There it is.
He still was forsaken... But for whatever reason people just wont admit it to it, because they are unable to explain how. Or they reject it from their minds, or it effects them in some type of way.
There it is.
He's my king do you know him?Jesus was not God though. By his human nature, he was not God. Yes, the full deity resides in Jesus, within his flesh being the Word of Yahavah, having the Holy Spirit of Yahavah with him, and that overall was God in Christ, known as the Lord Jesus. He was in the form of God, but he did not count eqaulity with God a thing to be grasped. But Jesus emptied himself, having taken on the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men, and being found in human form, he humbled himself by become obedient to the point of death, on a cross.
Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is not Yahavah.
He's my king do you know him?
Not really. look back over this thread and you'll see 11 pages of explanations of why Jesus was not forsaken. Maybe it's just your explanation that is being rejected. Stranger things have happened.He still was forsaken... But for whatever reason people just wont admit it to it, because they are unable to explain how. Or they reject it from their minds, or it effects them in some type of way.
Jesus is God. Look no further than the trinity.
Is Jesus God? Why should I believe that Jesus is God? |
Is Jesus God? Why should I believe that Jesus is God? Is Jesus God in the flesh?
Just give Me Jesus. Yahavah is God. Translated in the Bible in English as LORD!Hello bubba,
I know we have only gotten to directly talk to each other over these direct messages. I am fine, and I hope that you are doing fine today too. I am just really sharing some information back and forth for dialogue, I love you as a human being, and the rest of these fellow mates too. However I am not a hardbargin to not give people a challenge at least, and to stop thinking like everyone else, and perhaps seek out Yahavah and his advice, and see why Jesus states what he does concerning the matters pertaining to "Did God forsake Jesus on the Cross."
I believe in the Gospel just as you and believe that you are loved by God, and have a direct relationship with Yahavah by the spirit that he is given you, if you would like to no longer participate you are free to do so, thank you for everything that you decide to take time and share here with everyone along the way.
Well that explains a lot. If you understood The Trinity then you would understand why the Father could not forsake Jesus on the cross.Sorry. I reject the trinity out right.
I believe what Paul taught,
Ephesians 4:
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
There is a reason that so many letters are written in the way of "May grace and peace be with you by the Father and from the Son."
The God I pray to is Yahavah, and he is the God of Israel, God above all gods. With Yahavah, and his Word together sitting on the Throne like in Revelation chapter 4 shares, they are combined to be the Lord God Almighty, however, Yahavahs Word does not go over Yahavah himself... That whole trinity thing is just something you may as well know that I do not accept it in my life, and I do not see that anyone else has to hold it or accept that doctrine in their life ever period. Many people love to debate about it though, I have already been down that road many times before my mind changed about the whole thing.
Take your Jesus, and go on, then, lol. What do you want from me?Just give Me Jesus. Yahavah is God. Translated in the Bible in English as LORD!
Well that explains a lot. If you understood The Trinity then you would understand why the Father could not forsake Jesus on the cross.
You have a massive problem on your hands if you do not believe that Jesus (the Uncreated Word of God) is God. It's a fact that only God saves which means that the only way that Jesus can save is if he is God. John 1:1 clearly shows us that he is God, amongst other verses where even Jesus himself explicitly declared he is God. If Jesus is just a man then he is below Muhammad in truth because Muhammad never claimed he was God.My wondering is if this whole "trinity" concept has something to do with blocking things from people being able to really see what is going on or not. I do not believe in the trinity, and the whole wrote "Jesus is God", is a misnomer to the fact that Jesus is the "Word of God", and revealed later as the beloved son, after resurrection, "Begotten Son," and then a revelation is given to Jesus which is goes forth to give to John by a messenger, revealed in Revelation 3 - 4, is that after all things have been placed beneath the feet of Jesus, that Jesus would give everything back to his Father, and that God would be all in all, and in Revelation 4, you can see this all and all happening with Jesus now no longer sitting at the right hand of God, but now in the seat with his Father as the "Lord God Almighty," which is only used once in scripture if I remember correctly.
Trust me my friend you don't have anything that I want I've got all I need, Just give me Jesus and him crucified, He came out of that tomb on the third day and he lives forevermore. And was never for a moment forsaken by The Father.Take your Jesus, and go on, then, lol. What do you want from me?
Man I been using the scripture the whole time… it’s the people who continue to reject that God forsake him. It must terribly mess with their minds… it doesn’t bother me. I’m able to explain why.
