Rom. 5:
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Just to be clear. It matters little to me that
one man esteems one day over another
man. I am not seeking the Kingdom of men, or man's righteousness. Truly the religious "MEN" of this world certainly have their own high days that they Esteem above other days and have for centuries. They esteem Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Day of the Dead, St. Patrick's Day, Hanukkah, the list goes on and on, above other days. And there are men who don't esteem any day over other days.
So to be clear, I strive to Honor the 7th Day of the Week, because the God and Father of the Lord's Christ, that the Jesus of the Bible said to know was "Eternal Life", told me that the 7th Day of the Week was "HIS" Sabbath, and that HE Esteemed this Day above the other 6 Days of the Week.
It wasn't until I studied the Holy scriptures that Paul said was trustworthy
"for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.", that I came to this conclusion. As Paul said, let him be convinced in his own mind.
So given I trust this God, and want to be Faithful to Him, I don't consider all the manmade high days that this world's religions "Esteem above other days". But since the God of the Bible "Esteemed" HIS Sabbath above other days, and Commanded that I also, remember to Keep this Day Holy that HE Esteemed, then I am convinced in my mind that I too, should Honor Him by accepting His Instruction regarding this Day. After all, He is God and who am I to reject Him, or His Sabbath Day that HE Esteemed above other days.
Jesus called it the Sabbath Day. And He is Lord even of the Sabbath, so given HE is Lord of this Sabbath, He should know what it's called, and who it is for. At least, I am convinced in my Mind that the Jesus "of the Bible" knows what HE is talking about.
I would be careful about making claims you have no knowledge to make. The Sabbath, as the Jesus of the Bible calls it, was "Made for man" not man for the Sabbath. And this is the perfect truth from creation. Because God didn't create His 7th Day Rest, until after HE created man. And of course, He didn't. What good was a Sabbath Rest, that Jesus said was created for men, if it was created before men even existed?
Furthermore, it is written in the God Inspired Holy Scriptures;
Gen. 26:
4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; 5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
How can you make the claim that Adam, Noah, or Abraham didn't know about God's 7th day Rest that HE Blessed and Sanctified? Who did HE bless it for? Who did HE Sanctify it for? Jesus said He created it for Men. Was Noah and Abraham not men? And even if a man is promoting the hogwash that God's Sabbath was only make for Jews, was Abraham not the father of the Jews? Why would God exclude him? There is nothing in the entire Scriptures which even implies that HE did.
Furthermore, we know
that Noah knew what animals were clean and what animals were unclean, even though it was not written down when God showed him. How did Noah know these things if God didn't tell him? And Cain knew it was wrong to kill his brother? How did Cain know this? And Abimelec knew about God's issue with adultery. How did he know these things. I think the answer is simple. Since Noah and Abraham were friends of God, it seems God told them what was important to Him, His Laws, Statutes, Commandments and such. In fact, it seems rather silly to promote the religious philosophy that the only
commandments, statutes, and laws of God, that Abraham obeyed, were the ones that were written down in the Book of Genesis.
How many Law, Statutes, Charges and Commandments of God are written down in Abraham and Noah's Time? 2???
Gen 18:
19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
What is God's Judgment? What is God's definition of Justice?
It's foolish, almost absurd, to base a religious philosophy entirely on the assumption that the only Words God spoke to Noah and Abraham, were the Word's written in scriptures. And yet, this is the foundation of your entire Doctrine.
Religious men of this world might try and make this argument to justify a religion which despises and/or rejects a day that God Esteemed above other days. But there is no Biblical foundation at all for such a belief. At least not in the Holy scriptures that I have found. I am open to see a Scriptures if you can find one. But so far, in this post anyway, you have provided nothing.
With this leaven as the very foundation of your religious philosophy, what purpose would there be to continue? If you want to preach that God's Laws, Statutes and Commandments He gave to Abraham, were not the same Laws, Statutes and Commandments HE gave to Abraham Children, you are free to do so. But I am not interested in giving you a platform to do so.