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We cannot know for sure why Eve OR Adam sinned,
we only can know that they did and obeyed satan instead of God.
You do greatly error not knowing the Scriptures.
2Co 11:3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
1Ti 2:13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve;
1Ti 2:14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
Notice. I said Eve was deceived. Notice the Scriptures above. Notice how Adam wasn't deceived.
Yes. The above is very nice...but it doesn't explain HOW.
You never address the HOW (or why).
You only address that we all sin.
Did you read the Scriptures I posted? If you did, I don't see how you didn't notice how they detail OTHERS teaching man to sin. Satan taught Eve how to sin.
Did your children listen to others instead of you? I bet they did. What did you do? Did you fulfill the demands of the law yourself in them?
PY....Adam knew God.
God gave to Adam a command.
Ah..... commands. Did you give commands to your children that they didn't follow? I wonder why they didn't follow.....
Might it be they were still in diapers? Still unable to communicate?
Do children know God? (in the biblical sense)
What commandment of God do you think children should know about since they don't even know about God??
Good....You're making my point for me.....
Again. What we teach them becomes their guide. Sinners teach children to sin. Your children hear your voice in the womb. They learn from you in the womb.
Also, the breath of God animates all children. That "animation" carries with it the unmistakable traits of Divinity....
Like.... "abba father"????
Why did your children pay attention to you at all? If what you say is true, then they wouldn't have anything to do with you.