Are you actually Protestant?

I personally don't think it's fair or logical to claim the Pope exalts himself above "all that is called god" just by claiming to represent God.

Those are not logically equal ideas.

However, all the religious trappings are silly, just like they are in every other denomination that has them.
Oh. One more point. In order to solve the problem of disunity and division, uniting under even worse error and heresy such as in ecumenism is suicidal. I cannot pretend to judge your motives or your sincerity because I don't know you. But it seems to me you are an educated and well informed Catholic, but you are offering the exact same rhetoric that emanates from other Catholics online, who I often presume have been trained in apologetics, are likely priests, and maybe even Jesuits, trained in counter reformation propaganda and NLP. Such language and guile may deceive some readers here sadly, but I for one will not let you have a free ride. I will respond politely; I will not impugn your character; and I will not use hate speech or words that are intended to inflame. But I will tell you the truth. Always. And millions of victims of the Catholic church over many centuries is not even close to being an exaggeration.
Karl Rahner, Jesuit author and theologian.
"The Christian of the future will be a mystic, or He will not exist at all".

Contemplative prayer... Spiritual formation... And various other avenues to discover the "inner divine", are occult practises confirmed by and promoted by the Vatican. For anyone interested in being more deeply informed of today's occult spiritualist practises within Christendom, the following is a fascinating insight into the deep working of Satan in our churches.

I personally don't think it's fair or logical to claim the Pope exalts himself above "all that is called god" just by claiming to represent God.

Those are not logically equal ideas.

However, all the religious trappings are silly, just like they are in every other denomination that has them.
When the Papacy claims the power to forgive sin, grant indulgences, tell us members that sacramental attending provides salvation, the teachers the church is the final authority above the word of God, places Mary and innumerable saints as mediators, denounces Bible believing Christians as violent terrorists, and places man made commandments above God's commandments, what else can one conclude?
Is not replacing and opposing Christ, Antichrist?
When the Papacy claims the power to forgive sin, grant indulgences, tell us members that sacramental attending provides salvation, the teachers the church is the final authority above the word of God, places Mary and innumerable saints as mediators, denounces Bible believing Christians as violent terrorists, and places man made commandments above God's commandments, what else can one conclude?

That they are messed up doctrinally, just like the SDA.

The arrogance of one messed up "special true church" denomination wanting to condemn the other, instead of have mercy on it.

"I thank God I'm not like that denomination over there, I keep all my Sabbaths and food laws, and don't make any idols of the saints."

The biggest idol of all is our self-righteousness and superior attitude towards others.

Is not replacing and opposing Christ, Antichrist?

All sin is in some way Antichrist, including yours and mine.

Contemplative prayer... Spiritual formation... And various other avenues to discover the "inner divine", are occult practises

This is insane, and a complete non sequitur.

Yes, prayer can be to the wrong spirit/deity, but that is a matter of the heart.

Scripture literally describes contemplative prayer, and deep experiences with God, it cannot somehow be necessarily occult.

Absolutely insane to call prayer demonic.
Absolutely insane to call prayer demonic.
It is demonic when the form of it was devised by demons and channeled by mystics over centuries of occult practises and incorporated into western Christianity. Discerner? You don't think shamans, Satanists, Luciferians, animists, and ancestor worshippers pray? Check out the documentary above.
That they are messed up doctrinally, just like the SDA.
And I thought dizerner was an allusion to discernment. Oh well.
The arrogance of one messed up "special true church" denomination wanting to condemn the other, instead of have mercy on it.

"I thank God I'm not like that denomination over there, I keep all my Sabbaths and food laws, and don't make any idols of the saints."

The biggest idol of all is our self-righteousness and superior attitude towards others
KJV Revelation 14:8
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication....
KJV Revelation 18:1-24
1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
I personally don't think it's fair or logical to claim the Pope exalts himself above "all that is called god" just by claiming to represent God.

Those are not logically equal ideas.

However, all the religious trappings are silly, just like they are in every other denomination that has them.
The Popes and their PR people have claimed to be much much more than merely representative of Christ.

We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.
Pope Leo XIII

The papacy claims ultimate authority over all churches, all governments, kings and queens, and has recently signed an official agreement with corporate leaders, bankers, etc from all over the world as the official moral authority over the economy. They claim the Pope has authority to depose emperors, to change even the laws of God, which he has, but cannot himself be deposed by anyone.
Now this is all aside from the identifying characteristics specified by scripture, which are even more compelling. This isn't about one denomination concerning another for fun. When we discuss these things, we are not talking about individual members who are deceived by the church. For them I implore that they find truth and leave. But I have no sympathy for the institution. She is the Antichrist of scripture. Which means this discussion isn't just about doctrine. It's about character... History... Faith and practise... Policy. And the angel's messages of revelation are the gospel for the final days of Earth's present age. It is incumbent upon Christians to stand upon the walls of Zion and give a clear warning.
The Popes and their PR people have claimed to be much much more than merely representative of Christ.

