Could it be happening now ?

It's a ludicrous claim. Most things are not as we have been taught or told. The phrase I keep coming back to is:
"We don't know what we don't know".
And this is especially evident with eschatology. In my own journey of discovery, this is what I've learned:
1. Early on I came to the realization that the many times Jesus said 3 days and 3 nights just did not match the Church tradition of Good Friday. At the time, I did not have the background to make sense of it. But I took it on faith that Messiah Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday so that His words were true.

2. But this got me questioning what else Church tradition had gotten wrong and what else are we taught that could well be false. That prepared me for the shock of discovering the major differences of translation of the ESV and the KJV for Daniel 9. They can not both be accurate translations of the Hebrew. So that got me learning the basics of the Hebrew language and going to the original text to figure out what was going on.

3. Well, soon I had to investigate the Hebrew calendar. I was totally convinced by the Anderson/Hoehner interpretation using the 360 day years (some say these are Jewish years). Well, a simple google search will quickly disprove that. Once I understood about the luni-solar calendar and the concept of intercalation and how the visible cycle of the moon looked, and the relationship with winter barley and the spring equinox, I knew that system was wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. I could easily prove it.

4. I took a deep dive into ancient texts and discovered that the modern Jewish calendar has been corrupted. It is not the same as the calendar method used in Biblical times. Not that it's totally different. A key piece has been altered just enough so that no one has noticed for 2000 years but it makes any Biblical dates off by up to a month. And again I could easily prove it. Mathematically. I rediscovered the Jewish calendar that was used during the time of Messiah Jesus!

5. From this information, I then examined the crucifixion narrative. I investigated the Feasts of the Lord that the Jews celebrated each year. Now it all came together. The actual dates of crucifixion and resurrection and the timeline of events became clear. It all made sense.

6. But there were some details in the text that were confusing. The New Testament Greek was inconsistent. That got me investigating other language translations. Then I came across the existence of the Peshitta (New Testament written in Aramaic). I went on a deep dive on the history of that translation and discovered it was not a translation at all. It could very well be the original text of the New Testament and the Greek is the translation. I became more and more convinced after comparing the Greek with the Aramaic and found that the Aramaic cleared up strange sayings of Jesus and weird details. And the time "inconsistencies" of the Greek did not exist in the Aramaic text.

7. Based on this corrected timeline, then the 70 Weeks became clear. I discovered the pattern of the prophecy. 3 distinct Groups and 2 unstated gaps between the groups. And even the gaps were groups of Weeks. I found that Ezekiel's 430 day prophecy meshed perfectly with the 70 Weeks. I found that Daniel's other numbers: 2300, 1290, 1335 all could be worked out using the accurate Jewish calendar I had rediscovered. It all fit together like cogs in a machine - with no fudging of numbers.

8. I then discovered the significance of eclipses and their relationship with Jewish Feast days. Without going into it all, but these "eclipse event signs" match all the dates that had been determined. Again, no fudging numbers. They just all manifested and provided confirmation. It's hard to describe the feeling of having your mind blown with so many "coincidences" without even trying.

So there are many things which are not as we are led to believe. They've been twisted just a little as to seem to be correct. But they are off so that we do not know what we don't know.

No one will get accurate results using the modern Jewish calendar. No one will get the complete picture using the Greek text of the New Testament (let me be clear, the method of salvation has not been tampered with, by God's mercy). Even the translators of the Old Testament have introduced errors where they have put in their particular biases. The history of the church is ignorant of a major portion of how Christianity spread through the east (India, China) during the early part of Christianity and then was erased by later conquerors. And Roman Catholic tradition has corrupted truths which the Reformation church still adopt to this day and this prevents people from discovering them.

