Well-known member
Thank you, thank you, thank you......Yes above ground
Thank you, thank you, thank you......Yes above ground
Where do you see water in that passage?Rom 6:3-5
Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:
Correct.Thank you, thank you, thank you......
And there was no water there.Correct.
Yes, Jesus was placed in a tomb that was above ground, as was customary for Jewish burials of the wealthy in the first century. The Greek words used in the Gospels to describe this tomb are-
τάφος (taphos) – meaning "tomb" or "grave," used in Matthew 27:60.
μνημεῖον (mnēmeion) – meaning "sepulcher" or "memorial tomb," used frequently in the New Testament (e.g., Matthew 27:52, Mark 15:46, John 20:1).
λατομηθείς (latomētheis) – meaning "hewn out of rock," used in Matthew 27:60 to indicate that the tomb was carved out of a rock face, not dug into the ground.
καινόν (kainon) – meaning "new," as in καινῷ μνημείῳ (kainō mnēmeiō, "new tomb") in Matthew 27:60, indicating it had never been used before.
These terms confirm that Jesus was buried in a rock-hewn tomb, likely a first-century kokh tomb (bench tomb), above ground, sealed with a large stone.
Buried in a cave does not constitute being buried above ground.Thank you, thank you, thank you......
It certainly does not constitute being buried underground.Buried in a cave does not constitute being buried above ground.
Matt 12:40 - "for just as Jonah was in the stomach of the sea monster for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights."
Buried in a cave does not constitute being buried above ground.
Matt 12:40 - "for just as Jonah was in the stomach of the sea monster for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights."
There is one baptism is this present gospel dispensation, Eph 4:5, that baptism being Christ's baptism of the great commission by which disciples are made, has humans administering water baptism, saves, and is commanded to all men.Where do you see water in that passage?
There is a baptism into Christ.
A baptism into his death.
A Baptism into water does not appear
Jesus was not buried underwater or the ground for that matter
Rather it is union with Christ and thus union with him in his death that enables us to die to sin and walk in newness of life
Romans 6:4–5 (NASB95) — 4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection,
Romans 6:6–8 (NASB95) , 6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; 7 for he who has died is freed from sin. 8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him,
Our union with him means We were crucified with him
There is one baptism is this present gospel dispensation, Eph 4:5, that baptism being Christ's baptism of the great commission by which disciples are made, has humans administering water baptism, saves, and is commanded to all men.
That simply shows water baptism as a symbol should be practicedMatt 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
The verb "make" is the main verb. Present participles "baptizing" and "teaching" are modal participles that occur at the same time as the main verb. In other words, "teaching" and "baptizing" are the modes, the means by which disciples are made. Teaching alone does not make one a disciple, it takes BOTH teaching AND baptizing = no disciple. Hence the is NO such thing in the NT gospel as untaught, unbaptized Christian.
What is the Purpose of Baptism? (Part 1) - Apologetics Press
Matthew 28:19-20 constitutes the “marching orders” for the apostles in promulgating the spread of Christianity in the first century. Embedded within this “Great Commission” is one of the key prerequisites to being saved: water baptism. The precise wording expressed by Jesus
You are reading water into passages it does not appearThis can only mean that the baptism of Mk 16;16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-5; Gal 3:27; Col 2; 11-12; 1 Pet 3:21 are all the one baptism of the great commission which is human administered water baptism.
Um in Acts 8 the Samaritans had not received the Spirit by means of water baptism. It was not until the apostles came down and ministered to them that they didThis is the exactly what happen in Acts 8 with Phillip and the eunuch....Phillip made a disciple of the eunuch by BOTH teaching him AND water baptizing him per the great commission as God has purposed disciples be made. Again teaching alone did not make the eunuch a Christian, it took BOTH teaching and water baptizing. The eunuch was not 'spirit baptized' was not saved by faith alone, not save by being told to recite some mythical 'sinner's prayer'. But was made a disciple by teaching and baptizing per the great commission.
