Who are the dead and what does it mean to be dead in Calvinism ?

Cults twist and distort the truth, right?
But they do have armloads of scriptures which you claim as well. Merely having lots of scriptures doesn't mean you're interpreting them correctly. That's another issue.
Well Rockson, you guys provide no substance on these topics, just baseless accusations and convoluted comments.​
I'm willing to let all other readers decide that and more importantly God.
Then you are guys get start stating what I believe and why I believe, right?​
You said you believed in the WCF. I told you what it stated,
I am still waiting for you to provide what you know about Covenant Theology. Nothing!​
I sometimes mix up what you're calling Covenant Theology with T.U.L.I.P for such writers are into the same things. I believe God created covenants always have so no offence but I'd say you need to dial back on your assertions that people don't understand Covenant. But I've listened to you describe your understanding of Adam and Eve in Covenant and have told you I have no real problem with much of what you said. When you cross over into what is really T.U.L.I.P. though then NO I do not agree with your covenant understanding.
More 2 step. I would appreciate you more if you just said, I need to brush up on it and get back to you.
But this is a message board and shouldn't you be thinking you're here to inform and enlighten? If you've got something which is beneficial you feel for people to understand I'd kindly suggest you share it not refer to some teaching book where a person can't have interaction.

This dialogue is not edifying or good for the Christian growth, I believe I am going to bid you a farewell.....
Fair enough and no offence but it's been my experience much of the time when a Calvinist says what you're saying, the only things that's edifying to them is when no one questions what they're seeking to indoctrinate another with. We will however challenge you and I believe rightly so on the various things you like to put forth.
Sorry, but I can retort to caricatures and bearing false witness. Because as I try to clarify that you are confusing Hyper-Calvinism and Classical Calvinism you continue with purposely misrepresenting my position.
Well that's only your opinion that anyone has borne false witness towards you. But when you claim Hyper Calvinism isn't really the same as Classical Calvinism you may somehow convinced yourself to believe that but I hold such a claim is not valid. I'm willing to let readers decide.

Sorry but I am going to speak up and set the record straight.
Well at least we have one thing in common. I likewise seek to do that same so no need to put forth a charge one is bearing false witness. I can acknowledge you can be wrong but sincerely so. Why can't you do that for others?
With the rest of your comments, there's no need for me to response, no substance,
And as stated I'm willing to let readers decide as to whether such is so.
You have a great day, and as I said I bid you a farewell.
As I stated I'd keep asking the question how can God be ordaining everything before it happens and not to have done injustice or as the WCF says violence to another's will. If you keep thinking on this perhaps some day you'll give up Calvinism. OK you've said farewell and I'll say then farewell to you.....but do yourself a favor and give it some thought. Wish you the best!
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But they do have armloads of scriptures which you claim as well. Merely having lots of scriptures doesn't mean you're interpreting them correctly. That's another issue.

I'm willing to let all other readers decide that and more importantly God.

You said you believed in the WCF. I told you what it stated,

I sometimes mix up what you're calling Covenant Theology with T.U.L.I.P for such writers are into the same things. I believe God created covenants always have so no offence but I'd say you need to dial back on your assertions that people don't understand Covenant. But I've listened to you describe your understanding of Adam and Eve in Covenant and have told you I have no real problem with much of what you said. When you cross over into what is really T.U.L.I.P. though then NO I do not agree with your covenant understanding.

But this is a message board and shouldn't you be thinking you're here to inform and enlighten? If you've got something which is beneficial you feel for people to understand I'd kindly suggest you share it not refer to some teaching book where a person can't have interaction.

Fair enough and no offence but it's been my experience much of the time when a Calvinists says what you're saying, the only things that's edifying to them is when no one questions what they're seeking to indoctrinator another with. We will however challenge you and I believe rightly so on the various things you like to put forth.

Well that's only your opinion that anyone has borne false witness towards you. But when you claim Hyper Calvinism isn't really the same as Classical Calvinism you may somehow convinced yourself to believe that but I hold such a claim is not valid. I'm willing to let readers decide.

Well at least we have one thing in common. I likewise seek to do that same so no need to put forth a charge one is bearing false witness. I can acknowledge you can be wrong but sincerely so. Why can't you do that for others?

And as stated I'm willing to let readers decide as to whether such is so.

As I stated I'd keep asking the question how can God be ordaining everything before it happens and not to have done injustice or as the WCF says violence to another's will. If you keep thinking on this perhaps some day you'll give us Calvinism. OK you've said farewell and I'll say then farewell to you.....but do yourself a favor and give it some thought. Wish you the best!
Amen brother well said
This too shall pass, It's just a little attack from a calvinist Hate site. They're trying to get people to come over to their Forum and help them look for the love in Calvinism. Apparently it got lost in the shuffle. But the hate is on full display.
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