Does God know everything?

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A word on foreknowledge:

Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

If "those whom he foreknew" means foreknowledge about what they would choose, then how is it Jesus says he never knew these people? Did God not know what they would choose? Or did he not know them?

The reference to knowledge here is an appeal to intimacy. Intimacy they claimed that was not real.
The reference to knowledge here is an appeal to intimacy. Intimacy they claimed that was not real.
Your last sentence here is not clear to me. Intimacy that they (those he never knew) wrongly (at least mistakenly, if not presumptuously) claimed? Or intimacy that they characterized as 'not real'?
Your last sentence here is not clear to me. Intimacy that they (those he never knew) wrongly (at least mistakenly, if not presumptuously) claimed? Or intimacy that they characterized as 'not real'?

This one...

"Intimacy that they (those he never knew) wrongly (at least mistakenly, if not presumptuously) claimed?"
Believe it or not, simple logic —not to mention scripture, which agrees— says the same thing as Calvin. And I don't believe it by way of Calvin. I came to it by experience of my own inability to do what I though

The fallacy of your argument is that your statement implies that EVERYTHING you ever wanted to do, was blocked....
And thats not true.
The truth is, some of what you wanted was not available, but a lot of it was and you got it, you did it.

You notice that you are not being blocked from reading what im posting.

And you will have something to eat later, and the only thing keeping you from it, is, someone else ate it, or you forgot you ate it all... or perhaps its "past the date".

So, Calvinism is Satanic, its a doctrine of devils, and it has its Disciples believing that Calvinism is Christianity.

Here is the reality.

God creates Christians

Calvin Creates Calvinists (disciples of Calvin) whose SOLE Ministry purpose in life is to try to convince anyone they can find, that Calvin is TRUE.
The fallacy of your argument is that your statement implies that EVERYTHING you ever wanted to do, was blocked....
It doesn't imply that at all. I only implies my lack of integrity to keep to what I had committed.
And thats not true.
The truth is, some of what you wanted was not available, but a lot of it was and you got it, you did it.

You notice that you are not being blocked from reading what im posting.
That's a different matter.
And you will have something to eat later, and the only thing keeping you from it, is, someone else ate it, or you forgot you ate it all... or perhaps its "past the date".

So, Calvinism is Satanic, its a doctrine of devils, and it has its Disciples believing that Calvinism is Christianity.
How does your reasoning come to the point where you can say Calvinism is Satanic? Show the steps.
Here is the reality.

God creates Christians

Calvin Creates Calvinists (disciples of Calvin) whose SOLE Ministry purpose in life is to try to convince anyone they can find, that Calvin is TRUE.
Here is the reality: You don't know what you are talking about. I, for one, do not hold to Calvin, I don't really care about Calvin, nor even Calvinism as such, but only find that my beliefs very closely align with theirs. And most of those I know and love who do call themselves Calvinists, don't back up their beliefs with Calvin, but with Scriptures.
Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

And because He could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin's developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
[Edit] I disagree with your assumptions and accessments. Adonai has legions and legions of angels to do His bidding and to change outcomes if necessary because of His Sovereignty.
Adonai could have called 10,000 angels to rescue and change the outcome of Yeshua's sacrificial death, but He didn't.
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Believe it or not, simple logic —not to mention scripture, which agrees— says the same thing as Calvin. And I don't believe it by way of Calvin. I came to it by experience of my own inability to do what I thought I had set out to do on my own free will (with God's help, of course), and by many agonizing years of distress, prayers and study of Scripture. I didn't even know that what I came to was essentially Calvinism.

As to the logic (we can deal with the other reasons later): If omniscient God knew (according to your description of 'foreknowledge') what would happen, but created what it took for what would happen to come to pass, then God intended that it come to pass. There are many other logical reasons to believe it, but you will not be able to undo even that simple line of logic there.
That would prove permission not determination

foreknowledge is not determination

God knowing what would freely happen is not God's determination of it
Is this like Satanic Behold? I disagree with your assumptions and accessments. Adonai has legions and legions of angels to do His bidding and to change outcomes if necessary because of His Sovereignty.

God's Sovereignty does not allow for Lucifer or YOU to sin, or similar.

'So what does allow it?

God has given you and Lucifer free will and you do what you choose, and you are responsible, not God.

Never blame God for your Behavior @koberstein ..... as its not God doing it.. Its YOU doing what YOU CHOSE TO DO, Next.

Same with Lucifer.

Adonai could have called 10,000 angels to rescue and change the outcome of Yeshua's sacrificial death, but He didn't.

Free will dictates that Choice is the rule, regarding behavior.

And that includes yours, mine, the Devil's, angels, the Pope........ = ALL have free will. ALL have CHOICE... as that is Free will.

Listen.....God has Free will ...and Jesus has free will,..... and "Man was created in the IMAGE of THEM"... and that means that MANKIND has free will.


A person ends up in Hell, not because God 'pre-chose them for hell" but because this person didnt Choose to believe in Jesus... and died like this.

John 3:36
God's Sovereignty does not allow for Lucifer or YOU to sin, or similar.

'So what does allow it?

God has given you and Lucifer free will and you do what you choose, and you are responsible, not God.

Never blame God for your Behavior @koberstein ..... as its not God doing it.. Its YOU doing what YOU CHOSE TO DO, Next.

Same with Lucifer.

Free will dictates that Choice is the rule, regarding behavior.

And that includes yours, mine, the Devil's, angels, the Pope........ = ALL have free will. ALL have CHOICE... as that is Free will.

Listen.....God has Free will ...and Jesus has free will,..... and "Man was created in the IMAGE of THEM"... and that means that MANKIND has free will.


A person ends up in Hell, not because God 'pre-chose them for hell" but because this person didnt Choose to believe in Jesus... and died like this.

John 3:36
No I think you and Lucifer don't understand
God's Sovereignty does not allow for Lucifer or YOU to sin, or similar.

'So what does allow it?

God has given you and Lucifer free will and you do what you choose, and you are responsible, not God.

Never blame God for your Behavior @koberstein ..... as its not God doing it.. Its YOU doing what YOU CHOSE TO DO, Next.

Same with Lucifer.

Free will dictates that Choice is the rule, regarding behavior.

And that includes yours, mine, the Devil's, angels, the Pope........ = ALL have free will. ALL have CHOICE... as that is Free will.

Listen.....God has Free will ...and Jesus has free will,..... and "Man was created in the IMAGE of THEM"... and that means that MANKIND has free will.


A person ends up in Hell, not because God 'pre-chose them for hell" but because this person didnt Choose to believe in Jesus... and died like this.

John 3:36

2 Thessalonians 2:10 (NASB 2020) — 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved.
No I think you and Lucifer don't understand

I'll show you what "crazy" is like, Theologically speaking...when its in someone's head @koberstein

1.) Lucifer sinned in Heaven.... because God planned/created /predestined .... Him to do it.

2.) Adam chose to disobey God, because God predestined Adam to do what God commanded Adam not to do.

3.) Everything that Satan causes, is not really Him causing it... Its God causing Evil.

See that ?
That is theological insanity, and Calvin's brain and His theology and his disciples... are nothing less.
Free will

Free will is Choice.

Like this..

Jesus said..>"not MY WILL..... but Your's Father, i will do"

See that?

That is 2 FREE Wills.....and Jesus chose God's will..... so that WE can become CHRISTians.

Jesus didnt have to do that.. He could have chosen to avoid the Cross, but He CHOSE to die for you and me, Reader.
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