A crazy web to make sense of. A crazy exciting journey. But it leads to what I am convinced is the proper view of prophecies which have finally been revealed in last days. A preposterous and audacious claim, to be sure. And that's why I'm continually inviting people to investigate this information for themselves. The time is short to research this and confirm all these things.
To add to what civic posted [post #160], here's a little more insight to the signs given by God providing evidence for the claim that the Revelation 12 Sign was and is pointing to the Rapture event [that is, signs that have already occurred and are separate from the plain text of Revelation 12:5 which also links it to the Rapture] :

There were exactly 726 days from Sept.28, 2015 to Sept.23, 2017 ... Strong's number G726 = harpazo [Rapture]!!

View attachment 238

Sept.28, 2015 was the final Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad, which, in turn, was nothing short of being another incredible sign sent from God.

Gary, at, noted another mind-boggling “coincidence”: September 23, 2017 had 726 minutes of daylight. In fact, it was the only day in all of 2017 with 726 minutes of daylight! Even more – the first day of the Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 21, 2017 had 730 minutes of daylight. Strong’s G730 is “arsen”, which is the very word used to describe the corporate male child in Rev.12:5 that will be “snatched” (G726 – harpazo) to God’s throne!

View attachment 239

In the 2014-15 Tetrad, the world will never again see such a magnificent, perfectly synchronized, and orderly alignment of heavenly signs.​

View attachment 240

This incredible phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses falling on Jewish Feast days, known as a “Biblical tetrad”, is quite rare. So rare, in fact, that it’s only happened seven other times since the time of Christ, and won’t happen again for another 567 years! (A.D. 2582-2583).

There are those who claim that all of the above information is simply coincidence, or arranged in such a manner to fit the Biblical narrative by man, as opposed to being Divinely orchestrated by God ... . I'm surely not among them!
Well sorry I don't buy it. I won't say I can give rebuttals to all details of it but just something about it NO. Now I recall when the Moon Tetrad thing came out. Just seems to me like things people dream up with very complex way of reasoning all just trying to know what I don't think we will.....the general date of the Lord's return.
We need to learn to obey what has been bolded out....

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain
until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice
of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Therefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thes 4:15-18​

Are we accepting the comforting?
What is to happen is inevitable!
Why be surprised when insane evil gains power in the Devil's world?

We should learn to become comforted by realizing our salvation is confirmed by all these bad things
happening, which makes us realize what we have is real.

The thing that scares me at times now? Is realizing I will be standing before the Lord.

But? It will be in my resurrection body.
Once in that body I will not fear being before Him,
for it will be sinless, and powerfully peaceful in His presence ....

Love perfected (matured) cast out all fear.
Fear does not exist in love!
I don't know where you get the "23 years" from. Unless you mean there is something special about 2000 AD? You do know there is no such thing as a Year 0, right?

And as I stated, please watch my information before stating that I'm wrong. You obviously aren't aware of all the evidences that DO show there are 7000 years allotted to human history.
I tend to believe in what's called the Pre-Wrath belief. I came to this actually before books a few years later began teaching it. God will rapture us before (I believe) the wrath but the wrath doesn't start until basically the beginning of Rev 7 (you folks know the verses) I consider this possibly is is the rapture.

After this I looked and saw a multitude too large to count, from every nation and tribe and people and tongue, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands. 10And they cried out in a loud voice:“Salvation to our God,who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb!” Rev 7: 9,10

To say the things of Rev 6 are the wrath of God one I think forgets this....that Rev 6:9 states the 5th Seal is persecution against God's people. How can that be wrath from God? What that is is tribulation and persecution not brought on by God but by worldly forces.

And when Rev 6: 17 states, For the great day of his wrath IS COME to me that means it's come now and not before. . I do think the Pretrib rapture position misses that the blood moon and the sun going black is right before the rapture but it no a small thing event. It'll be huge.

The tetrad moon teaching to me is just not big enough in what they say to impact the world to the measure I believe Matt 24: 29 and Rev 6: 12 says it will. It will scare the world's population right before Jesus returns. I believe Acts 2:20 states, it will will scare the wits out of people.