Synergy,You have a massive problem on your hands if you do not believe that Jesus (the Uncreated Word of God) is God. It's a fact that only God saves which means that the only way that Jesus can save is if he is God. John 1:1 clearly shows us that he is God, amongst other verses where even Jesus himself explicitly declared he is God. If Jesus is just a man then he is below Muhammad in truth because Muhammad never claimed he was God.
Matthew 24:36 'And concerning that day and the hour no one has known - not even the messengers of the heavens -- except my Father only;
Joh 12:49 because I spake not from myself, but the Father who sent me, He did give me a command, what I may say, and what I may speak,
Joh 12:50 and I have known that His command is life age-during; what, therefore, I speak, according as the Father hath said to me, so I speak.'
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
Gen 1:1 In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth—
Gen 1:2 the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,
Gen 1:3 and God saith, 'Let light be;' and light is.
Gen 1:4 And God seeth the light that it is good, and God separateth between the light and the darkness,
Trust me my friend you don't have anything that I want I've got all I need, Just give me Jesus and him crucified, He came out of that tomb on the third day and he lives forevermore. And was never for a moment forsaken by The Father.
The bond between the Father and Jesus is eternal and can never be broken even for a moment. As they are both part of The Trinity.
Can you tell me why no one in heaven including the Father and Holy Spirit do not know the name on Jesus forehead ?Synergy,
The rhetoric thing, taught in colleges, also on social media, and which has been taught for centuries on end. Is that "Jesus is God." Okay, if Jesus is God, can you tell me how he did not know the timing of his coming, but only the father?
Found in John, the Father teaches the Lord Jesus what to say,
Jesus was being taught by the Father what to say, and what to speak, and Jesus as the Son of God, was doing exactly as he decide to do follow after his Father in performing his will, in order to reconcile the world back unto the God in Christ, in order to justify the payment of all sins for all.
Listen, when it comes to this whole "Jesus is God - Trinity thing" I do not believe it. Here is what I do find in scripture,
Jesus grew up, and his Father by the spirit guided him where to go, and what to say, and what to speak. Jesus had his own freewill ability to make choices throughout his entire life, and his whole mission was to do his Fathers will, because his Fathers will was important to him, and he desired for it to be accomplished by fulfilling the law, and nailing the ordnances to the cross. Paying for the Sin of all the world on behalf of the Father, and behalf of the world. Where do you get "Jesus is God, exactly," how do you explain that to people? If it is with the trinity angle it doesn't hold up much water in the face of scripture.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
When God spoke his very breathe - and his Word - had come forth, which Yahavah, allows to create in the expression with Yahavah expressed by in which he said "Let light be", and list is.
Yahavah, seen the light that it is good, and He separated it between the light and the darkness.
There is whole dynamic going here, with the Lord God, and his speaking his Word, and the Word now creating, which was spoken of in relation to God's heart, whom is named Yahavah, or Yehovah, or Jehovah, or however you may pronounce it, he is a God above all gods, and he is the one whom sent the Word of God, which was part of God, and that does make him the Word was God whom was with Yahavah in the beginning in which in turn is the one whom created all things, Yeshua the Son of God, the Son of Man. So yes, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and was the expression of the image of God, by and through the flesh - - - which was a reflection of the inner soul, and heart which is the Word of God, by and through YAhavah his Father helping him in and through the flesh by the Christ with in him. There is a lot of interesting things to learn when it comes to God, or the Lord Yeshua.
Even with all this information - Jesus who people claim is Yahavah, by mistake, are mislead in how people deem that name of the Lord God is unimportant or that it does not matter. Jesus, by and through the flesh, was God with us, Immanuel, which was the reflection of the Lord Yeshuas heart, and desire for his Fathers will to be done despite his own will. He did not know everything immediantly, how therefore by his flesh can he be in any way God? It was God within Christ, the "anointed one", which helped Jesus overcome his flesh, by the holy spirit, because he was really tempted, and he went through a really rough time, even being left behind on the cross, when Yahavah left him by the Christ in him, which he cried "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me"
He is not crying out My Jesus, My Jesus.