We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.
Pope Leo XIII

The papacy claims ultimate authority over all churches, all governments, kings and queens, and has recently signed an official agreement with corporate leaders, bankers, etc from all over the world as the official moral authority over the economy. They claim the Pope has authority to depose emperors, to change even the laws of God, which he has, but cannot himself be deposed by anyone.
Now this is all aside from the identifying characteristics specified by scripture, which are even more compelling. This isn't about one denomination concerning another for fun. When we discuss these things, we are not talking about individual members who are deceived by the church. For them I implore that they find truth and leave. But I have no sympathy for the institution. She is the Antichrist of scripture. Which means this discussion isn't just about doctrine. It's about character... History... Faith and practise... Policy. And the angel's messages of revelation are the gospel for the final days of Earth's present age. It is incumbent upon Christians to stand upon the walls of Zion and give a clear warning.
One day catholic haters, will study what they hate.
i wont hold my breath, they prefer hate to study.

Your document is about unity of the church , ( which was mandated by Jesus repeatedly shattered endlessly by yet more protestants schisms , since none of you agree on anything except anti catholic hate!)

it was about attempting to repair the great schism - a big problem of which which is that eastern churches were much beholden to national state rulers who were unhappy about the local patriarchs giving allegiance to other than them. And that need to avoid allegiance , not Filioque has been a far greater problem For papal authority and repairing the schism. Worldly Kingdoms getting in the way.,

The “we “ is the church as represented by all the bishops.

And the Latin of the phrase you use is

“ cum Dei omnipotentis vices in terris geramus”

Which means
“ when we carry out the duties of Almighty God on earth“
Your problem with that is…. What precisely
You should all carry out His duties!

Peter was indeed given the role of chief pastor, keys of kingdom , power to bind and loose. It is in sctripture,
Which means steward whilst the king is away, as indeed God always appointed in earlier times. Think Moses, Abraham etc,
Even Calvin believed the pope had the power to bind and loose - check his commentary on Matthew!

Dont you dare call others the antichrist, did you know 30% of anglican priests no longer believe in the ressurection?

That is the fruit of sola scriptura, the result of Protestantism. The man made reformer traditin of Sola scriptura is an antichrist, leading to all division. All of you making up your own doctrine instead of listening to those who were sent, as scripture says.
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@mikepec It is scripture that identifies Antichrist. Not me. Blame the God of the scriptures, not the ones who understand it. The scriptures explain and give many identifying characteristics that identify papal Rome as the Antichrist, clearly and succinctly. The reformers saw that, which is why Rome created the counter reformation. It was the truth of the scriptures that have power to the reformation. It was the opening of God's word that gave light, dispelling papal darkness. Then came the council of Trent. Rome had to justify its existence in the midst of losing thousands of its members. The papal church was hemorrhaging. Rome couldn't argue against the scriptures, so they invented a completely different hermeneutic. In fact 2. Preterism and futurism. Both cleverly hide the Papacy from sight. 2000 years of church history is disappeared into thin air. Sadly for Rome, history has a habit of biting people as they try to leave the house. So Rome now has to alter history. Hence why you divert attention from the true history of the church and pretend protestants murdered more Catholics than the other way around. But sure, there no denying that Protestants had no more any idea of religious freedom than did Rome. At least not in this early days. Not until America and the constitution. The separation of church and state. Oh, I know. Catholicism hates the separation of church and state, and would love for the constitution to be turned to scrap.
But nevertheless, we have a Jesuit Pope now writing encyclicals imploring the governments of the world to unite. Religions of the world to unite. A single world economic system with the Pope as head of all. A dictatorship and tyranny of one. A socialist fascist global enterprise with Lucifer claiming the honours. It's coming. Your church will have its day. But be warned. The Rock will strike the feet of the statue and destroy all. Babylon the Great is fallen. She will be destroyed after a short stint at the top. She will be abandoned by everyone. They will recognise her lies. The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed. "Come out of her My people". And yes, that call to come out goes to those in the Anglican/Episcopalian churches, the Lutheran, Presbyterian, charismatic and Pentecostal and Methodist churches as well, and many others, all daughters and Harlots who have returned to Rome, their Mother. If you are a child of God, you need to find the truth. And get out while you can.
Oh. One more point. In order to solve the problem of disunity and division, uniting under even worse error and heresy such as in ecumenism is suicidal. I cannot pretend to judge your motives or your sincerity because I don't know you. But it seems to me you are an educated and well informed Catholic, but you are offering the exact same rhetoric that emanates from other Catholics online, who I often presume have been trained in apologetics, are likely priests, and maybe even Jesuits, trained in counter reformation propaganda and NLP. Such language and guile may deceive some readers here sadly, but I for one will not let you have a free ride. I will respond politely; I will not impugn your character; and I will not use hate speech or words that are intended to inflame. But I will tell you the truth. Always. And millions of victims of the Catholic church over many centuries is not even close to being an exaggeration.
Or maybe it’s we study actual history in church father writings , those sent to preach and taught by apostles and we study scripture , that is actually where our apologetics comes from.

