Did God, forsake Jesus on the cross?

@synergy will you answer this question? Do you see God forsaking his Son, as a rightful action? I believe most people would say no! But we ain’t God. His ways and thoughts are not ours.
Everyone who is logically cornered will always desperately reach for a "His ways and thoughts are not ours" escape card. Sorry, it won't work here.
Everyone who is logically cornered will always desperately reach for a "His ways and thoughts are not ours" escape card. Sorry, it won't work here.
You continue to distort things I have said. Trying to escape, God forsaking Jesus is on your own priority…

Here I’ll ask again without the extra.

will you answer this question? Do you see God forsaking his Son, as a rightful action? I believe most people would say no!

It was Jesus after all who is crying it out… if that means anything or not to you personally I don’t know..

For myself it’s really sad. :( But God continued on afterward and rose his Son up from the dead!
Hope you answer my question. You can assume whatever you like and distort what I have already said. I believe God is love, God is good, God is Spirit, Yahavah is a consuming fire. Etc…
Him who is "love", "good", "Spirit", "consuming fire" will never act as a "fair weather friend" does (forsaking/abandoning/hiding from others). Never!
Most people would say no…

But my Dad abandoned me when I was younger, and I held a grudge though…

I’m sure Jesus held no grudges and understood Gods plan, and God had to leave his Son, in order for him to die.
Him who is "love", "good", "Spirit", "consuming fire" will never act as a "fair weather friend" does (forsaking/abandoning/hiding from others). Never!
Well God isn’t a human being. And his ways are not our ways and thoughts not our thoughts. God isn’t a human being…

I don’t get why your stuck on fair weather so much….
You continue to distort things I have said. Trying to escape, God forsaking Jesus is on your own priority…

Here I’ll ask again without the extra.

will you answer this question? Do you see God forsaking his Son, as a rightful action? I believe most people would say no!

It was Jesus after all who is crying it out… if that means anything or not to you personally I don’t know..

For myself it’s really sad. :( But God continued on afterward and rose his Son up from the dead!
Him who is "love", "good", "Spirit", "consuming fire" will never act as a "fair weather friend" does (forsaking/abandoning/hiding from others). So the answer to your question is a resounding No.

I dont get your argument. It’s on the grounds of nonsense? And denial of God forsaking Jesus…

God can leave you too if you become unbelieving, so don’t stop loving God and loving others first while you can by the spirit of Christ and Holy Spirit that indwells in you.

All the best! God gives people what they want, the tree of life or the tree of knowledge and good and evil. A life with him or a life without him. It’s up to individuals.
Most people would say no…

But my Dad abandoned me when I was younger, and I held a grudge though…

I’m sure Jesus held no grudges and understood Gods plan, and God had to leave his Son, in order for him to die.
I'm so sorry. I'm going to stop here in respect for what you went through. You brought a tear to my eye.
I'm so sorry. I'm going to stop here in respect for what you went through. You brought a tear to my eye.
I believe this is just sass. My dad is dead now. Never seen him hardly and could not have cared less to hear about his death. Anyway I don’t know if you are a woman or a man, old or young. But may God bless you.
God can leave others too if they become unbelieving, so don’t stop loving God and loving others first while you can by the spirit of Christ and Holy Spirit that indwells in you.

All the best! God gives people what they want, the tree of life or the tree of knowledge and good and evil. A life with him or a life without him. It’s up to individuals.
God bless you too. As we forgive others that's how God will forgive us.
That’s what it is about, LOVE.

”Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.“
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

”Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.“
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ ‭NKJV

Thanks synergy.
Just because God moved out of Jesus, doesn't mean God couldn't listen to his prayers... You alone, should be able to question these things, and seek out an answer for yourself, instead of having me do it for you...

Hope it helps though, but man the lack of people going to see, think, and prospect and pray to God about these things, seems to be a very dry land out there in the internet world.

@civic, you and your comments went overshadowed, and sorry for that but you have to stick with the subject matter, without going on into other areas that are off topic, concerning the matters of Jesus being forsaken by God... He was...

Otherwise Jesus was lying when he said it...

It must bother people, does it bother you to ever think of such a thing? Have you ever had anyone teach this way?
God cannot move out of God. That’s an oxymoron, an impossibility.
God cannot move out of God. That’s an oxymoron, an impossibility.
Jesus was a human being… you’re not that clueless to use the whole “Jesus is God” rhetoric are you?

The Word of God was made Flesh, named Jesus. And he was anointed called “Christ.”

God was in “Christ.” We find this out,

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.
Jesus was a human being… you’re not that clueless to use the whole “Jesus is God” rhetoric are you?

The Word of God was made Flesh, named Jesus. And he was anointed called “Christ.”

God was in “Christ.” We find this out,

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.


If God never moved out of him… he would have never died, he was the Word of God, made flesh. The Word of God can never go higher than God.
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@civic, man you still are entrenched in some doctrinal errors my friend. It’s okay though. You share them as though your conclusions are unmerited to ever be wrong, and that’s wrong of you to do…

Thankfully it doesn’t effect our salvation, which is in the good news.
I believe that God indwells Jesus by the Christ in Him, and the Holy Spirit indwelled him, so yes @civic. The fullness dwelled in him, but that did not stop Jesus from being human… Jesus did not know everything of his Father, until Father revealed in Revelation things he didn’t know prior. God knows everything, and if Jesus is not God. He is the Word of God… and the Word of God doesn’t go one over God himself…

Please do try to understand.
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