That is good. You should never need anything from me anyway. Here is my encouragement and support though, let's continue to love Yahavah, with all our heart, mind, soul, strength, and put on the mind of Christ, and walk in faith, and also walk by the spirit, in order to not fulfil the deeds of our fleshly ways, which is always in opposititon with the Holy Spirit of Yahavah, whom is given to us because of faith in the Lord Jesus, who makes you, and everyone here whom is a believer in the gospel of the Lord Yeshua. Praise be to the one whom is the one whom makes you right with your maker, and may you continue to follow him and only him, bearing your own cross, as others must choose to do as well, just as you stated, that Jesus was risen again by Holy Spirit of Yahavah, and therefore we to, are risen with him, if we abide in God, God abides in us, as long as we continue to love our neighbor as our self, which is the only commandment that fulfills everything which is to produce fruits of love, for the Lord God, whom one serves. Thank you for sharing, what you have with me though through the times that we have communicated here.
Can you tell me why no one in heaven including the Father and Holy Spirit do not know the name on Jesus forehead ?
Revelation 19:12
His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself
Rev 19:1 And after these things I heard a great voice of a great multitude in the heaven, saying, 'Alleluia! the salvation, and the glory, and the honour, and the power, is to the Lord our God;
Rev 19:2 because true and righteous are His judgments, because He did judge the great whore who did corrupt the earth in her whoredom, and He did avenge the blood of His servants at her hand;'
Rev 19:3 and a second time they said, 'Alleluia;' and her smoke doth come up—to the ages of the ages!
Rev 19:4 And fall down did the elders—the twenty and four—and the four living creatures, and they did bow before God who is sitting upon the throne, saying, 'Amen, Alleluia.'
Rev 19:5 And a voice out of the throne did come forth, saying, 'Praise our God, all ye His servants, and those fearing Him, both the small and the great;'
Rev 19:6 and I heard as the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, 'Alleluia! because reign did the Lord God—the Almighty!
Rev 19:7 may we rejoice and exult, and give the glory to Him, because come did the marriage of the Lamb, and his wife did make herself ready;
Rev 19:8 and there was given to her that she may be arrayed with fine linen, pure and shining, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.'
Rev 19:9 And he saith to me, 'Write: Happy are they who to the supper of the marriage of the Lamb have been called;' and he saith to me, 'These are the true words of God;'
Rev 19:10 and I fell before his feet, to bow before him, and he saith to me, 'See—not! fellow servant of thee am I, and of thy brethren, those having the testimony of Jesus; bow before God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy.'
Rev 19:11 And I saw the heaven having been opened, and lo, a white horse, and he who is sitting upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness doth he judge and war,
Rev 19:12 and his eyes are as a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems—having a name written that no one hath known, except himself,
Rev 19:13 and he is arrayed with a garment covered with blood, and his name is called, The Word of God.
Rev 19:14 And the armies in the heaven were following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen—white and pure;
Rev 19:15 and out of his mouth doth proceed a sharp sword, that with it he may smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he doth tread the press of the wine of the wrath and the anger of God the Almighty,
Rev 19:16 and he hath upon the garment and upon his thigh the name written, 'King of kings, and Lord of lords.'
Rev 19:17 And I saw one messenger standing in the sun, and he cried, a great voice, saying to all the birds that are flying in mid-heaven, 'Come and be gathered together to the supper of the great God,
Rev 19:18 that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiefs of thousands, and flesh of strong men, and flesh of horses, and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all—freemen and servants—both small and great.'
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, having been gathered together to make war with him who is sitting upon the horse, and with his army;
Rev 19:20 and the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, in which he led astray those who did receive the mark of the beast, and those who did bow before his image; living they were cast—the two—to the lake of the fire, that is burning with brimstone;
Rev 19:21 and the rest were killed with the sword of him who is sitting on the horse, which sword is proceeding out of his mouth, and all the birds were filled out of their flesh.
@civic has a wealth of information proving that Jesus is indeed God. Before that let me explain why Jesus was limited in his knowledge during his time on Earth.Synergy,
The rhetoric thing, taught in colleges, also on social media, and which has been taught for centuries on end. Is that "Jesus is God." Okay, if Jesus is God, can you tell me how he did not know the timing of his coming, but only the father?
Found in John, the Father teaches the Lord Jesus what to say,
Jesus was being taught by the Father what to say, and what to speak, and Jesus as the Son of God, was doing exactly as he decide to do follow after his Father in performing his will, in order to reconcile the world back unto the God in Christ, in order to justify the payment of all sins for all.