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
21And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:20,21

In other words many will become terrified and exclaim with a passion, "What do we do! What do we do! This is horrible!" And the answer then will come back from God's people a message to bring them hope....."Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved!"

One can see the sun/moon darkened in Rev 6 and Matt 24 all lining up. I could be wrong but this seems to me the most clear approach to understanding the rapture which I do believe will occur....but just not quite when Pre-Trip believers think it will.
Therefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thes 4:15-18​

Are we accepting the comforting?
What is to happen is inevitable!
Why be surprised when insane evil gains power in the Devil's world?
I agree. So many Christians get so down when they see darkness in this world increasing and many pin their hopes to somehow create a morality revolution in their country. I think the knowledge of the Lord coming back is the thing we should put our main focus on to bring us comfort.
It's a ludicrous claim. Most things are not as we have been taught or told. The phrase I keep coming back to is:
"We don't know what we don't know".
And this is especially evident with eschatology. In my own journey of discovery, this is what I've learned:
1. Early on I came to the realization that the many times Jesus said 3 days and 3 nights just did not match the Church tradition of Good Friday. At the time, I did not have the background to make sense of it. But I took it on faith that Messiah Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday so that His words were true.

2. But this got me questioning what else Church tradition had gotten wrong and what else are we taught that could well be false. That prepared me for the shock of discovering the major differences of translation of the ESV and the KJV for Daniel 9. They can not both be accurate translations of the Hebrew. So that got me learning the basics of the Hebrew language and going to the original text to figure out what was going on.

3. Well, soon I had to investigate the Hebrew calendar. I was totally convinced by the Anderson/Hoehner interpretation using the 360 day years (some say these are Jewish years). Well, a simple google search will quickly disprove that. Once I understood about the luni-solar calendar and the concept of intercalation and how the visible cycle of the moon looked, and the relationship with winter barley and the spring equinox, I knew that system was wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. I could easily prove it.

4. I took a deep dive into ancient texts and discovered that the modern Jewish calendar has been corrupted. It is not the same as the calendar method used in Biblical times. Not that it's totally different. A key piece has been altered just enough so that no one has noticed for 2000 years but it makes any Biblical dates off by up to a month. And again I could easily prove it. Mathematically. I rediscovered the Jewish calendar that was used during the time of Messiah Jesus!

5. From this information, I then examined the crucifixion narrative. I investigated the Feasts of the Lord that the Jews celebrated each year. Now it all came together. The actual dates of crucifixion and resurrection and the timeline of events became clear. It all made sense.

6. But there were some details in the text that were confusing. The New Testament Greek was inconsistent. That got me investigating other language translations. Then I came across the existence of the Peshitta (New Testament written in Aramaic). I went on a deep dive on the history of that translation and discovered it was not a translation at all. It could very well be the original text of the New Testament and the Greek is the translation. I became more and more convinced after comparing the Greek with the Aramaic and found that the Aramaic cleared up strange sayings of Jesus and weird details. And the time "inconsistencies" of the Greek did not exist in the Aramaic text.

7. Based on this corrected timeline, then the 70 Weeks became clear. I discovered the pattern of the prophecy. 3 distinct Groups and 2 unstated gaps between the groups. And even the gaps were groups of Weeks. I found that Ezekiel's 430 day prophecy meshed perfectly with the 70 Weeks. I found that Daniel's other numbers: 2300, 1290, 1335 all could be worked out using the accurate Jewish calendar I had rediscovered. It all fit together like cogs in a machine - with no fudging of numbers.

8. I then discovered the significance of eclipses and their relationship with Jewish Feast days. Without going into it all, but these "eclipse event signs" match all the dates that had been determined. Again, no fudging numbers. They just all manifested and provided confirmation. It's hard to describe the feeling of having your mind blown with so many "coincidences" without even trying.

