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I did answer my theology is now biblical and lines up with Gods nature, character and attributes.Okay, your not going to answer.
I did answer my theology is now biblical and lines up with Gods nature, character and attributes.Okay, your not going to answer.
Excellent, Thank you for the reply.Hello @Richard,
When I read your OP, what came into my mind was the first time that we hear of men calling upon the name of the Lord, in Genesis.
'And to Seth, to him also there was born a son;
and he called his name Enos:
then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.'
(Gen 4:26)
In my Bible marginal notes against this verse, it says that this does not relate to worship: for Abel and others worshipped prior to this, but here, men began to call upon (their gods) by the name of Jehovah, or began profanely to call upon the name of the Lord , Enos, though the son of Seth, is included in the generations of Cain, because he went in 'the way of Cain.'
Though not in line with your thinking so far, I thought it worth taking this into account, to show that calling on the name of the Lord can have other connotations.
* The second usage in Scripture concerns Abram, and was coupled with the building of an altar with the view to worshipping God.
'And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said,
"Unto thy seed will I give this land:"
and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.
And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel,
and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east:
and there he builded an altar unto the LORD,
and called upon the name of the LORD.'
(Gen 12:7)
Praise God!
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
The whole point of why I'm here is to study about God and to see what other people have to say about that.That study about God is what led me out of Calvinism. So they are interconnected. Theology by definition is the study of God ( His nature,character and attributes ) . If we get that wrong we get our doctrines wrong. Its as simples as that.
How one views God has a direct effect on ones beliefs/doctrines. They go hand in hand together.
One cannot talk about the doctrine of salvation apart from God and the atonement. They are all intertwined together.
hope this helps !!!
He called upon the God of Election, the God of IsraelHello again, @Richard,
In Genesis 33:20, for the first time, Jacob/Israel called upon, not just the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, (the God of His Fathers) but he called upon the name, 'El-elohe-Israel' or 'the God of Israel' - His God. I love this detail which says so much about Jacob's relationship with God, especially following all that led up to it.
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
God chose Israel because as that was the bloodline Jesus would come out of to save the world.He called upon the God of Election, the God of Israel
All was typical, so God is a God of election. A God of discriminating Love and Mercy, and all the True Saints understood that of God, the God of Israel or ElectionGod chose Israel because as that was the bloodline Jesus would come out of to save the world.
God referred to Israel as “His people”, His “treasured possession” and even the “apple of His eye”.
From Deuteronomy 7:6-10, we know that God did not choose Israel because they were strong or mighty. In fact, God chose Israel when they were small and weak, a people without a land. They were chosen and blessed by God, not only for their own sake, but to be a blessing to all nations, for all time through Jesus. God’s plan for Israel stretched beyond their borders to all people not just the "elect".
They became His servants to deliver The Good News to the world of the salvation available to all. The mission of God has always been for the world to know Him as God.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Did God choose Israel and not the other nations? I think we can answer that God chose Israel “for” the other nations. Through a single people, God reflected His character and delivered His Word to the world, He extended salvation to all people.
God referred to Israel as “His people”, His “treasured possession” and even the “apple of His eye”.
All of the "True Saints" and who might they be? Are they the Few that want to keep salvation just in their own little group? Who denies God's love and mercy for all?All was typical, so God is a God of election. A God of discriminating Love and Mercy, and all the True Saints understood that of God, the God of Israel or Election
And because they believe God does not love everyone there is no way they can love their neighbor as themselves which the Bible requires us to do. Id encourage ones to think about this statement....the reason why when you think about it becomes apparent.That's the heart of what’s wrong with Calvinism the fact that, when consistently followed to its logical end, it teaches that God does not truly love everyone.
Exactly, And God used them to spread the gospel to the rest of the world.@Richard
Thats fulfilled in the Redeemed Church, also Gods elect Titus 2:14
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
That word peculiar periousios means:
of one's own possession
: costly, treasured, select, specially chosen.
Ouch!And because they believe God does not love everyone there is no way they can love their neighbor as themselves which the Bible requires us to do.
Amen !!!God chose Israel because as that was the bloodline Jesus would come out of to save the world.
God referred to Israel as “His people”, His “treasured possession” and even the “apple of His eye”.
From Deuteronomy 7:6-10, we know that God did not choose Israel because they were strong or mighty. In fact, God chose Israel when they were small and weak, a people without a land. They were chosen and blessed by God, not only for their own sake, but to be a blessing to all nations, for all time through Jesus. God’s plan for Israel stretched beyond their borders to all people not just the "elect".
They became His servants to deliver The Good News to the world of the salvation available to all. The mission of God has always been for the world to know Him as God.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Did God choose Israel and not the other nations? I think we can answer that God chose Israel “for” the other nations. Through a single people, God reflected His character and delivered His Word to the world, He extended salvation to all people.
Jacob was one of the True SaintsAll of the "True Saints" and who might they be? Are they the Few that want to keep salvation just in their own little group? Who denies God's love and mercy for all?
That's the heart of what’s wrong with Calvinism the fact that, when consistently followed to its logical end, it teaches that God does not truly love everyone. This is deeply problematic from both a theological and biblical standpoint, as a perfect divine being must love everyone without fail (or by definition he would not be God) and as revealed Scripture avers that love is so integral to God’s character that it can be described as part of his essence.
“God is love” 1 John 4:8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4: 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
The Gospel was sent out for the out calling of the Church, Spiritual Israel, Gods chosen special people as Titus just showed you duhExactly, And God used them to spread the gospel to the rest of the world.
One must understand the good news, or the Gospel, which lies at the heart of the Christian faith for all men. God’s love provided a path of reconciliation through His son, Jesus Christ.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
But our free will choice changes that.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
It's a gift for all mankind, All you do is accept the gift.
“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
That includes all of us the whole world
no scripture I see for your assumptions. you cannot prove the above since its nowhere to be found in any of the 66 books we call our bible.The Gospel was sent out for the out calling of the Church, Spiritual Israel, Gods chosen special people as Titus just showed you duh
Define "Regenerate" according to your religious paradigm.Calling upon the Name of the Lord is for the regenerate, nothing the natural man dead in sin can do.
The Gospel as it pertained to a word of Salvation, was solely for the Elect Eph 1:4 ff vs 13no scripture I see for your assumptions. you cannot prove the above since its nowhere to be found in any of the 66 books we call our bible.