Meanwhile you peddle anti catholic myths, born of lack of study: it’s easier to study anti catholic hate instead of Catholicism.
it’s easier to bear false witness, my suggestion is sorry about your own salvation Not ours.

You fail to mention the Catholic victims at protestant hands, presumably because it doesn't suit your narrative.
@mikepec It is scripture that identifies Antichrist. Not me. Blame the God of the scriptures, not the ones who understand it. The scriptures explain and give many identifying characteristics that identify papal Rome as the Antichrist, clearly and succinctly. The reformers saw that, which is why Rome created the counter reformation. It was the truth of the scriptures that have power to the reformation. It was the opening of God's word that gave light, dispelling papal darkness. Then came the council of Trent. Rome had to justify its existence in the midst of losing thousands of its members. The papal church was hemorrhaging. Rome couldn't argue against the scriptures, so they invented a completely different hermeneutic. In fact 2. Preterism and futurism. Both cleverly hide the Papacy from sight. 2000 years of church history is disappeared into thin air. Sadly for Rome, history has a habit of biting people as they try to leave the house. So Rome now has to alter history. Hence why you divert attention from the true history of the church and pretend protestants murdered more Catholics than the other way around. But sure, there no denying that Protestants had no more any idea of religious freedom than did Rome. At least not in this early days. Not until America and the constitution. The separation of church and state. Oh, I know. Catholicism hates the separation of church and state, and would love for the constitution to be turned to scrap.
But nevertheless, we have a Jesuit Pope now writing encyclicals imploring the governments of the world to unite. Religions of the world to unite. A single world economic system with the Pope as head of all. A dictatorship and tyranny of one. A socialist fascist global enterprise with Lucifer claiming the honours. It's coming. Your church will have its day. But be warned. The Rock will strike the feet of the statue and destroy all. Babylon the Great is fallen. She will be destroyed after a short stint at the top. She will be abandoned by everyone. They will recognise her lies. The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed. "Come out of her My people". And yes, that call to come out goes to those in the Anglican/Episcopalian churches, the Lutheran, Presbyterian, charismatic and Pentecostal and Methodist churches as well, and many others, all daughters and Harlots who have returned to Rome, their Mother. If you are a child of God, you need to find the truth. And get out while you can.
You mean your Personal interpretation of scripture , not what it actually says or means.

Your post is historic nonsense,
listen to those appointed to preach , not your own understanding.

The antichrist is identified in John as “ he who denies the father and son”. 1 John 2:22
we don’t .
So Your post is typical Protestant false witness.

You forget, I know all the protestant myths: , I was one. But on deep study, all of the protestant anti catholic myths fall apart.
if you find our “ clever apologetics” hard to dismiss, it’s because its not clever at all. It is the truth handed down by those SENT to teach. Not like your generation coming at scripture two millenia on, and imposing your beliefs on what it actually means.

You so want the pope to be the antichrist, you use what psychologists call “ conformation bias” , ignoring all that disagrees
You so want the pope to be the antichrist, you use what psychologists call “ conformation bias” , ignoring all that disagrees

I have to agree with this anyway.

To call the Pope the Antichrist is absurd, despite the history of silly people believing this.

First of all, the Scriptural Antichrist is clearly one person, who will rule from a secular place, not a religious one.

Second of all, the Scriptural Antichrist does not even hypocritically or insincerely acknowledge God, he literally says he is god and nothing is above him.

Third of all, he will demand worship straightforwardly not in backhanded way, the Bible does not say he takes a context of Christian theology in any way whatsoever.
I have to agree with this anyway.

To call the Pope the Antichrist is absurd, despite the history of silly people believing this.

First of all, the Scriptural Antichrist is clearly one person, who will rule from a secular place, not a religious one.

Second of all, the Scriptural Antichrist does not even hypocritically or insincerely acknowledge God, he literally says he is god and nothing is above him.