So there are many things which are not as we are led to believe. They've been twisted just a little as to seem to be correct. But they are off so that we do not know what we don't know.

No one will get accurate results using the modern Jewish calendar. No one will get the complete picture using the Greek text of the New Testament (let me be clear, the method of salvation has not been tampered with, by God's mercy). Even the translators of the Old Testament have introduced errors where they have put in their particular biases. The history of the church is ignorant of a major portion of how Christianity spread through the east (India, China) during the early part of Christianity and then was erased by later conquerors. And Roman Catholic tradition has corrupted truths which the Reformation church still adopt to this day and this prevents people from discovering them.

A crazy web to make sense of. A crazy exciting journey. But it leads to what I am convinced is the proper view of prophecies which have finally been revealed in last days. A preposterous and audacious claim, to be sure. And that's why I'm continually inviting people to investigate this information for themselves. The time is short to research this and confirm all these things.
Thanks for sharing your discoveries! I have lots of homework in this area to do.
Is the rapture and return of Christ imminent?

Are we about to enter into the time of Jacob’s Trouble , the great tribulation period ?

View Video #2
Civic, I think the answer to your question is no, if the "we" is defined as the church of Jesus Christ. If it is defined as the world then I say it definitely is. The problem I see with those on the video #1 is they do not honor the very important fact that the Bible is a Jewish book and is given, like all the scriptures, from a Jewish mindset. The words of the scriptures must be taken literally and when Jesus said the abomination of desolation being offered in the holy place as the beginning of the great tribulation, the final 3 1/2 years of the 7 years of Daniel, he really meant the holy place and an altar in a Jewish tabernacle or a temple in Judaea.

Mt 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Another problem with the video is they made no mention of the actual time frame of this ten nation confederacy. The book of Revelation makes it crystal clear when this coalition in it's prophetic completion will be in place. Here it is in the threefold division of the prophesy, which is the Revelation.

Re 1:19 Write the things
1) which thou hast seen, and - Past
2) the things which are, and - Present
3) the things which shall be hereafter; - Future

This is relative to John at that time.

The thing that he had seen is the vision of Jesus Christ on the isle of Patmos. Chapter 1, verses 12 through 17 are written in the past tense.
The churches in Asia were present tense when John was on the isle.

Re 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia:

Since the churches are the context in the first three chapters and they are presently in Asia, it is reasonable to understand that the future things would all happen after the church is raptured. Notice John goes up to heaven and the church is not mentioned on earth again.

Re 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
1Co 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:

The formation of this ten nation alliance is here after the church.

Having said all that, I do believe this group may be a prototype of that alliance and there is a real possibility of the seven years of Daniel being over in 2030 AD, which means the coming of Christ for his church may be as early as this year. The Jewish feast of trumpets is near as I type this.
So I looked at your "information", which is really speculation. You gave no Biblical evidence of a gap, let alone two gaps. So this is 2023 A.D. And 2023 A.D. is 23 years after the year 2000 A.D. You may not want to call it year 0, but you do know that there are 2 years between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D., right, so 0 is the designation for the midpoint between the two. Then there are approximately 4000 years between creation and 0. The date of creation is not set in stone, and we don't know the exact number of years that elapsed from creation to Christ's birth. But if you add 4000 to 2000 (23 years ago), you get 6000, which means we are now approximately 6023 years after creation, which is 23 years over your "target", to make your 7 1000 year "days" work. The Jewish calendar says we are in the year 5783-5784, so obviously this is not an exact science. If you go by their calendar, you still have 16 or 17 years to reach 6000 and make your theory work.

But there are multiple problems. You have no Biblical proof of the year of creation. In fact, I think it's impossible to know because there are many unknowns in the genealogies. But, for the sake of argument, let's say all your numbers are correct. and that in the year 6000 Christ returns and that the 1000 year "Sabbath" begins, which you claim is the Millennium. If all of that is true, then you will have just calculated the year of Christ's return. But He said that no one knows the day or the hour. You may say that you CAN know the year. I think not.

