Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

There is no need to make such claims against me..I simply shared the truth. It doesn't matter to me if He literally dematerialized right in front of them. My God can do anything. I just told you what the word expresses. Neither views establishes what YOU want to establish. I just go where the information leads.
follow this truth: he dematerialized, your word; He vanished Bible word. Context makes it clear what happen, so where does that lead? What truth?
Nothing happened to His body and it did not undego any decay either since decaying happens on day 4.

This verse alone negates everything you believe about Jesus real body and the physical resurrection of Jesus as a real man with a real human body.

John 2:19-22
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” 20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

The disciples believed Him after His PHYSICAL/DEAD body was raised from the dead. The question is why don't you believe ?

hope this helps !!!
It is tiresome for you to try to get me to argue points I never made like "His body decayed"
There was an exchange, Between death on the cross and his resurrection. He exchanged His human body for a new spiritual one.
It is tiresome for you to try to get me to argue points I never made like "His body decayed"
There was an exchange, Between death on the cross and his resurrection. He exchanged His human body for a new spiritual one.
What happened to his body from the cross that was exchanged?

Where is it? What physically happened to it.
It is tiresome for you to try to get me to argue points I never made like "His body decayed"
There was an exchange, Between death on the cross and his resurrection. He exchanged His human body for a new spiritual one.
You are twisting what I said , scripture says His body would not undergo decay. I never said you did.
I never said he dematerialized. I said even if He did, I doesn't establish what you.claim it establishes. Why the dishonesty?
"Even if he did" is a set up for a discussion. If you can't think of any other situation that fits the text, then lets alk about your clearest posiility based on context. What most likely happened that flow with context
What happened to Hos dead body if it was not Resurrected ?

The tomb was empty so where did it go ?
Where did you see me saying it was not resurrected? Why do you keep attributing things to me I am not saying.Jesus was resurected to an invisible resurection body, which people saw sometimes
Come on Civic answer where did I say it was not resurrected? If i did I ned to fix that.
Jeus left His body on the cross, wnen God resurreceted he received a new body
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Where did you see me saying it was not resurrected? Why do you keep attributing things to me I am not saying.Jesus was resurected to an invisible resurection body, which people saw sometimes
Come on Civic answer where did I say it was not resurrected? If i did I ned to fix that.
Jeus left His body on the cross, wnen God resurreceted he received a new body
No His body went into the tomb not left on the cross , that is unbiblical
"Even if he did" is a set up for a discussion. If you can't think of any other situation that fits the text, then lets alk about your clearest posiility based on context. What most likely happened that flow with context
What is that mean?
Where did you see me saying it was not resurrected? Why do you keep attributing things to me I am not saying.Jesus was resurected to an invisible resurection body, which people saw sometimes
Come on Civic answer where did I say it was not resurrected? If i did I ned to fix that.
Jeus left His body on the cross, wnen God resurreceted he received a new body
Read your own words. New body, not his old body. What happened to the old body?

Why don't you just say His body was changed? Is the word changed in your vocabulary? There is a reason you're being so dishonest in response. It is why I avoid you and I will do just that here. Have it you way.
Come on Civic answer where did I say it was not resurrected? If i did I ned to fix that.
Jeus left His body on the cross, wnen God resurreceted he received a new body
Fix that Seth? Seth this thing you've just said now I'd suggest needs fixed majorly. What can you possibly mean by saying Jesus left his body on the cross? So you've come to the place where you don't believe even his body was taken to the tomb? I'm wanting to believe here you've misspoke ;that you don't believe what you've just said and that you've typed something down so quick without thinking. I really do like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt but we'll see if you dial this back.
Fix that Seth? Seth this thing you've just said now I'd suggest needs fixed majorly. What can you possibly mean by saying Jesus left his body on the cross? So you've come to the place where you don't believe even his body was taken to the tomb? I'm wanting to believe here you've misspoke ;that you don't believe what you've just said and that you've typed something down so quick without thinking. I really do like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt but we'll see if you dial this back.
If you are familiar with what JW's teach regarding the resurrections its pretty much the same thing. Jesus is now a bodiless spirit creature much like an angel.
Where did you see me saying it was not resurrected? Why do you keep attributing things to me I am not saying.Jesus was resurected to an invisible resurection body, which people saw sometimes
Come on Civic answer where did I say it was not resurrected? If i did I ned to fix that.
Jeus left His body on the cross, wnen God resurreceted he received a new body
if there is no body there is no resurrection so why are you playing these word games and moving the goal posts all of the time ?

define the biblical word resurrection for us ?

do you affirm the meaning of resurrection below or deny it ? yes or no

386 anástasis (from 303 /aná, "up, again" and 2476 /hístēmi, "to stand") – literally, "stand up" (or "stand again"), referring to physical resurrection (of the body). Christ's physical resurrection is the foundation of Christianity, which also guarantees the future resurrection of all believers (see Jn 6:39,40,44). [386 /anástasis ("resurrection") refers to the physical, bodily resurrection of Christ – and people (both of the redeemed and the unredeemed).]
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