Third of all, he will demand worship straightforwardly not in backhanded way, the Bible does not say he takes a context of Christian theology in any way whatsoever.
Your idea the antichrist is papal Rome is equally unsupportable nonsense by scripture.
It’s a “ he” not an “it”
conformation bias gone mad.

I don’t presume to know who it is , but various caliphs intent on mass murder , elimination of Christian’s and world domination fit the bill better. Think isis.
Various reformers intent on breaking up the church , so that now many protestants donteven believe in the resurrection( that’s a pew survey of Anglican priests) have a stronger case- or rather whoever sowed those seeds, not the ones who sadly followed.

you so want to believe it’s Rome, it clouds your reason.
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Your idea the antichrist is papal Rome is equally unsupportable nonsense by scripture.

Pardon? This is not me, friend.

I think in the heat of crossfire you have me mixed up with someone else, lol.

Best to slow and read a bit more carefully.

@mikepec It is scripture that identifies Antichrist. Not me. Blame the God of the scriptures, not the ones who understand it. The scriptures explain and give many identifying characteristics that identify papal Rome as the Antichrist, clearly and succinctly. The reformers saw that, which is why Rome created the counter reformation. It was the truth of the scriptures that have power to the reformation. It was the opening of God's word that gave light, dispelling papal darkness. Then came the council of Trent. Rome had to justify its existence in the midst of losing thousands of its members. The papal church was hemorrhaging. Rome couldn't argue against the scriptures, so they invented a completely different hermeneutic. In fact 2. Preterism and futurism. Both cleverly hide the Papacy from sight. 2000 years of church history is disappeared into thin air. Sadly for Rome, history has a habit of biting people as they try to leave the house. So Rome now has to alter history. Hence why you divert attention from the true history of the church and pretend protestants murdered more Catholics than the other way around. But sure, there no denying that Protestants had no more any idea of religious freedom than did Rome. At least not in this early days. Not until America and the constitution. The separation of church and state. Oh, I know. Catholicism hates the separation of church and state, and would love for the constitution to be turned to scrap.
But nevertheless, we have a Jesuit Pope now writing encyclicals imploring the governments of the world to unite. Religions of the world to unite. A single world economic system with the Pope as head of all. A dictatorship and tyranny of one. A socialist fascist global enterprise with Lucifer claiming the honours. It's coming. Your church will have its day. But be warned. The Rock will strike the feet of the statue and destroy all. Babylon the Great is fallen. She will be destroyed after a short stint at the top. She will be abandoned by everyone. They will recognise her lies. The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed. "Come out of her My people". And yes, that call to come out goes to those in the Anglican/Episcopalian churches, the Lutheran, Presbyterian, charismatic and Pentecostal and Methodist churches as well, and many others, all daughters and Harlots who have returned to Rome, their Mother. If you are a child of God, you need to find the truth. And get out while you can.
The Bible never mentions the pope it’s pure eisegesis.
The Bible never mentions the pope it’s pure eisegesis.
Peter. Put in charge of tending the flock . The office of keys. The power to bind and loose.
Add them up you have the pope by exegesis.
The name pope is of secondary importance . Although God asked Abram to call himself “ father” . Papa.

Now Do the berean thing!

Jesus often did and said things so he would be understood by reference to Old Testament, because he knew the Jews looked for meaning there

Jesus rode a donkey to identify as a davidic king as Solomon did . ( with all that entails- a surprise coming)

The inherited office of Keys of kingdom of David , Isaiah 22, in charge whilst the king is away. he gives to Peter!

As for what davidic entails…a surprise. 1 kings 1
We know that mother not spouse of a davidic king, is called queen given a throne to whom Solomon bows, and says he will do all she asks ! Think Mary and intercession. At Cana when she asks. Jesus says not yet, not till his time has come! But does it anyway, now His time has come.!

We are catholic because of scripture in true meaning, not in spite of it!
They believe the same things, the orthodox just have more poetic ways of dancing around the unscriptural stuff such as goddess worship.
There are no goddesses in orthodox.
do you know how offensive your anti historical , anti factual, anti scriptural opinions are
attacks against the oldest Christian communities - the church descended from Christ?

So what sect are you? Which part of the “make it up as you go along” reformation theology, “ designer pick the bits you like Christianity “ ditch the rest, “ Christianity in your own image not Gods” with its false and unsctiptural man made traditions like sola scriptura?
see - insults are easy! ? And pointless.

Most Catholics - or orthodox - would not dream of attacking other christians so.
” by this you will know them , that they love one another”

You should do what scripture tells you - listen to those who were sent to preach, and what was handed down from Jesus on , to which you are told to “stay true” . You should listen to the “ pillar of truth” not “lean on your own understanding “
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