what I came to was essentially Calvinism.

As to the logic (we can deal with the other reasons later): If omniscient God knew (according to your description of 'foreknowledge') what would happen, but created what it took for what would happen to come to pass, then God intended that it come to pass. There are many other logical reasons to believe it, but you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic there.

Freewill does not empower. You express your freewill in your thoughts like everyone does. Just because you can think it.... doesn't mean you can accomplish it.

It is in our imaginations were we become "gods" in our intent. That why Jesus said that men commit adultery in their hearts. They could.... if they could get away with it. They would.
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If omniscient God knew (according to your description of 'foreknowledge') what would happen, but created what it took for what would happen to come to pass, then God intended that it come to pass. There are many other logical reasons to believe it, but you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic there.

Ridiculous nonsense. Stick around and support your claim.

It's the difference between fabrication and manufacturing.

God creates the substance. We fabricate from that substance. God is not culpable nor can you attribute intent to God based upon God creating substance.

I use this example often. " you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic"

We don't blame the gun fabricator when the criminal uses something dangerous to kill someone. You blame the killer.

Are you really going to say that God intend "fire" to cripple men trapped in a fire?
Also, HE wants all people to be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4...who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. so whether HE will get this want fulfilled or not, HE obviously did NOT create anyone evil and without hope for salvation, ie, destined to hell at creation!

"Who, then, can be saved?"

Jesus: "With man, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

If all things are possible with God, He could save everyone. But He doesn't. And He doesn't tell us why or why not. God is under no obligation to explain his purposes to us. That's the heart of faith -- that we trust in God's actions even if they offend our human thinking.

33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
35 “Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay them?”
36 For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.
"Who, then, can be saved?"
Every sinner who is a believer and not condemned already... Who is not saved? Every sinner who has never believed in HIS name so who is condemned already. John 3:18. Accept it or not, this implies that faith came before sin and the first sin was non-faith.
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"Who, then, can be saved?"

Jesus: "With man, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

If all things are possible with God, He could save everyone. But He doesn't. And He doesn't tell us why or why not. God is under no obligation to explain his purposes to us. That's the heart of faith -- that we trust in God's actions even if they offend our human thinking.

33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
35 “Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay them?”
36 For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Just want to recognize that I predicted this answer.....

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus upon an ultimate value.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of every individual sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would always save anyone who could be saved from their sins to become HIS Bride, and would never condemn then for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.”
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being every single person must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by a mature free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create by any means, any system at all, evil people? It is impossible. No one inherited any sinfulness from Adam nor any judgement for any another person's sin.
For what it is worth, the 'heavenly marriage (The Bride of Christ)' is only one of the things. There is "The Body of Christ". There is "The Sons of God". There is "God's Dwelling Place". None of these sound haphazard to me. I'm thinking God is VERY particular about whom he creates for the purpose of making into a member of any one (or all) of these.
Every sinner who is a believer and not condemned already... Who is not saved? Every sinner who has never believed in HIS name so who is condemned already. John 3:18. Accept it or not, this implies that faith came before sin and the first sin was non-faith.

Who, then, can be saved?

Your answer is not the same as the one Jesus gave. You're saying, "With man, this is possible."
Does not the fact that this interpretation of what HE foreknew going against a number of verses that contend that HE doesn't want anyone to end in hell but wants all to be saved, meaning that they end in hell against HIS will, give you pause? IF GOD knew before they were created who would end in but created them anyway, how can HE claim to want all to be saved and that HE takes no pleasure in the death of anyone???
Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked...

Also, HE wants all people to be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4...who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. so whether HE will get this want fulfilled or not, HE obviously did NOT create anyone evil and without hope for salvation, ie, destined to hell at creation!

HE knows perfectly what HE has decreed into creation and what HE has not decreed to be created HE knows perfectly as possibilities.

Acts 15:18 'Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.'

but NOT all of everything…

GOD knows with a full and complete knowledge everything HE decrees to exist or to happen, that is, all HIS works. GOD also knows that which HE has not decreed to exist or to happen as possibilities, fully and with complete knowledge.

