Do physical bodies die because of Adam's sin?

I don't have any problem at all with any kind of physicality God could have given to Jesus...and no problem with any kind of physicality God can give us in the future.
Although I don't need a physicality to love God, I don't need to reject physicality to love God.
To me, the non-physicality (at least in a human form) makes much more sense and avoids logical problems, that's all.
But if I am wrong, and God gives me a type of physicality, I will praise Him all the same.
Get ready for a body that never decays or dies at our Resurrection.
If I understand you correctly, you are in peace with having no body during the time you will spend with Christ between the date of your death and the date of resurrection. You know you will be happy, happy in a degree that you have not conceived. Am I right?
Well, that is more or less what I feel. I don't feel the need to have bones, legs, a liver, skin. I don't need to eat or drink or have sex.
I feel at peace but not "happy" about it. Death is a sentence of God that cost Jesus dearly to redeem us from death by what Jesus went through at his Cross.
If God suprises me with arms, legs, a penis and a nose... with breathing and jumping and swimming, great!
If He gives me the body of an octopus, or a green color, or the ability to fly or metabolize iron, how fun!
Whatever He gives to me I will be grateful, as I am grateful now with the body I have.
I think you'll be given an imperishible body whose form will be such that people will recognize you. Actually, we are promised to have a body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun does. It will be glorious!
Well, from a literalistic perspective, it is not an speculation to say that after Adam had sinned, God took care of preventing him to reach the Tree of Life, because Adam could still live forever. Am I quoting the Bible, or not?
So, my invitation for you is to consider that the Tree of Life represents Christ. In that way you preserve all your doctrine intact, while avoiding problems with science. Didn't Jesus say "I am...The Life"?
Yes. The Tree of Life prefigures Christ. What does Allah say about the Tree of Life? Does he associate it with Christ or does Allah continue to be the god of death?
Yet Adama's descendants would also have free will... right? So, sin could have appeared at any time in any of his millions of descendants.
Imagine, for example, an scenario in which Adam and Eve never sinned, Abel never sinned, but Cain did.
Then Cain would have had a mortal offspring, and Abel would have had an immortal offspring... until someone in Abel's linage sinned.
The world would be filled with mortal and immortal persons.

And now, if Cain's wife had remained obedient and pure, why would the baby inherit mortality from Cain, and not the immortality from his mother?

The scenarios can grow and grow and grow... and this is just one of many speculations that have no easy solution.

Instead, believing that Adam's body was as mortal as the body of an elephant, and that the Tree of Life is the representation of The Christ, or the Word of God, prevents all these speculations.
Once in Paradise (Heaven), there is no more sin. In Heaven there is no more marriages nor procreation as we know it. Mankind would have procreated differently I guess. I'm too much in the realm of speculation at this point.
I feel at peace but not "happy" about it.
His peace is good enough for me.
Death is a sentence of God that cost Jesus dearly to redeem us from death by what Jesus went through at his Cross.
Jesus came to save our souls.
If He had come to save our bodies,
He would have instructed his apostles how to deal with malaria, and the basics of sanitization, for example. His Church would have been based in prolonging life.
Furthermore: if Jesus had come to save our bodies, no true believer would die. They all would be like Enoch, taken to heaven without facing the decomposition of their bodies.

Nothing of that is true.

I think you'll be given an imperishible body whose form will be such that people will recognize you. Actually, we are promised to have a body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun does. It will be glorious!


Yes. The Tree of Life prefigures Christ. What does Allah say about the Tree of Life?
In the Bahai Faith, The Tree of Life is a metaphor of The Christ, The Word that gives life, across his manifestations. In this era, through Bahaullah.
Does he associate it with Christ or does Allah continue to be the god of death?
I worship Allah, the God of eternal life which is the God of Israel, the God of Jesus and your God.
Allah is my Beloved.
Allah forgives. He is the All Merciful, the Munificent, the Clement. In Allah I exist and move. He is One and Only, One and True, One and Unique. I rejoice in his Oneness and Love.

As I board the plane to Monterrey, I want to wish you all merry Christmas and the light of Christ in your hearts.
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Get ready for a body that never decays or dies at our Resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:44 tells us that will be a spiritual body. We have no idea at all what that is. We have no experiential knowledge of any such thing. I personally believe that it will be a non-material body. Given that our now material body is the reason and the source of most of our sins, I don't know why anyone would want a body in the resurrection. But that perhaps is just me.
I think you'll be given an imperishible body whose form will be such that people will recognize you. Actually, we are promised to have a body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun does. It will be glorious!
I think we will recognize each other spiritually. A body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun is a metaphor. There is no need to think of that as a physical reality.
Think what you like but it isn't. We do not suffer physical death because of sin. We suffer physical death because that is the way God created us.
Read Gen 3:19. Physical death (separation of body and soul) was a sentence issued by God to man because of Adam's sin.
It is not unscientific as such knowledge has been obtained following the methods of science.
And as I have said, it doesn't matter that we datation measurements have a margin of error. Those margins allow us to state with total certainty that trilobites, for example, got extinct millions of years before the appearance of men. So, death precedes man by far.
Also, we know with total certainty that the immorality of a man cannot automatically affect the genes of all other species to induce death.