Listen, when it comes to this whole "Jesus is God - Trinity thing" I do not believe it. Here is what I do find in scripture,
Jesus grew up, and his Father by the spirit guided him where to go, and what to say, and what to speak. Jesus had his own freewill ability to make choices throughout his entire life, and his whole mission was to do his Fathers will, because his Fathers will was important to him, and he desired for it to be accomplished by fulfilling the law, and nailing the ordnances to the cross. Paying for the Sin of all the world on behalf of the Father, and behalf of the world. Where do you get "Jesus is God, exactly," how do you explain that to people? If it is with the trinity angle it doesn't hold up much water in the face of scripture.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
When God spoke his very breathe - and his Word - had come forth, which Yahavah, allows to create in the expression with Yahavah expressed by in which he said "Let light be", and list is.
Yahavah, seen the light that it is good, and He separated it between the light and the darkness.
There is whole dynamic going here, with the Lord God, and his speaking his Word, and the Word now creating, which was spoken of in relation to God's heart, whom is named Yahavah, or Yehovah, or Jehovah, or however you may pronounce it, he is a God above all gods, and he is the one whom sent the Word of God, which was part of God, and that does make him the Word was God whom was with Yahavah in the beginning in which in turn is the one whom created all things, Yeshua the Son of God, the Son of Man. So yes, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and was the expression of the image of God, by and through the flesh - - - which was a reflection of the inner soul, and heart which is the Word of God, by and through YAhavah his Father helping him in and through the flesh by the Christ with in him. There is a lot of interesting things to learn when it comes to God, or the Lord Yeshua.
Even with all this information - Jesus who people claim is Yahavah, by mistake, are mislead in how people deem that name of the Lord God is unimportant or that it does not matter. Jesus, by and through the flesh, was God with us, Immanuel, which was the reflection of the Lord Yeshuas heart, and desire for his Fathers will to be done despite his own will. He did not know everything immediantly, how therefore by his flesh can he be in any way God? It was God within Christ, the "anointed one", which helped Jesus overcome his flesh, by the holy spirit, because he was really tempted, and he went through a really rough time, even being left behind on the cross, when Yahavah left him by the Christ in him, which he cried "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me"
He is not crying out My Jesus, My Jesus.
That is good. You should never need anything from me anyway. Here is my encouragement and support though, let's continue to love Yahavah, with all our heart, mind, soul, strength, and put on the mind of Christ, and walk in faith, and also walk by the spirit, in order to not fulfil the deeds of our fleshly ways, which is always in opposititon with the Holy Spirit of Yahavah, whom is given to us because of faith in the Lord Jesus, who makes you, and everyone here whom is a believer in the gospel of the Lord Yeshua. Praise be to the one whom is the one whom makes you right with your maker, and may you continue to follow him and only him, bearing your own cross, as others must choose to do as well, just as you stated, that Jesus was risen again by Holy Spirit of Yahavah, and therefore we to, are risen with him, if we abide in God, God abides in us, as long as we continue to love our neighbor as our self, which is the only commandment that fulfills everything which is to produce fruits of love, for the Lord God, whom one serves. Thank you for sharing, what you have with me though through the times that we have communicated here.
Synergy, I am sure civic has plenty.@civic has a wealth of information proving that Jesus is indeed God. Before that let me explain why Jesus was limited in his knowledge during his time on Earth.
During His time on Earth, Jesus humbled himself to our level without ever giving up on His Divine nature. He became poor (humbled himself) so that we can become spiritually rich. See 2 Cor 8:9.
You will start to express Gods love by and through the Lord Yeshua, and by God abiding in and through you. I disagree with you about worshiping Jesus as God. That is not true, Jesus never once stated that in his earthly ministry, he said this...9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
For what reason? To be our Exemplar. In what way? He relied on God the Father and also on God the Holy Spirit daily for everything. We are to emulate him (be conformed into his image) in that way.
Of course we can never be exactly like him in every which way because He possesses a Divine Nature and we do not. We become like Jesus through Grace, never ever becoming exactly what Jesus is, which is God.
After His Ascension, Jesus possesses full God Glory sitting on His Father's throne, at His Father's right hand. As such, Jesus must now be accorded full worship as God.
Joh 4:21 Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
Joh 4:22 You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
Joh 4:23 But a time is coming – and now is here – when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be his worshipers.
Joh 4:24 God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Joh 4:25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (the one called Christ); “whenever he comes, he will tell us everything.”
Joh 4:26 Jesus said to her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.”
Joh 4:27 Now at that very moment his disciples came back. They were shocked because he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, “What do you want?” or “Why are you speaking with her?”
1Co 15:20 But in reality Christ has been raised from the dead, the first to be raised of those who have fallen asleep.
1Co 15:21 For since it was through a man that death resulted, it was also through a man that the resurrection of the dead resulted.