Pre-Conception Existence Theology contends that GOD, by sovereign decree, created all of us with the ability to make true free will decisions, but HE did NOT decree the results of those choices so "HE knew what we would choose perfectly only as possibilities.

So, I contend that GOD's omniscience covers:
1. all of reality; that is, all that HE ever decreed to be created, that is, all HIS works.
2. all of possibility; that is every possible permutation of the nature of the future was known to HIM.

So, I claim HIS omniscience is full and complete.

BUT I also contend that by HIS sovereignty, HE did not decree which possibility any of the spirits created in HIS image would choose, leaving that decision up to their own choice based upon their faith, their unproven hope for their happiness, Heb 11: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ie unproven.

Does anyone argue that GOD cannot not decree which possibility will be chosen by a created person? GOD's will is sovereign and IF He does not decree which possibility will be chosen that is HIS will and it is righteous.

Therefore, in this manner, HE did not create the destiny of (ie, predestinate) anyone before their creation nor before their decision to accept HIM or to reject HIM as GOD to go to hell! The earthy fate HE predestined them to was in perfect accord with their own true free will decision, made by faith, ie an unproven hope, before the earth was created.

Earthly life is predestined and predetermined to bring HIS sinful elect to redemption and to holiness by using the reprobate, demonic weeds as the supreme bad example of hatred to GOD.
As I expected, you have not been able to explain away that simple logic.

As for Pre-conception Existence Theology: You're going to have to demonstrate the validity of it to continue down that argument.

Meanwhile, your #2 above, "all of possibility; that is every possible permutation of the nature of the future was known to HIM." —if every possibility was known to him, but he created anyway, that from which every possibility was drawn, for better or for worse, then he did so by intention.

And that is without even bringing into the mix the logical self-contradiction of God creating what is altogether self-governed, or, as some seem to think, governed by chance.

As for your notion that there are any verses, to include Ezekiel 33:11 and 1 Timothy 2:4, that indicate that God did not intend that any should die or that he wants everyone saved, 1. you for some reason bring a strawman into the argument, that God did not create anyone evil. Who is saying that he did? 2. Not only is it possible for God to want something that he does not get, if it conflicts with something else that he wants more, but in context and by knowing Paul's frame of mind in most of his writings, 1 Timothy 2:4 is about the elect that are from all peoples —both Gentile and Jew— that God will see to it that none are lost. I'm not sure what you meant to demonstrate by mentioning, from Ezekiel 33:11, that takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Is someone saying that God takes pleasure in someone's death?

The double negative in "Does anyone argue that GOD cannot not decree which possibility will be chosen by a created person? GOD's will is sovereign and IF He does not decree which possibility will be chosen that is HIS will and it is righteous." is no more demonstrated logically than the notion that he can make something too big for him to pick up. It is a bogus concept. All things were made by him. Thus, scripture supports the simple logic of causation: If something after creation is true or real, or exists, or happens, God caused it by the simple fact that all things descend causally from him.

God's creation, is his decree, in my opinion. What he has caused, he has decreed. He is not like us, so don't anthropomorphize him.

But for the wording, that it is not something he cannot do, the question is not whether he can or cannot; it is a question of whether the conjecture makes any sense. Why would God want to do something that is self-contradictory?

Your use of the word "hope" is mistaken. "Hope, in Scripture, carries the weight of "expectation", and not of wishing for something we don't know will happen. In fact, the passage you chose show exactly that meaning, by saying that faith is the EVIDENCE of the thing not seen. What is hoped for is expected, because of faith. It is not a question of whether it will happen. It is not 'up to chance and we just hope it will go well'.
Freewill does not empower. You express your freewill in your thoughts like everyone does. Just because you can think it.... doesn't mean you can accomplish it.

It is in our imaginations were we become "gods" in our intent. That why Jesus said that men commit adultery in their hearts. They could.... if they could get away with it. They would.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Of course free will does not empower. And yes, we are constantly trying to be our own boss.
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