For those of us who value the Bible, we respect the purpose of the Bible, written in the Bible itself.
I will repeat it as many times as needed:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16,17)
Refuting Common Objections to Six Literal Days

“Science” has shown the earth and universe are billions of years old; therefore the “days” of creation must be long periods (or indefinite periods) of time.


  1. The age of the earth, as determined by man’s fallible methods, is based on unproven assumptions, so it is not proven that the earth is billions of years old.23
  2. This unproven age is being used to force an interpretation on the language of the Bible. Thus, man’s fallible theories are allowed to interpret the Bible. This ultimately undermines the use of language to communicate.
  3. Evolutionary scientists claim the fossil layers over the earth’s surface date back hundreds of millions of years. As soon as one allows millions of years for the fossil layers, then one has accepted death, bloodshed, disease, thorns, and suffering before Adam’s sin.
The Bible makes it clear24 that death, bloodshed, disease, thorns, and suffering are a consequence of sin.25 In Genesis 1:29–30, God gave Adam and Eve and the animals plants to eat (this is reading Genesis at face value, as literal history, as Jesus did in Matthew 19:3–6). In fact, there is a theological distinction made between animals and plants. Human beings and higher animals are described in Genesis 1 as having a nephesh, or life principle. (This is true of at least the vertebrate land animals as well as the birds and fish: Genesis 1:20, 24.) Plants do not have this nephesh—they are not “alive” in the same sense animals are. They were given for food.

Man was permitted to eat meat only after the Flood (Genesis 9:3). This makes it obvious that the statements in Genesis 1:29–30 were meant to inform us that man and the animals were vegetarian to start with. Also, in Genesis 9:2, we are told of a change God apparently made in the way animals react to man.

God warned Adam in Genesis 2:17 that if he ate of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” he would “die.” The Hebrew grammar actually means, “dying, you will die.” In other words, it would be the commencement of a process of physical dying (see Genesis 3:19). It also clearly involved spiritual death (separation from God).

After Adam disobeyed God, the Lord clothed Adam and Eve with “coats of skins” (Genesis 3:21).26 To do this He must have killed and shed the blood of at least one animal. The reason for this can be summed up by Hebrews 9:22:

And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.

God requires the shedding of blood for the remission of sins. What happened in the garden was a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on the Cross as the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

Now if the Garden of Eden were sitting on a fossil record of dead things millions of years old, then blood was shed before sin. This would destroy the foundation of the Atonement. The Bible is clear: the sin of Adam brought death and suffering into the world. As Romans 8:19–22 tells us, the whole of creation “groans” because of the effects of the fall of Adam, and the creation will be liberated “from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21). Also, bear in mind that thorns came into existence after the Curse. Because there are thorns in the fossil record, it had to be formed after Adam and Eve sinned.

The pronouncement of the death penalty on Adam was both a curse and a blessing. A curse because death is horrible and continually reminds us of the ugliness of sin; a blessing because it meant the consequences of sin—separation from fellowship with God—need not be eternal. Death stopped Adam and his descendants from living in a state of sin, with all its consequences, forever. And because death was the just penalty for sin, Jesus Christ suffered physical death, shedding His blood, to release Adam’s descendants from the consequences of sin. The Apostle Paul discusses this in depth in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15.

Revelation 21–22 makes it clear that there will be a “new heavens and a new earth” one day, where there will be “no more death” and “no more curse”—just like it was before sin changed everything. If there are to be animals as part of the new earth, obviously they will not be dying or eating each other, nor eating the redeemed people!

Thus, adding the supposed millions of years to Scripture destroys the foundations of the message of the Cross.answersingenesis

hope this helps !!!
His peace is good enough for me.

Jesus came to save our souls.
If He had come to save our bodies,
He would have instructed his apostles how to deal with malaria, and the basics of sanitization, for example. His Church would have been based in prolonging life.
Furthermore: if Jesus had come to save our bodies, no true believer would die. They all would be like Enoch, taken to heaven without facing the decomposition of their bodies.

Nothing of that is true.
There is ample information in the OT on how to prevent and care for illnesses such as leprosy. Also, Christ cured many physical diseases through miracles. So Christ came to save the entire person (soul and body), not just pieces of him.