I never mentioned SprinklingWhat cannot be found in Rom 6:3-5 is some kind of 'spirit baptism' nor that the baptism of Rom 6 is sprinkling water. As I already posted in earlier posted, the action of baptism is a burial. Christ was buried in the heart of the earth, (Mt 12:40). His body wrapped in linen and entombed, buried, enclosed in the earth as today where dead bodies are placed in caskets and buried, entombed in the earth. Christ was not placed in a tomb then sprinkled with dirt. The gospel is the death BURIAL & resurrection of Christ per 1 Cor 15:1-4 not the death, sprinkling & resurrection of Christ. Sprinkling is an invention of man and has no place in N gospel of Christ.
There is one baptism is this present gospel dispensation, Eph 4:5, that baptism being Christ's baptism of the great commission by which disciples are made, has humans administering water baptism, saves, and is commanded to all men.
Matt 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
The verb "make" is the main verb. Present participles "baptizing" and "teaching" are modal participles that occur at the same time as the main verb. In other words, "teaching" and "baptizing" are the modes, the means by which disciples are made. Teaching alone does not make one a disciple, it takes BOTH teaching AND baptizing = no disciple. Hence the is NO such thing in the NT gospel as untaught, unbaptized Christian.
What is the Purpose of Baptism? (Part 1) - Apologetics Press
Matthew 28:19-20 constitutes the “marching orders” for the apostles in promulgating the spread of Christianity in the first century. Embedded within this “Great Commission” is one of the key prerequisites to being saved: water baptism. The precise wording expressed by Jesus
This can only mean that the baptism of Mk 16;16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-5; Gal 3:27; Col 2; 11-12; 1 Pet 3:21 are all the one baptism of the great commission which is human administered water baptism.
This is the exactly what happen in Acts 8 with Phillip and the eunuch....Phillip made a disciple of the eunuch by BOTH teaching him AND water baptizing him per the great commission as God has purposed disciples be made. Again teaching alone did not make the eunuch a Christian, it took BOTH teaching and water baptizing. The eunuch was not 'spirit baptized' was not saved by faith alone, not save by being told to recite some mythical 'sinner's prayer'. But was made a disciple by teaching and baptizing per the great commission.
What cannot be found in Rom 6:3-5 is some kind of 'spirit baptism' nor that the baptism of Rom 6 is sprinkling water. As I already posted in earlier posted, the action of baptism is a burial. Christ was buried in the heart of the earth, (Mt 12:40). His body wrapped in linen and entombed, buried, enclosed in the earth as today where dead bodies are placed in caskets and buried, entombed in the earth. Christ was not placed in a tomb then sprinkled with dirt. The gospel is the death BURIAL & resurrection of Christ per 1 Cor 15:1-4 not the death, sprinkling & resurrection of Christ. Sprinkling is an invention of man and has no place in N gospel of Christ.
You unproven claim that Rom 6:3-6 is some kind of spirit baptism fails on multiple points:A great way to grow a church and following.
There is not one word in this Matt 28:19-20 that suggests being saved.
A great way to built a water cult.
You unproven claim that Rom 6:3-6 is some kind of spirit baptism fails on multiple points:
1) "one baptism" Eph 4:5 proprt interpretation/exegesis requires word be taken at their primary, literal meaning unless something in the context proves otherwise:
F.F. Bruce: “baptism in the New Testament is always baptism in water unless the context shows it to be something else; that is to say, the word is always to be understood literally unless the context indicates a figurative meaning” (Questions Answered, p. 106).
There is nothing in the context that shows baptism is being used in a figurative sense.
2) in your attempt to get around the BIble's teaching on the necessity of water baptism you alluded to TWO baptism 1) Spirit baptism 2) water baptism when there is but ONE baptism.
3) the baptism of the great commission that makes disciples is the one baptism of Eph 4:5. That baptism was commanded to all men, administered by humans, saves and lasts till the end of time. Humans cannot administer any kind of spirit baptism while men can water baptize. As with the case with the eunuch where Phillip water baptized the eunuch per the great commission. Nowhere was any 'spirit baptism' ever commanded to anyone therefore cannot be obeyed as water baptism that has been commanded to all men.
