Do physical bodies die because of Adam's sin?

I don't have any problem at all with any kind of physicality God could have given to Jesus...and no problem with any kind of physicality God can give us in the future.
Although I don't need a physicality to love God, I don't need to reject physicality to love God.
To me, the non-physicality (at least in a human form) makes much more sense and avoids logical problems, that's all.
But if I am wrong, and God gives me a type of physicality, I will praise Him all the same.
Get ready for a body that never decays or dies at our Resurrection.
If I understand you correctly, you are in peace with having no body during the time you will spend with Christ between the date of your death and the date of resurrection. You know you will be happy, happy in a degree that you have not conceived. Am I right?
Well, that is more or less what I feel. I don't feel the need to have bones, legs, a liver, skin. I don't need to eat or drink or have sex.
I feel at peace but not "happy" about it. Death is a sentence of God that cost Jesus dearly to redeem us from death by what Jesus went through at his Cross.
If God suprises me with arms, legs, a penis and a nose... with breathing and jumping and swimming, great!
If He gives me the body of an octopus, or a green color, or the ability to fly or metabolize iron, how fun!
Whatever He gives to me I will be grateful, as I am grateful now with the body I have.
I think you'll be given an imperishible body whose form will be such that people will recognize you. Actually, we are promised to have a body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun does. It will be glorious!
Well, from a literalistic perspective, it is not an speculation to say that after Adam had sinned, God took care of preventing him to reach the Tree of Life, because Adam could still live forever. Am I quoting the Bible, or not?
So, my invitation for you is to consider that the Tree of Life represents Christ. In that way you preserve all your doctrine intact, while avoiding problems with science. Didn't Jesus say "I am...The Life"?
Yes. The Tree of Life prefigures Christ. What does Allah say about the Tree of Life? Does he associate it with Christ or does Allah continue to be the god of death?
Yet Adama's descendants would also have free will... right? So, sin could have appeared at any time in any of his millions of descendants.
Imagine, for example, an scenario in which Adam and Eve never sinned, Abel never sinned, but Cain did.
Then Cain would have had a mortal offspring, and Abel would have had an immortal offspring... until someone in Abel's linage sinned.
The world would be filled with mortal and immortal persons.

And now, if Cain's wife had remained obedient and pure, why would the baby inherit mortality from Cain, and not the immortality from his mother?

The scenarios can grow and grow and grow... and this is just one of many speculations that have no easy solution.

Instead, believing that Adam's body was as mortal as the body of an elephant, and that the Tree of Life is the representation of The Christ, or the Word of God, prevents all these speculations.
Once in Paradise (Heaven), there is no more sin. In Heaven there is no more marriages nor procreation as we know it. Mankind would have procreated differently I guess. I'm too much in the realm of speculation at this point.
I feel at peace but not "happy" about it.
His peace is good enough for me.
Death is a sentence of God that cost Jesus dearly to redeem us from death by what Jesus went through at his Cross.
Jesus came to save our souls.
If He had come to save our bodies,
He would have instructed his apostles how to deal with malaria, and the basics of sanitization, for example. His Church would have been based in prolonging life.
Furthermore: if Jesus had come to save our bodies, no true believer would die. They all would be like Enoch, taken to heaven without facing the decomposition of their bodies.

Nothing of that is true.

I think you'll be given an imperishible body whose form will be such that people will recognize you. Actually, we are promised to have a body that will shine forth as brilliantly as the sun does. It will be glorious!


Yes. The Tree of Life prefigures Christ. What does Allah say about the Tree of Life?
In the Bahai Faith, The Tree of Life is a metaphor of The Christ, The Word that gives life, across his manifestations. In this era, through Bahaullah.
Does he associate it with Christ or does Allah continue to be the god of death?
I worship Allah, the God of eternal life which is the God of Israel, the God of Jesus and your God.
Allah is my Beloved.
Allah forgives. He is the All Merciful, the Munificent, the Clement. In Allah I exist and move. He is One and Only, One and True, One and Unique. I rejoice in his Oneness and Love.

As I board the plane to Monterrey, I want to wish you all merry Christmas and the light of Christ in your hearts.
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