In the Bahai Faith, The Tree of Life is a metaphor of The Christ, The Word that gives life, across his manifestations. In this era, through Bahaullah
Baha'u'llah considered himself the second coming of Christ. Do you believe that blasphemy?
I worship Allah, the God of eternal life which is the God of Israel, the God of Jesus and your God.
Allah is my Beloved.
Allah forgives. He is the All Merciful, the Munificent, the Clement. In Allah I exist and move. He is One and Only, One and True, One and Unique. I rejoice in his Oneness and Love.
He can forgive all he wants. The fact remains that he has no power over death. He is the god of death.
As I board the plane to Monterrey, I want to wish you all merry Christmas and the light of Christ in your hearts.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Emmanuel! God with us!
Man was permitted to eat meat only after the Flood (Genesis 9:3).
Why do you think Abel was raising all those sheep? How many sheep would it take to get enough wool to make clothes? Answer, not many. And if Abel was only eating the food that Cain raised, then I can see why Cain might have been angry at God's acceptance of Abel's sacrifice and not of his own.

The idea that there were no carnivores before the flood is really quite silly, no matter what answersingenesis says. Most carnivores are not anatomically capable of consuming and digesting vegetation. I am not aware of any snake that is vegetarian. Most reptiles as well as most fish are carnivores. Carnivores keep the vegetarians and even some other carnivores in check. That is how it was all created from the very beginning.
There is ample information in the OT on how to prevent and care for illnesses such as leprosy. Also, Christ cured many physical diseases through miracles. So Christ came to save the entire person (soul and body), not just pieces of him.

Baha'u'llah considered himself the second coming of Christ. Do you believe that blasphemy?

He can forgive all he wants. The fact remains that he has no power over death. He is the god of death.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Emmanuel! God with us!
he really said he was the Christ ? Can you give me a reference ? Thanks
Think what you like but it isn't. We do not suffer physical death because of sin. We suffer physical death because that is the way God created us.
There was no physical death recorded in the bible till Cain and Abel after the fall.
Think what you like but it isn't. We do not suffer physical death because of sin. We suffer physical death because that is the way God created us.
The Bible speaks of death as the result of sin. God said to Adam, ‘when you eat of it you will surely die’ (Gn. 2:17). Paul tells us that ‘sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin’ (Rom. 5:12), and again that ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Rom. 6:23). But Adam did not die physically on the day that he disobeyed God.

And in Rom. 5 and 6 Paul is contrasting the death that came about through Adam’s sin with the life that Christ brings people. Now the possession of eternal life does not abolish physical death. It is opposed to a spiritual state, not to a physical event. The inference we draw from all this is that the death which is the result of sin is more than bodily death.

"Death,” New Bible Dictionary
@Johann did a lot of great research about that. See the link below:

I missed that it’s definitely blasphemy and a false prophet, messenger, guide etc…. A true wolf in sheeps clothing. To be rejected at all costs. Both his and the Koran are uninspired and an attack on our inspired Bible.

Jesus warned us about those who would come in His name to deceive.
I missed that it’s definitely blasphemy and a false prophet, messenger, guide etc…. A true wolf in sheeps clothing. To be rejected at all costs. Both his and the Koran are uninspired and an attack on our inspired Bible.

Jesus warned us about those who would come in His name to deceive.
And if that wasn't enough, Baha'u'llah claimed that he was also the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit himself! Baha'u'llah must have been smoking some strong weed. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

From Johann's research:

“The Paraclete is none other than Baha'u'llah, the Spirit of Truth, whose advent was foretold by Jesus Christ.” (Baha'u'llah, "The Kitáb-i-Aqdas" and "The Book of Certitude")
References to Prophecies of the Future Prophet:

CC: @Pancho Frijoles
And if that wasn't enough, Baha'u'llah claimed that he was also the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit himself! Baha'u'llah must have been smoking some strong weed. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

From Johann's research:

“The Paraclete is none other than Baha'u'llah, the Spirit of Truth, whose advent was foretold by Jesus Christ.” (Baha'u'llah, "The Kitáb-i-Aqdas" and "The Book of Certitude")
References to Prophecies of the Future Prophet:

CC: @Pancho Frijoles
Jesus warned us 2000 years ago about such imposters.

Matthew 24-
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wondersto deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
And if that wasn't enough, Baha'u'llah claimed that he was also the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit himself! Baha'u'llah must have been smoking some strong weed. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

From Johann's research:

“The Paraclete is none other than Baha'u'llah, the Spirit of Truth, whose advent was foretold by Jesus Christ.” (Baha'u'llah, "The Kitáb-i-Aqdas" and "The Book of Certitude")
References to Prophecies of the Future Prophet:

CC: @Pancho Frijoles
Look at his signature @synergy.

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