Did David cheat versus Goliath?!

.....above verse suggests that Goliath had poor vision. People with giantism can have weak muscles and other psychological problems.
Well he sure was going to have psychological problems in a few minutes when he experienced what David did to him. Might have thought what an embarrassing way to go out.
About David that was different. He really had a heart for God and I believe his word....the Old Covenant. He was a young man who took I think the promises to Israel very seriously and wouldn't back down from them. Interesting to note when he talked to his brothers before slaying Goliath he brought in the covenant as the reason to why he was bold. He declared,

"Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

In other words we're the circumcised....we're the ones with the covenant. We're the ones of which God has said if our enemies come against us one way they will flee seven. Duet 28:7 That's pretty much the attitude David had.....he said too NOT JUST GOLIATH! But all the rest of you Philistines!

"This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand. This day I will strike you down, cut off your head, and give the carcasses of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the creatures of the earth. Then the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.

In other words he's gong to defeat the whole bunch of them!

All his other brothers were saying he was being arrogant, the Living Bible says, "You cocky dude!" But they stayed hiding in the holes not standing for what God said their rights were in the land. Because David was acting on the covenant he was the one acting in true humility.
About David that was different. He really had a heart for God and I believe his word....the Old Covenant. He was a young man who took I think the promises to Israel very seriously and wouldn't back down from them. Interesting to note when he talked to his brothers before slaying Goliath he brought in the covenant as the reason to why he was bold. He declared,

"Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

In other words we're the circumcised....we're the ones with the covenant. We're the ones of which God has said if our enemies come against us one way they will flee seven. Duet 28:7 That's pretty much the attitude David had.....he said too NOT JUST GOLIATH! But all the rest of you Philistines!

"This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand. This day I will strike you down, cut off your head, and give the carcasses of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the creatures of the earth. Then the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.

In other words he's gong to defeat the whole bunch of them!

All his other brothers were saying he was being arrogant, the Living Bible says, "You cocky dude!" But they stayed hiding in the holes not standing for what God said their rights were in the land. Because David was acting on the covenant he was the one acting in true humility.
Excellent points !!!
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