And I am the dumbest Christian in Christendom. I know my role, but I am armed with Scripture.
You are aware that cults are likewise ARMED with scripture as well correct?
So you too are going to brag like Civic?
I've said what I've said to you. There was NO bragging about anything.
LoL..and still you lack the knowledge to refute it.
And I'd let other readers decide that....and not you exclusively.
I did know you would try to dance around it.
Sorry Ladodgers but that's rich for a Calvinist like yourself who would say ordaining actions that the WCF says in 3:1 wouldn't mean God does violence to a will. Really though that would be the greatest dance act in the world.
But no problem I love sharing Covenant Theology.
Good. Go for it. The mic is now yours.
What is troubling though is that you guys condemn Covenant Theology although you guys know nothing of it.
Please refrain from telling us what you consider we know nothing about and do what you said .....share your thoughts. Thanks.
How can an ill-informed person make any sound judgement without the wisdom or knowledge of the facts?
Go for it.
God after creating upright and good, God made a Covenant of Works with Adam. He possessed the ability to fulfill this Covenant or breach it.
As long as you hold by saying this that he had the ability to be obedient, but the fact is you don't. Not really. You, and i repeat YOU have said you agree with the WCF. That states
God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: If you say you believe that then you can't believe Adam and Eve had the ability to obey.
This Covenant came with conditions and stipulations; blessings & curses; Promises & threats; access or exile; life or death!
And I've told you all Christians believe life and death was connected to their actions of their obedience or disobedience. Good news. We all agree!
Adam breached the Covenant by One Act of Obedience, which brought sanctions upon himself and all his progeny. Adam was not coerced by God to breach it this Covenant, but was deceived by the serpent; calling God a liar that they would not surely die, but instead would be like gods! Adam's sin was the root of his fall, not like some suggest that God coerced Adam against his to sin. But by his own Free-Will Adam chose to disobey God's commandment.
Agreed but I refuse to allow that the WCF says that and you say you believe it. If you believe
God ordains whatsoever comes to pass before they do and seeing we know Adam and Eve sinned then there's no way you can say they had freedom of will to obey. Nope I'll never change on that and I trust readers won't as well.
And sanctions were rendered and executed. Adam was exiled from God and paradise, into the outer darkness to suffer and die. He was a deadman walking the green mile.
Correct. Adam and Eve died spiritually that day. What spiritual death actually is where Calvinists and Non Calvinists hold different beliefs. I'd hold that the Non-Calvinist position is more in line with scripture when it comes to Total Depravity.
. He was obedient even unto death for the sake of God's people.
For the sake of ALL humanity. All could choose upon hearing the gospel. God reconciled the world unto himself but men must now reconcile to God. 2 Cor 5:19
This is a loving act of divine intervention to redeem sinners! This Covenant is not some random rescue plan that hopefully works out. Not to make salvation possible in hopes that we allow God to help us, but a Promise, an Oath, a Covenant, his Word that he will redeem those whom he gives to Christ to save!
And here's where you go off the rails as Calvinists do. You run off claiming this is an absolute thing of force now where God decides who will be saved and who will not by changing his good, kind and gracious nature which doesn't show favoritism from one to another. Agreed you don't say this directly above but it seems that's what you're implying it's not something that hopefully will work out.
And nobody can change this or stop this, or break God's word!
Depends on what you're trying to assert by saying "hopefully works out" that it's not that.
This is the Gospel that is an announcement of what he accomplished in Christ for the ungodly! The Gospel is not a 12 step directions for getting yourself saved or DIY project that Christ left unfinished and left up to us to complete!
And I'm sure most of all Non Calvinists agree with this. Where the problem is, is a Calvinists insistence that if one merely receives the grace of God and it's taught that's something we must do Calvinists go off the rail by making false accusations that one is trying to be saved by works.