4) the context shows that after Phillip water baptized the eunuch, the eunuch went on his way rejoicing for he was now saved having been water baptized.
a) nothing in the context says he was 'spirit baptized'. According to you, the eunuch went away lost having not been 'spirit baptized'. Why would Phillip and the Spprit allow him to leave lost?
b) why would the Spirit send for Phillip to water baptize the eunuch when the SPirit could have 'spirit baptized' the eunuch himself?
c) the great commission says Christians are made by teaching and baptizing which is what happened with the eunuch....he was taught and water baptized.
5) the conversion of the Gentiles in Acts 10 followed the great commission exactly just as with the eunuch. They were made Christians by being taught by Peter and commanded to be water baptized. Nothing in the context of Acts 10 or 11 says being baptized with the Holy Spirit is what saved those Gentiles. The eunuch was water baptized, NOT baptized with the HS but he was saved further proving baptism with the HS is NOT the one baptism of Eph 4:5, NOT the baptism of the great commission that makes disciples, NOT the baptism of Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-6, 1 Pet 3:21 that saves
a) there is one gospel, one faith and just one way to be saved. Acts 15:11 Jews and Gentiles are saved in like manner way that by obeying the command to be water baptized Acts 2:38 for the Jews and Acts 10:47-48 for the Gentiles. The Jews in Acts 2 and the eunuch were not baptized with the HS eliminating that baptism as the one baptism of EPh 4:5 that saves, eliminating HS baptism as the baptism of the great commission that is administered by humans.
b) Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: (Acts 2:41) This means those that rejected Pete's gospel words rejected being baptized. The logical implication then is being baptized is HOW one receives the gospel, rejecting being water baptism is rejecting the gospel. The Samaritans received the word of God by being water baptized (Acts 8:14). The same with the Gentiles in Acts 10 for Acts 11:1 says "And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God." HOW did the Gentiles receive the word of God? From Acts 2:41 they received the word of God exactly like the Jews by obeying God's command to be water baptized. Had those Gentiles rejected God's command to be water baptized then it cannot be in any said in any sense they 'received God's word"
c) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: (2 Thess 1:8) This verse clearly shows OBEDIENCE is the separating line between those saved and those lost in flaiming fire. Hence those Gentiles (as the Jews in Acts 2) had to "obey the gospel of Christ" to be saved. The gospel is the death burial & resurrection of Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4). Per Rom 6 one must DOE to sin be BURIED and RAISED up from before one can walk in newness of life hence there is a death burial and resurrection taking place when one is water baptized. No such idea of a death burial and resurrection ever connected to some kind of 'spirit baptism'. The eunuch experienced a death burial and resurrection when he was water baptized. You would have the eunuch lost for not being 'spirit baptized'
d) Acts 10:35 the Gentiles would have to work righteousness in order to be accepted with God. Psa 119:172 all of God's commandments are righteousness hence God's command to be water baptized is righteousness therefore those Gentiles must obey God's command to be water baptized to work GOD'S righteousness to be accepted with God. Rejecting God's command to be water baptized IS rejecting God's word per Acts 2:41 and would be working UNrighteousness. Those Gentiles in Acts 10 or Jews in Acts 2 or the eunuch were command by God to be "spirit baptized''. Hence spirit baptism cannot be obeyed since it was never commanded to anyone, it is not how one works God's righteousness since God never commanded anyone to be spirit baptized.
Again, how can it ever be said by rejecting God's command to be water baptized one is receiving God's word? (Acts 11:1 cf 2:41). In NO SENSE can it be said that rejecting a command IS receiving that command. The fact God COMMANDED water baptism if for no other reason makes it essential to receiving God's word-receiving salvation-working God's righteousness. Not water baptized = not receiving God's word-rejecting salvation-working unrighteousness
Acts 11:1
And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. Will you try and argue the Gentiles could reject God's word in commanding them to be water baptized yet still received God's word anyway?
