I get where you are coming from, but you have some fundamental misunderstandings about Christianity.
The way it works is, you don't mosey up to the text of the Bible and just think, "aw, how many ways can I fiddle around with this, it's so fun."
That's not it at all—this truth comes by revelation and with complete authority, and it denounces completely every contrary belief.
Son of God could mean Jesus is an alien if you just plug in whatever you want.
But Scripture tells us what it means in this instance—that Christ is the exact substance of his Father and the radiance of his glory, that he was with God in the beginning and that he was God, that through him all things were created, and for him all things were made, and by the word of his power he upholds all things. that his name is above all other names, in this age, and in the world to come, that he is before all things in in him all things are held together, that he is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, that he is the only worthy slain Lamb who can break the seals of God's Judgment, and that all created things without exception give him all glory and honor and worship him as the ultimate authority.
Jesus is not yet another superhero showing up with all the other Bhuddas and Brahmas, he is the Almighty Infinite Transcendence that made every demon that gave these fictional gods names.
And there is NO other name under heaven by which we must be saved.
Except Jesus inspired the rest of the Bible. So you kinda missed that part as I have mentioned previously.
You could not be more incorrect, and your eternal fate depends on your obedience to the only King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And his name happens to be Jesus.