1Co 15:22 For just as all men die by virtue of their descent from Adam, so all such as are in union with Christ will be made to live again.
1Co 15:23 But each in his proper order; Christ first, then at His coming those who belong to Christ.
1Co 15:24 After that comes the end, when He will turn the kingdom over to God His Father, when He will put an end to all other government, authority, and power;
1Co 15:25 for He must continue to be king until He puts all His enemies under His feet.
1Co 15:26 Death is the last enemy to be stopped,
1Co 15:27 for He has put everything in subjection under His feet. But when He says that everything has been put in subjection to Him, He Himself is evidently excepted who put it all in subjection to Him.
1Co 15:28 And when everything has been put in subjection to Him, then the Son Himself will also become subject to Him who has put everything in subjection to Him, so that God may be everything to everybody.
Psalm 22 This psalm graphically pictures the execution of the Messiah. His bones are said to be pulled out of joint (v. 14), and theConclusion
As we have seen reading through these O.T. passages quoted in the N.T., we discover that the N.T. does not use the penal language that was developed during the Reformation in the dark ages as that was how that culture during that time had dealt with people in their judicial system punishing those who disagreed with them, torture and death were a result for many who went against their theology. That was the mentality of those who developed the doctrine we have today called the PSA atonement. There are many aspects and theories of the atonement that contain truth, and no one theory is 100% correct. There are many different views and aspects to the atonement within orthodoxy. The N.T. writers' emphasis on the atonement is on the side of expiation rather than propitiation, which is only used twice in the epistle of 1 John. Gods’ wrath is still future and will judge those who reject His Sons atonement for sin. Gods’ wrath was not poured out on the Son for sin otherwise there would be no future wrath from God because of sin.
Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The reason my Father loves Me is that I lay down My life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord” (John 10:11; 17-18). Or again, while speaking to the multitudes, Jesus declared: “Whatever the Father does the Son also does” (John 5:19). And Jesus said: “Now my heart is troubled. ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” (John 12:27-28) The clear picture that emerges from Scripture is that Jesus was not the unfortunate victim of the angry Father. Rather, the Father and the Son were working in concert through the cross to pay for the sins of humanity and make atonement. There is no division of will between the Father and the Son.The viewpoint in this paper brings out the fact that Jesus’ atonement was done in love which provided covering and forgiveness of sins. And this view harmonizes with God’s wrath that is still yet to come and was not poured out on Jesus on the cross. Our loving God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). Our loving Father took pleasure to bruise His Son to reconcile us to God as an offering for our sins. (Isaiah 53:10).
It is by faith in the Son through the message of the gospel that saves and unbelief which condemns. The gospel is for all mankind, all the world, for everyone. God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4). God is the Savior of all men, especially of believers (1 Timothy. 4:10), For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to everyone (Titus 2:11) For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all (Romans 11:32). The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). God sent His Son into the world to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:2). and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again (2 Corinthians 5:15). But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. (Hebrews 2:9)
hope this helps !!!
Daniel 9:24-27 Because this prophecy calculates when the Messiah would come, it has been considered "off limits" to Jewish people.Perhaps its a reference to Daniel, @civic. Proclaiming that Yeshua would be coming, however they would not know the name just yet (except the Word of God ) knowing by Yahavah, speaking it to be so, in which Yahavah, by the holy spirit overshadowing Mary, gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ. Wasn't it an angel that came by and told Mary what to name Yeshua? Gabrial?
Would you be shocked to know that Jesus declared himself as the God of the OT? Here is a copy of a post I sent to someone else about that subject:Synergy, I am sure civic has plenty.
You will start to express Gods love by and through the Lord Yeshua, and by God abiding in and through you. I disagree with you about worshiping Jesus as God. That is not true, Jesus never once stated that in his earthly ministry, he said this...
You are misappropiating the positions of the Father, and His Begotten Son, whos is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. It's Yahavah, whom was the Father of the Lord Yeshua, whom we pray and call out to, in the name of the Lord Yeshua, that is what biblical narrative entails, however you can suggest that I am wrong. I am not against, what you shared which concerns, sanctification in a believers life in which they become more like the Lord Yeshua, because they are allowing Yahavah to work with them by and through the holy spirit of Yahavah which indwells the hearts of those who are adopted into the Kingdom of the Son, translated from the darkness into the light, which starts to fade away slowly over time the one more continues to seek the light which Jesus is the light of all mankind.
Though Yeshua, is on the throne with his Father now, that never gave Yeshua any authority over him, here is why,