Could it be happening now ?

Here is answers in Genesis response

Interesting. Somehow I missed all that hubbub in 2017. But I was aware of the blood moon mania a few years before. I knew that was a false teaching - it came from Biltz as well. I had come across him in 2008 when he first predicted the Blood Moon false teaching then already. When I looked into the topic I discovered major flaws with his methods and Hagee (who also got on the bandwagon).

I discovered the actual prophetic significance of the blood moons and their relationship to Jewish Feast Days. I coined the new term "eclipse event signs". It's actually why I use that as my name on the forum. Yes, it's that significant. And hardly anyone is aware of what it's all about. But I have never shared it on this forum yet. I've found if people don't have an open mind to even consider the relatively straightforward solution of the 70 Weeks and Ezra 6:14 Challenge, there's absolutely no way they will be able to have an open mind about the awesome mind blowing concepts behind the Eclipse Event Signs of God.
Interesting. Somehow I missed all that hubbub in 2017. But I was aware of the blood moon mania a few years before. I knew that was a false teaching - it came from Biltz as well. I had come across him in 2008 when he first predicted the Blood Moon false teaching then already. When I looked into the topic I discovered major flaws with his methods and Hagee (who also got on the bandwagon).

I discovered the actual prophetic significance of the blood moons and their relationship to Jewish Feast Days. I coined the new term "eclipse event signs". It's actually why I use that as my name on the forum. Yes, it's that significant. And hardly anyone is aware of what it's all about. But I have never shared it on this forum yet. I've found if people don't have an open mind to even consider the relatively straightforward solution of the 70 Weeks and Ezra 6:14 Challenge, there's absolutely no way they will be able to have an open mind about the awesome mind blowing concepts behind the Eclipse Event Signs of God.
Just so you know personally I have an open mind especially after being closed minded for so long with my calvinism. :) So I would be very interested and I'm sure several others here would enjoy what you have to say on the topic.
There's some strong logical arguments for a gap between 69 and 70.
What think ye? Was there "one year" of the 69th accomplished before
"Israel" fell, according to this prophetic parable:

"He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his​
vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then​
said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come
seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth​
it the ground?​
And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall
dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that
thou shalt cut it down." (Luke 13:6-9)​
In which case there will only be "SIX years" left for the 70th, immediately after our:

Of course the gap being: (2000+ years of this Current parenthetical age of
The Dispensation Of Grace), Correct?
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Just so you know personally I have an open mind especially after being closed minded for so long with my calvinism. :) So I would be very interested and I'm sure several others here would enjoy what you have to say on the topic.
I don't doubt that there are. But in all honesty I have yet to have anyone on this forum demonstrate that open mind with a willingness to actually investigate the information I've presented in the threads or by watching my videos. I've never had an informed discussion based on the material I've already shared. There's just a lot of deflection to their own pet system or knee jerk Bible verse pot shots without knowledge of the subject. It seems small steps are required.
Is the rapture and return of Christ imminent?

Are we about to enter into the time of Jacob’s Trouble , the great tribulation period ?

View Video #2
it very well could be possible ..its not good to try to put a time frame on his return . yes every thing points to him taking his Church out.. i for one am ready paul wrote the mystery of iniquity is at work . sad thing when state and federal GOVERNMENTS place strong emphasis on lgbt abortion rights and this green energy is all about control. not only that we are just a blink of the eye to becoming a cashless society . i live in the country i dont read my electric meter nor county water. it is electronically controlled . yes the days of Noah is up
on us.
but saying that no man knows the hour or day... signs of the end times are very much there.. the next thing is the sound of trumpet
it very well could be possible ..its not good to try to put a time frame on his return . yes every thing points to him taking his Church out.. i for one am ready paul wrote the mystery of iniquity is at work . sad thing when state and federal GOVERNMENTS place strong emphasis on lgbt abortion rights and this green energy is all about control. not only that we are just a blink of the eye to becoming a cashless society . i live in the country i dont read my electric meter nor county water. it is electronically controlled . yes the days of Noah is up
on us.
but saying that no man knows the hour or day... signs of the end times are very much there.. the next thing is the sound of trumpet
I love it thanks brother !!!
Well actually I do feel a lot of those things are very simplistic. The story of Gen, Adam and Eve is very simplistic. They were given a choice. That's free will. Only men try to complicate the simple and make it complex. And the hypostatic union. Well yes simplistic too. Just keep it simple. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God, and Jesus set aside his capacity to walk like God in full capacity while on the earth. Just keep it simple.

Still don't get it. Tell me in a nutshell what happened on Sept 23.

To add to what civic posted [post #160], here's a little more insight to the signs given by God providing evidence for the claim that the Revelation 12 Sign was and is pointing to the Rapture event [that is, signs that have already occurred and are separate from the plain text of Revelation 12:5 which also links it to the Rapture] :

There were exactly 726 days from Sept.28, 2015 to Sept.23, 2017 ... Strong's number G726 = harpazo [Rapture]!!


Sept.28, 2015 was the final Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad, which, in turn, was nothing short of being another incredible sign sent from God.

Gary, at, noted another mind-boggling “coincidence”: September 23, 2017 had 726 minutes of daylight. In fact, it was the only day in all of 2017 with 726 minutes of daylight! Even more – the first day of the Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 21, 2017 had 730 minutes of daylight. Strong’s G730 is “arsen”, which is the very word used to describe the corporate male child in Rev.12:5 that will be “snatched” (G726 – harpazo) to God’s throne!


In the 2014-15 Tetrad, the world will never again see such a magnificent, perfectly synchronized, and orderly alignment of heavenly signs.​


This incredible phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses falling on Jewish Feast days, known as a “Biblical tetrad”, is quite rare. So rare, in fact, that it’s only happened seven other times since the time of Christ, and won’t happen again for another 567 years! (A.D. 2582-2583).