God has not commanded men to be 'spirit baptized' hence not being spirit baptized can never be said to be rejecting God's word. So even if those Gentiles had not been baptized with the HS they would have been saved anyway by obeying God's command to be water baptized, thereby be accepted by God by working God's righteousness (Acts 10:35) by obeying the gospel (2 Thess 1:8) and received the word of God (Acts 11:1).
Trying to have men saved apart from being water baptized, you then attempt to have men saved by REJECTING God's command to be water baptized, by working UNrighteousness, by not receiving God's word.
Amen! There is only one baptism that saves and places us into the body of Christ and that is Spirit baptism, not water baptism.That would be the Baptism en the Spirit, The baptism by the way of the living water
Amen! As Greek scholar AT Robertson said - a symbol is not the reality, but the picture of the reality.Water baptism is a symbol of the real baptism
YesAmen! There is only one baptism that saves and places us into the body of Christ and that is Spirit baptism, not water baptism.
Ephesians 4:5 - one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
1 Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free--and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. *Also see John 4:10,14; 7:37-39 for the word drink(s) and living water and see the connection with the Holy Spirit.
Amen! As Greek scholar AT Robertson said - a symbol is not the reality, but the picture of the reality.
There are a few people who do care what the BIble says on the subject of salvation and water baptism instead of putting personal biases before what the Bible says.View attachment 1525 I don't care. It is as simple as that. The Holy Spirit has filled me and that is all that matters.
God has commanded water baptism to all men, disciples are made by water baptism, disciples are to administer water baptism, Mt 28:19-20. God must have started a water cult according to you.I was born again spiritually. Not from a water cult.
No verse teaches that baptism with the HS saves. No verse commands men to be baptized with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be obeyed. No verse teaches there is a death burial or resurrection with baptism with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be the way men OBEY the gospel of Christ per 2 Thess 1:8. The eunuch was not baptized with the HS but instead water baptized for God has chosen water baptism as the point He saves men. It is by human administered water baptism that disciples are made per the Great Commission.BTW, I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son , and Holy Spirit. I was not saved until the Holy Spirit filled me and unless you have had that
Born of Spirit...the Spirit is the Agent. The Spirit has given man the Bible that teaches man about his lost, sinful condition. He teaches man about Christ who came to earth and sacrificed himself on the cross and shed His blood whereby men can have their sin washed away. The Holy Spirit teaches men in his word that it is in water baptism that the blood of Christ cleanses away sinsBut what then say you about what Jesus said to Nick and expounded well on that.
5Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’
8The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
PAY ATTENTION>>>> unless one is born of water and the Spirit
is followed by the next verse born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
It is the Spiritual rebirth that counts.
So you gonna jump on me again with " God has not commanded men to be 'spirit baptized'
I say Jesus did.. and seeing Jesus is God then God did too command it.
Born of the Spirit encompasses the Spirit indwelling and regenerationThere are a few people who do care what the BIble says on the subject of salvation and water baptism instead of putting personal biases before what the Bible says.
God has commanded water baptism to all men, disciples are made by water baptism, disciples are to administer water baptism, Mt 28:19-20. God must have started a water cult according to you.
I could call faith onlyists a cult but just name calling does not prove anything. I show from the BIble where faith only is a corrupt invention of man whereby men try and change the Bible to fit that invention.
No verse teaches that baptism with the HS saves. No verse commands men to be baptized with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be obeyed. No verse teaches there is a death burial or resurrection with baptism with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be the way men OBEY the gospel of Christ per 2 Thess 1:8. The eunuch was not baptized with the HS but instead water baptized for God has chosen water baptism as the point He saves men. It is by human administered water baptism that disciples are made per the Great Commission.
Born of Spirit...the Spirit is the Agent. The Spirit has given man the Bible that teaches man about his lost, sinful condition. He teaches man about Christ who came to earth and sacrificed himself on the cross and shed His blood whereby men can have their sin washed away. The Holy Spirit teaches men in his word that it is in water baptism that the blood of Christ cleanses away sins
Born of water...shows water is the element that baptism takes place...... as with the eunuch.