Jesus also said, "It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority." If your chart is correct, THEN YOU DO KNOW THE TIMES AND THE EPOCHS. I believe Jesus, not your speculation.

Another issue is one that I have already stated several times - you can't ignore what Peter said, or rather what he did not say in 2 Peter 3. He said that in the day of the Lord, the earth will be burned up- He did NOT say that the earth would be burned up AT THE END OF THE DAY OF THE LORD. Also he did NOT say that a 1000 year millennium or "Sabbath" will happen first, then the earth will be burned up. It's inconceivable that Peter would not mention that, if it were true.

If the 2nd coming is the last day, and Jesus said that it was, then there are NO MORE DAYS after that. Which means there can't be 1000 years.

It's also inconceivable that God would designate the last 1000 years of man on the earth as a "Sabbath" day. The Sabbath was ONLY given to ISRAEL, never was it given to Gentiles, or the whole world. It began with the time of Moses and ended at the cross of Jesus. Paul said that the Law of Moses was NAILED TO THE CROSS, which includes the Sabbath day. To think that God would reinstate the Sabbath day, or even call a 1000 year time period "a Sabbath" day, is to "resurrect" what Jesus abolished on Calvary.
Civic, I think the answer to your question is no, if the "we" is defined as the church of Jesus Christ. If it is defined as the world then I say it definitely is. The problem I see with those on the video #1 is they do not honor the very important fact that the Bible is a Jewish book and is given, like all the scriptures, from a Jewish mindset. The words of the scriptures must be taken literally and when Jesus said the abomination of desolation being offered in the holy place as the beginning of the great tribulation, the final 3 1/2 years of the 7 years of Daniel, he really meant the holy place and an altar in a Jewish tabernacle or a temple in Judaea.
Dwight Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus said that the abomination of desolation was offered in the holy place at the beginning of the great tribulation? It's not there. Where in the Bible does Jesus even imply that the final 3 1/2 years of the 7 years of Daniel IS the great tribulation? It's not there.
A simple comparison of three passages of scriptures tells us exactly what the abomination of desolation is. It has nothing to do with a so-called antichrist setting up an image of himself in the temple. The 3 passages are: Matthew 24:15-16; Mark 13:14; and Luke 21:20-21
Mt 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Another problem with the video is they made no mention of the actual time frame of this ten nation confederacy. The book of Revelation makes it crystal clear when this coalition in it's prophetic completion will be in place. Here it is in the threefold division of the prophesy, which is the Revelation.

Re 1:19 Write the things
1) which thou hast seen, and - Past
2) the things which are, and - Present
3) the things which shall be hereafter; - Future

This is relative to John at that time.

The thing that he had seen is the vision of Jesus Christ on the isle of Patmos. Chapter 1, verses 12 through 17 are written in the past tense.
The churches in Asia were present tense when John was on the isle.

Re 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia:

Since the churches are the context in the first three chapters and they are presently in Asia, it is reasonable to understand that the future things would all happen after the church is raptured. Notice John goes up to heaven and the church is not mentioned on earth again.
Dwight Wrong. John is back on earth in Revelation 10:8-10, taking a book out of the hand of an angel who stands on the sea and on the land.
So there goes the dispensational view of Revelation 4:1 being a type of the church being raptured.

Re 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
1Co 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:

The formation of this ten nation alliance is here after the church.

Having said all that, I do believe this group may be a prototype of that alliance and there is a real possibility of the seven years of Daniel being over in 2030 AD, which means the coming of Christ for his church may be as early as this year. The Jewish feast of trumpets is near as I type this.
Dwight - Jesus said: "It is not for you to know times or epochs, which the Father has fixed by His own authority" So why are you pretending to know the time of Christ's return? You should obey Jesus and admit, "That's not for me to know. God knows." Such speculation is irresponsible, at the very least, and disobedient at the worst.
Are these really the signs of the times ?

