Could it be happening now ?

The Rapture will occur in a split second. Suddenly corpses all over the world will be raised and reunited with perfected spirits, and living believers everywhere will be caught up to heaven and transformed body, soul, and spirit. The Rapture will shock the world. It will change everything.

In a nanosecond, the Lord will call all believers to Himself to share in His glory. We will simply vanish from the earth. No one who has confessed Christ as Lord will remain behind.
The Rapture will occur in a split second. Suddenly corpses all over the world will be raised and reunited with perfected spirits, and living believers everywhere will be caught up to heaven and transformed body, soul, and spirit. The Rapture will shock the world. It will change everything.

In a nanosecond, the Lord will call all believers to Himself to share in His glory. We will simply vanish from the earth. No one who has confessed Christ as Lord will remain behind.
Maybe time for just a little bit of humor? I've seen a lot of rapture movies. The rapture happens and what happens to their clothes. Some portray the clothes they were wearing are laying like a heap on the floor. Other's portray it that the clothes are folded up nice and neat like you've just taken them out of a package. If it was my wife making the movie she'd have them folded nice and neat....If it were me I'd have them just scattered across the floor. I think you can tell a lot about the maker of the film by how they portray this.
Maybe time for just a little bit of humor? I've seen a lot of rapture movies. The rapture happens and what happens to their clothes. Some portray the clothes they were wearing are laying like a heap on the floor. Other's portray it that the clothes are folded up nice and neat like you've just taken them out of a package. If it was my wife making the movie she'd have them folded nice and neat....If it were me I'd have them just scattered across the floor. I think you can tell a lot about the maker of the film by how they portray this.
Or maybe Jesus transforms our clothes into white robes. :)

Another miracle.

and for those who who sleep without clothes then He raptures us with robes immediately 😂
Maybe time for just a little bit of humor? I've seen a lot of rapture movies. The rapture happens and what happens to their clothes. Some portray the clothes they were wearing are laying like a heap on the floor. Other's portray it that the clothes are folded up nice and neat like you've just taken them out of a package. If it was my wife making the movie she'd have them folded nice and neat....If it were me I'd have them just scattered across the floor. I think you can tell a lot about the maker of the film by how they portray this.
It's a little early for Comedy Hour but I can dig it.

So there I was, driving down the freeway and all of a sudden the place went crazy . . . cars going in all directions . . . and not one of them had a driver. I mean it was wild! I think we’ve got an invasion from outer space! Either that or I must have got "Left Behind".
It's a little early for Comedy Hour but I can dig it.

So there I was, driving down the freeway and all of a sudden the place went crazy . . . cars going in all directions . . . and not one of them had a driver. I mean it was wild! I think we’ve got an invasion from outer space! Either that or I must have got "Left Behind".
my daughter who is married to a pastor recently woke up and her husband and 4 children were all gone and she for a moment thought she was left behind. what a horrible feeling that must be.
I got one.

It was the last quarter of the championship game and the other side was ahead. Our boys had the ball. We made a touchdown and tied it up. The crowd went crazy. Only one minute to go and they fumbled—our quarterback recovered—he was about a yard from goal when—zap—no more quarterback, completely gone, just like that!
my daughter who is married to a pastor recently woke up and her husband and 4 children were all gone and she for a moment thought she was left behind. what a horrible feeling that must be.
Good news is Jesus didn't bring us this far to let that happen. He's got a place for us in heaven so that where he is we will be. It's in the Bible.
It's a little early for Comedy Hour but I can dig it.

So there I was, driving down the freeway and all of a sudden the place went crazy . . . cars going in all directions . . . and not one of them had a driver. I mean it was wild! I think we’ve got an invasion from outer space! Either that or I must have got "Left Behind".
Must have been a lot of people saved in that town! :)
One more thing of humor....heard a preacher tell this.
One Christian asked another, "Why is it that you've gone so deep into credit card debt?" The other said, "I'm not worried about it. Jesus is coming back, I'll be raptured and the Antichrist can pay the bills!" Problem is Jesus nor the antichrist showed up but the collection agency did.
One more thing of humor....heard a preacher tell this.
One Christian asked another, "Why is it that you've gone so deep into credit card debt?" The other said, "I'm not worried about it. Jesus is coming back, I'll be raptured and the Antichrist can pay the bills!" Problem is Jesus nor the antichrist showed up but the collection agency did.
Love it :)
One more thing of humor....heard a preacher tell this.
One Christian asked another, "Why is it that you've gone so deep into credit card debt?" The other said, "I'm not worried about it. Jesus is coming back, I'll be raptured and the Antichrist can pay the bills!" Problem is Jesus nor the antichrist showed up but the collection agency did.
Actually I think that's it true story. From the Hal Lindsey days.
These bits of humor help us visualize what the Rapture may be like, though our imaginations aren’t big enough to truly envision what the world will experience.

Our hearts are big enough, however, to realize our Lord wants us to be with Him, and every day we’re more eager for His return.

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20
Are we now witnessing the final steps to the establishment of the Mark of the Beast??!!

Revelation 13:17, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

No MORE Cash in Europe! The Digital Wallet is almost here | Redacted with Clayton Morris

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