There are those who claim that all of the above information is simply coincidence, or arranged in such a manner to fit the Biblical narrative by man, as opposed to being Divinely orchestrated by God ... . I'm surely not among them!
I don't doubt that there are. But in all honesty I have yet to have anyone on this forum demonstrate that open mind with a willingness to actually investigate the information I've presented in the threads or by watching my videos. I've never had an informed discussion based on the material I've already shared. There's just a lot of deflection to their own pet system or knee jerk Bible verse pot shots without knowledge of the subject. It seems small steps are required.
ok I'm going to make it a point to watch some videos this weekend. :)
What about the U.N. this week meeting to sign a 7 year agreement ?

Coincidence ?

Is everything happening now just a coincidence ?
nothing is a coincidence Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes look up your redemption draweth nigh
it very well could be possible ..its not good to try to put a time frame on his return . yes every thing points to him taking his Church out.. i for one am ready paul wrote the mystery of iniquity is at work . sad thing when state and federal GOVERNMENTS place strong emphasis on lgbt abortion rights and this green energy is all about control. not only that we are just a blink of the eye to becoming a cashless society . i live in the country i dont read my electric meter nor county water. it is electronically controlled . yes the days of Noah is up
on us.
but saying that no man knows the hour or day... signs of the end times are very much there.. the next thing is the sound of trumpet

o.k. let's see what our own federal GOVERNMENT says about their future plans for us ...

To add to what civic posted [post #160], here's a little more insight to the signs given by God providing evidence for the claim that the Revelation 12 Sign was and is pointing to the Rapture event [that is, signs that have already occurred and are separate from the plain text of Revelation 12:5 which also links it to the Rapture] :

There were exactly 726 days from Sept.28, 2015 to Sept.23, 2017 ... Strong's number G726 = harpazo [Rapture]!!

View attachment 238

Sept.28, 2015 was the final Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad, which, in turn, was nothing short of being another incredible sign sent from God.

Gary, at, noted another mind-boggling “coincidence”: September 23, 2017 had 726 minutes of daylight. In fact, it was the only day in all of 2017 with 726 minutes of daylight! Even more – the first day of the Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 21, 2017 had 730 minutes of daylight. Strong’s G730 is “arsen”, which is the very word used to describe the corporate male child in Rev.12:5 that will be “snatched” (G726 – harpazo) to God’s throne!

View attachment 239

In the 2014-15 Tetrad, the world will never again see such a magnificent, perfectly synchronized, and orderly alignment of heavenly signs.​

View attachment 240

This incredible phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses falling on Jewish Feast days, known as a “Biblical tetrad”, is quite rare. So rare, in fact, that it’s only happened seven other times since the time of Christ, and won’t happen again for another 567 years! (A.D. 2582-2583).

There are those who claim that all of the above information is simply coincidence, or arranged in such a manner to fit the Biblical narrative by man, as opposed to being Divinely orchestrated by God ... . I'm surely not among them!
i put absolutely No stock in stuff like this. me personally i am about %85 pre trib. due to the fact paul wrote God has not appointed us to wrath but obtain salvation. the %15 the way i see things going headed in the direction it is... parts of me wonder.. if the great tribulation. is pure hell on earth. how much worse can it get ? one thing for sure the spirit of the antichrist is working O.T just couple weeks ago we had a 16 year old girl commit suicide in our community . the devil go to her. we talk about signs jesus said there would be no sign given

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: they missed it and so is alot of people. Just be ready is the key
o.k. let's see what our own federal GOVERNMENT says about their future plans for us ...

its obvious what our federal Gov is saying about the future... the green deal ban gas cars gas mowers any thing gas, its not about climate. its about control .. but yet many is jumping on the band wagon save mother earth.. note this they still drive the gas hog cars they still fly the jets allover . yet a gas powered lawn mower is a climate hazard
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i put absolutely No stock in stuff like this. me personally i am about %85 pre trib. due to the fact paul wrote God has not appointed us to wrath but obtain salvation. the %15 the way i see things going headed in the direction it is... parts of me wonder.. if the great tribulation. is pure hell on earth. how much worse can it get ? one thing for sure the spirit of the antichrist is working O.T just couple weeks ago we had a 16 year old girl commit suicide in our community . the devil go to her. we talk about signs jesus said there would be no sign given

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: they missed it and so is alot of people. Just be ready is the key
In my opinion, it will be 100X worse in the GT than it is now, and I'm also a 'pre-tribber'. But, o.k. - it's all good - you are free as I am to voice your opinion my friend. ... God Bless
In my opinion, it will be 100X worse in the GT than it is now, and I'm also a 'pre-tribber'. But, o.k. - it's all good - you are free as I am to voice your opinion my friend. ... God Bless
I'm with you when the vials, bowls, seals and trumpets are poured out it will be like nothing before in history. Gods wrath being poured out upon all flesh.
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In my opinion, it will be 100X worse in the GT than it is now, and I'm also a 'pre-tribber'. But, o.k. - it's all good - you are free as I am to voice your opinion my friend. ... God Bless
nahh i agree on the G.T people are being blinded by the God of this world. as i mention off and on from the pulpit if your left behind you will afce the fire that will destroy man kind then face the eternal lake of fire
abortion and transgender surgery

I wonder.....

Professional hypnotists have gotten men to think they are woman. And, women to think they are a man.
The audience thinks its hilarious. You can see such videos on You Tube.

Now? What would happen if a transgender was able to be hypnotized (not all people can be hypnotized)
and the hypnotist got the trans to think he is his biological sex?

It may prove interesting...
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