I tend to not believe any prophecy that relates to a "rapture."

My reason is that there was a similar prophesied event among new age people in recent years: The idea of being wisked off to another dimension where all the good people are and the mean people being left in their own dimension produced the same type of responses that you would typically get from the Christian Churches.

From this example, I find the fruit exhibits a flesh reaction to stimuli, the responses are not spiritual at all.
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i dont do end time predictions ... we are seeing events unfold before our very eyes. i dont know when Christ will take us out of here . it could be another 100 years.
i do really expect his return at any moment.

No One Knows the Day or Hour​

Mark 13​

32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!”
he said watch do we watch grab a pair of binoculars watch the eastern sky? no we live our life every day as he will come at any time. a old time preacher man i knew use to say 2 things one thing for sure one day closer to his return than we was. the next thing he said was he a pan millenniumst live your life for the Lord it will all pan out.

Revelation 22:19-21

New King James Version

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God[a] shall take away his part from the [b]Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

I Am Coming Quickly​

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be [c]with you all. Amen.

not one place in scripture does it say predict the date of his return , i think we call agree from what we read in scriptures .it could be any day
We do know that God already gave Israel all the land that He promised He would.
Joshua 21:43 "So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it." 1 Kings 4:21 gives more detail on the land.
So the dispensationalists are wrong when they claim that Israel never got all the land that God promised them.
This is true. And He also promised to take them out of the Land if they failed to keep His covenant, which they did fail to do. So they lost the Land, and there is no indication that He will bring them back to it.
Is the rapture and return of Christ imminent?

Are we about to enter into the time of Jacob’s Trouble , the great tribulation period ?
The return of Christ has been imminent since AD70. The Apostles were looking for His return during their lifetime, and had to encourage the Churches to not give us hope because of His delay in returning. There will be no sign of the End that has not already been given over and over. His Return will be a surprise to EVERYONE, including Satan.
I appreciate you posting your work here brother, much appreciated. I was a big eschatology advocate during the 80's and early 90's and pretty much aligned myself with DTS with Walvoord and Pentecost. So I'm just recently getting my interest back with the topic.

I have always focused and kept in mind/heart His immanent return, His 2nd Coming which I believe is an essential or core Christian doctrine.

Same here. I very seriously considered attending DTS. I have since changed significantly.
So all of Gods promised of the physical land of Israel no longer exist in Bible prophecy or in the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 38-39 ?

The issue is relative to how anyone actually sees Israel....

Israel was NEVER established upon faithless people. NEVER.

We can start with this very simple fact. Israel is never established in the faithless. Never. There was a "mixed" multitude that came out of Egypt. That "mix" was the faithful mixed with the unfaithful.
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I'm an OSAS Arminian ... not much Calvinism in these bones. Both [Christ- believing] Jew and Gentile presently partake of the spiritual blessings associated with Christ's advent.

A Jew is one inwardly. There is never a Jew that is one solely based upon the flesh. Abraham's descendents were not singular as the stars or as the sands of the sea both.

It was always BOTH. Dispensationalism has falsely created a distinction between the two. There is none. Jews are the faithful. Through Jesus Christ, I am joint heir with the faithful.
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I was referencing the Words of the Christ, the Holy One of Israel, speaking about the purpose of God's Holy Sabbath Fast. The Jesus of the Bible said to deny myself and follow Him. He didn't say HE made the journey for us, so we didn't have to.

That is what I thought. That is sad to me.....

So why isn't Jesus Christ your rest?

The Sabbath pictures death. It is a rest from our works. It is why Abraham and his seed were circumcised on the 8th day and not the 7th. Circumcision is picture of the new birth. The Resurrection from the dead. New life. Christ died for us. Our Sabbath.

There is a truth here that you're missing. I wish you could know this.
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