But they do prove the false gospel that no one received God's Holy Spirit before Pentecost. Also your stated doctrine that no man was "born again" before Jesus was murdered is also exposed in these Scriptures. And the false teaching that no man understood the death and resurrection of the Christ "of the bible" before Pentecost, is also exposed by these and other Scriptures.
When you combine these falsehoods, you live by and promote to others, with your judgements of God, and how you preach HE placed unbearable yokes of bondage, impossible to obey instructions on the necks of men who trusted Him, and then slaughtered thousands of them who couldn't keep them. And that HE had to come to earth, "AS GOD" to correct Himself through a supernatural body of Jesus, that was disguised as a man.
When all the lipstick is taken off this religion you have adopted, and the doctrines it promotes, it becomes clear why the Christ of the Bible warned us about religious men who "transform themselves" into apostles of Christ, who come in Christ's Name" to deceive.
Matt. 24:
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many.
This is why He said not to be like the Hypocrites in the manmade shrines of worship created by the religions of this world. And why HE said to "Come out of her", the "her" being the chaotic religious system of this world, which is Babylon.
I know some of this world's self-proclaimed "ministers of righteousness" are so invested in this world's religions and their philosophies that the cost of turning to the Words of the God and the Jesus "of the Bible" is simply too much for them. Doing so would require "believing" ALL that is written in the Law and Prophets, and the religious businesses of this world and those invested in them, are not willing to give up their power, wealth and praise of men they crave, because of the Words of a Book.
Nevertheless, there are men who God calls out of this Babylon, and they read the Scriptures in search of God's Truth, and Seeking God's Righteousness instead of self-justification. If there is someone like this on this forum, I want them to know they are not alone, that there are others who see the hypocrisy and falsehoods promoted by the religions of this world, and that we don't need to support them, or help them build their religious business to know God and to be given to the Lord's Christ.
And yes, they will call you names and label you, they will ridicule and try to turn you away from yielding yourself a servant to obey God. Don't listen to these "other voices" in the Garden God placed you in. Cling to God, and HE will give you to His Son, and His Son loses no one.