Now, before we get started, there is a question that should be looked at and the question is this:
if our pre-conception existence is in the Scriptures like I say it is, how come nobody knows anything about it? Like, there have been thousands of good Bible scholars down through the years. How come they never saw it?
Well, the answer is that GOD has hidden this truth from all of us till now. Now, this might sound pretty weird, but GOD has hidden lots of truth before. For example, GOD hid what was undoubtedly the biggest truth of them all, that being that He Himself would incarnate. This truth can be found all over the OT but it was hidden from all the Jewish scholars[1] until He actually came and showed it to us. (
Luke 24:27)
Now, Jesus told us that there was still some more truth to be revealed someday.[2] (Most Christians don't think about this too much, but it's true nonetheless.) Pre-conception existence is one of those hidden truths and this is the time of its revelation to you. (Check the time if you like.)
So then, maybe the best way to begin this is to look at some of the Scriptures that, taken all together, state that there will be a major doctrinal revelation given to the Church in the latter days. So get a Bible out and get ready for your first surprise.
Isaiah 11:9 For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
The most interesting part of this verse has to be the word "full". To my mind, it modifies "the earth" and "the knowledge of the LORD". In other words, I think that the verse means something very close to this: for the full earth shall enjoy the full knowledge of the LORD[3]. And since this interpretation just happens to match the way that most Christians believe it will be when (after) Christ's kingdom comes, I'm going to get bold and suggest that the Church has to receive some new revelation in order to bring about such an increase in our theological knowledge. We are left with only three alternatives. Either we must receive new revelation, or we must radically re-interpret our present store of facts so that they are able to bring us to the fullness of the knowledge of the LORD (which really would not happen apart from a new revelation to show us how), or we must interpret all the Scriptures like this one as being presently fulfilled.[4] Because I believe that we do not presently come anywhere near to fulfilling this verse, I am left to believe that we must receive new revelation, since either of the first two alternatives necessitates it. Therefore, I believe that this Scripture lends credence and support to the idea that the Earth will still receive some more revelation from GOD.
Jeremiah 23:20 The anger of the LORD shall not return,[5] until HE have executed, and till HE have performed the thought of HIS heart.[6] In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. The latter days...like now?
According to this, there will be a new understanding revealed in the latter days that
perfectly explains the anger of the LORD. Now, the anger of the LORD is simply another way of looking at all the bad things that have been happening in history (bad things happen because God is mad) and in this area we still have a lot of questions such as:
why didn't GOD put the devil and his angels in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone when they rebelled?;
- why did They allow the serpent into Their garden?;
- why didn't they warn Adam and Eve about him?;
- why haven't They judged the devil and his angels yet?;
- why did Jesus take so long to come the first time?;
- why haven't They removed the curse on the ground yet (I thought They were satisfied?);
- why do They "keep making more people" instead of just cleaning up those who are alive now and starting it again clean?;
- why do They allow Their best people to be oppressed and persecuted by the unrepentant advocates of evil?;
- why is divine justice continually set aside?;
- why have They not told us the whole truth yet (before)?;
- et cetera, et cetera?
Well, we still have a lot of questions, IF, of course, we have not yet studied Pre-Conception Existence Theology.[7] Anyway, I believe that this verse indicates that in the latter days there will be a new complete understanding of the "
anger of the LORD", that will, for those who "
possess" it, explain everything perfectly.
Jeremiah 32:36 to 33:26:
This prophecy is about a dispersion and the LORD's promise of a restoration. The first thing we must determine is whether the promised regathering was fulfilled by Israel after the restoration from Babylon around 536 BC[8], or whether it's still waiting for fulfilment? Because of the scope of the promises in
32:38-40, I believe that this prophecy was not fulfilled then.
For example in verse 38, GOD promises that HE will be their GOD, that is, that HE will fulfil the promises of
Genesis 17 which were made to Abraham and his seed. But these were not fulfilled after 536 BC. In verse 39, HE promises them unity and an everlasting fear (obedience) of HIM, but Israel was not unified after Babylon. In verse 40, HE says that they will never depart in Spirit from HIM, but Israel was dispersed in 70 AD for again departing from HIM. Therefore, I believe that this prophecy was not fulfilled in the regathering from Babylon.
Now in Jeremiah's prophecy, there are two verses that promise a revealing. Therefore, I postulate that when this regathering is fulfilled, there will also be a new revelation. The first verse which mentions this new revelation is
Jeremiah 33:3
Berean Standard Bible
Jeremiah 33:3 Call to ME, and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty[9] things which thou knowest not to Me, and I will answer and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know. ...the first of many verses in this topic.
The first question regarding this verse is:
who is the subject? I believe that the subject is the "it" of the preceding verse,
33:2 Thus saith the LORD, the maker of it, the LORD who formed it, to establish it, JEHOVAH is HIS name.
From the general context, we can see that this "it" must be Jerusalem. Therefore, because HE must be speaking of Jerusalem in verse 2, I believe continuity suggests that it must also be Jerusalem that HE is addressing in verse 3, that is, Jerusalem representing GOD's people around the time of their return from their dispersion (verse 11). Verse 4 also suggests to whom this word is addressed.
33:4 For thus saith the LORD, the GOD of Israel, concerning the houses of this city.
In this verse, the houses of the city, that is, the people in them at the time of this regathering (verses 6,7) are the persons with whom this word is concerned. Therefore, if we supply them as the subject in verse 3, it becomes apparent that verse 3 is addressed to those persons that, in the latter days, will be living "in Jerusalem".
Therefore, this being the case, we can say that verse 3 is a means of grace to these people, firstly, instructing them what to do to have all these promises fulfilled; and secondly, announcing GOD's intention to give them a new revelation of great and mighty, previously unknown things.
Notes for 3. New Revelation.
1 And it still is. It's really there but they still can't see it. So then, there could be more things like this hidden in the Bible but we would never see them until GOD wanted us to see them. Compare
Luke 10:21 I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy sight.
2 As per J
ohn 16:12 I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth (that was previously hidden from you).
3 Check the context...
4 Of course, there is the alternative of way interpreting it something like this: some people all over the Earth will have some (but not quite a full) knowledge of the LORD.
Return means cease. Another way of looking at it is that we will not arrive at a peaceful world until the LORD stops being angry with us.
6 Ie, His true plan for this life we now live.
7 If you study Pre-Conception Existence theology, you'll know the answer for every one of those questions. You'll know a lot more than that as well.
8 Generally accepted as the date when the Israeli regathering from Babylon began.
9 KJV margin:
hidden. Marginal translations are not thought to be quite as good as the one the translators used, that is, the one used in the text, but the marginal translation was thought to have enough merit to be noted in the margin. In other words, the translators were not very sure on how to exactly translate a lot of verses (like this one) so they gave us two translations, the textual one being their favourite (or best educated guess) and the marginal coming in second.
In other words, if they were wrong on the first, they are hoping to redeem themselves with the second.
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