Jn 3:5---------------Spirit ++++++++++++ water >>>>>>>>>> in the kingdom
1 Cor 12:13--------Spirit +++++++++++ baptized >>>>>>>>> in the body
Tts 3:5------------Holy Spirit ++++++++ wash of regen. >>>> saved
Eph 5:26----------the word +++++++++ washing of water >>>> cleansed
Since the Bible does not contradict itself and there is but one way to be saved, no alternatives, then each of the above verses MUST express the exact same idea. The exact same thing these verses show is the Spirit and His word as the Agent that teaches men about salvation and that salvation is through baptism that has water as the element. Note again that the Spirit sent for Phillip to teach the eunuch and then the eunuch was water baptized per the great commission.
Jn 3:5 ------ born of water and of the Spirit >>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Mt 7:21-----doeth the will of the Father >>>>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Mt 18:3----- be converted >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Again, since the Bible does not contradict itself and there is but one way to be saved/enter the kingdom then all three verses teach the same thing. God has commanded water baptism to men whereby men will be saved....hence the element is water (born of water). Since God has commanded water baptism, that command makes it essential to salvation if for no other reason and those who obediently submit to water baptism are then "doeth the will of the Father". Since teaching and baptizing is how disciples are made per great commission, then only those who have been taught and baptized are the ones who have been converted.
Acts 2:38---repent and be baptized >>>>>> remission of sins
Acts 3:19---repent and be converted >>>>> sins blotted out
Per Acts 2:41 not being baptized is rejecting the word...being baptized is how one receives the word of God thereby converted. Baptism with the HS does not fit any of this.....baptism with the HS is not being born of water, is not how one does the will of the Father, is not how one is converted, is not how one receives the word of God.
Therefore salvation/entering the kingdom is IMPOSSIBLE apart from water baptism, apart from doing the will of God, apart from being converted.
Jn 3:6
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Jesus is simply contrasting the physical birth (by flesh) from the new birth (by Spirit). The physical birth can only generate physical life and not salvation whereas the new birth can generate eternal life. "Born of the Spirit" shows the Spirit is the Agent that teaches men how to be saved from sin in water baptism where Christ's blood washes away sins. Since it is the Spirit's word that teaches men to be born again by being water baptized, thus men who obey by being water baptized are then said to be.... 'born the word of God 1 Pet 1:23; 'begat by the word' James 1:18; 'begotten through the gospel' 1 Cor 4:15. Hence there can be no new birth APART from the word of God, which the Spirit gave to man, to instruct men on how to be saved by being water baptized. Being born again is not some supernatural event that God unconditional or randomly does for some men apart from the word of God being taught to men.
Then, you should be very thrilled that in eternity you will stand no chance of seeing me.There are a few people who do care what the BIble says on the subject of salvation and water baptism instead of putting personal biases before what the Bible says.
God has commanded water baptism to all men, disciples are made by water baptism, disciples are to administer water baptism, Mt 28:19-20. God must have started a water cult according to you.
I could call faith onlyists a cult but just name calling does not prove anything. I show from the BIble where faith only is a corrupt invention of man whereby men try and change the Bible to fit that invention.
No verse teaches that baptism with the HS saves. No verse commands men to be baptized with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be obeyed. No verse teaches there is a death burial or resurrection with baptism with the HS therefore that baptism cannot be the way men OBEY the gospel of Christ per 2 Thess 1:8. The eunuch was not baptized with the HS but instead water baptized for God has chosen water baptism as the point He saves men. It is by human administered water baptism that disciples are made per the Great Commission.
Born of Spirit...the Spirit is the Agent. The Spirit has given man the Bible that teaches man about his lost, sinful condition. He teaches man about Christ who came to earth and sacrificed himself on the cross and shed His blood whereby men can have their sin washed away. The Holy Spirit teaches men in his word that it is in water baptism that the blood of Christ cleanses away sins
Born of water...shows water is the element that baptism takes place...... as with the eunuch.
Jn 3:5---------------Spirit ++++++++++++ water >>>>>>>>>> in the kingdom
1 Cor 12:13--------Spirit +++++++++++ baptized >>>>>>>>> in the body
Tts 3:5------------Holy Spirit ++++++++ wash of regen. >>>> saved
Eph 5:26----------the word +++++++++ washing of water >>>> cleansed
Since the Bible does not contradict itself and there is but one way to be saved, no alternatives, then each of the above verses MUST express the exact same idea. The exact same thing these verses show is the Spirit and His word as the Agent that teaches men about salvation and that salvation is through baptism that has water as the element. Note again that the Spirit sent for Phillip to teach the eunuch and then the eunuch was water baptized per the great commission.
Jn 3:5 ------ born of water and of the Spirit >>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Mt 7:21-----doeth the will of the Father >>>>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Mt 18:3----- be converted >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enter the kingdom
Again, since the Bible does not contradict itself and there is but one way to be saved/enter the kingdom then all three verses teach the same thing. God has commanded water baptism to men whereby men will be saved....hence the element is water (born of water). Since God has commanded water baptism, that command makes it essential to salvation if for no other reason and those who obediently submit to water baptism are then "doeth the will of the Father". Since teaching and baptizing is how disciples are made per great commission, then only those who have been taught and baptized are the ones who have been converted.
Acts 2:38---repent and be baptized >>>>>> remission of sins
Acts 3:19---repent and be converted >>>>> sins blotted out
Per Acts 2:41 not being baptized is rejecting the word...being baptized is how one receives the word of God thereby converted. Baptism with the HS does not fit any of this.....baptism with the HS is not being born of water, is not how one does the will of the Father, is not how one is converted, is not how one receives the word of God.
Therefore salvation/entering the kingdom is IMPOSSIBLE apart from water baptism, apart from doing the will of God, apart from being converted.
Jn 3:6
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Jesus is simply contrasting the physical birth (by flesh) from the new birth (by Spirit). The physical birth can only generate physical life and not salvation whereas the new birth can generate eternal life. "Born of the Spirit" shows the Spirit is the Agent that teaches men how to be saved from sin in water baptism where Christ's blood washes away sins. Since it is the Spirit's word that teaches men to be born again by being water baptized, thus men who obey by being water baptized are then said to be.... 'born the word of God 1 Pet 1:23; 'begat by the word' James 1:18; 'begotten through the gospel' 1 Cor 4:15. Hence there can be no new birth APART from the word of God, which the Spirit gave to man, to instruct men on how to be saved by being water baptized. Being born again is not some supernatural event that God unconditional or randomly does for some men apart from the word of God being taught to men.
Well then he must have a problem withThen, you should be very thrilled that in eternity you will stand no chance of seeing me.
After all. I said I had a water baptism. I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But the knowing that one gets to definitively know that one is saved never happened until I had my spiritual rebirth and the Holy Spirit filled me.
Now, you have judged me as not saved. You have seen and judged me as not worthy. Evidently you believe if one is filled by the Holy Spirit after
one has their baptism that nullifies the baptism.
As of this moment you are Αγνοηθεί
The Holy SPirit, the Comforter, was a promise only made to the Apostles, not a promise made to anyone today. While Jesus was still in the world with the Apostles, He was their Comforter. Yet Jesus knew he would soon leave to return back up to His Father and He would leave those APosltes with "another Comforter" (Jn 14:7,16).Born of the Spirit encompasses the Spirit indwelling and regeneration
The Father's promise
Ezekiel 36:26–27 (NASB95) — 26 “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.
John 14:16–17 (LEB) — 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, in order that he may be with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it does not see him or know him. You know him, because he resides with you and will be in you.
concerns the indwelling
and the Baptism en the Spirit
This promise was fulfilled at Pentecost
Acts 2:33 (LEB) — 33 Therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he has poured out this that you see and hear.
which is when the baptism en the Spirit first transpired
without the Spirit's baptism into the body you are not saved and do not belong to Christ
Romans 8:9 (LEB) — 9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him.
So water does not save