What do JW's Believe ?

Kneeland is one translation from 200 years ago, and he is not the only translator. There are myriads more that do not translate it as “a god” so that point is moot. Secondly, and again, this does not substantiate your “v”, “g” argument, in which you claim (wrongly) that the Greek letter ς (sigma) corresponds to the English letter g, and for which you have not acknowledged your error and corrected it. Furthermore, the “v” (Greek letter nu) in Theon does not constitute a capital G, God translation.

I would say that Greek person raised speaking Greek could do it too. Even a non-scholarly person.

The trinity religions disliked him because he exposed them as false religion. 19 other translations had a god. That single letter error at John 1:1 exposes all trinity religions as false. A bible scholar( A.T. Robertson) who thought it was proper to give worship to Jesus said- (edit) as was given to the word at John 1:1, same occurred at 2 Cor 4:4 Theon=god of this system of things-and Ton Theon to the true God-God. He was in error about worship to Jesus-Jesus has a God( John 20:17)--you see it takes believing Jesus over the errors. Few will, that is why Few will find the road that leads off into life.
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Jesus is the son of God, as will be all the restored sons, the 144k sons and daughters..

the sons will rule with Christ.

the difference is that Jesus
didnt fall, though he did come
here to this earth not made by God
just as we did
(through the same torture
we suffered , see daniels oven
...all of this happening in the other reality
not on this earth...)

He volunteered...
and took a huge step down to enter
this fleshbody God hates and did not create
---doing this to save us out of here...
out of this hellish satanic realm
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Christ is our deity
and represents and leads all the 144k
restored to their original body
made by God, restored to having His nature,
and not the flesh nature of this earth
as we do now

and all of the 144k
as the two witnesses
the two olive trees
will return to this earth with Christ
and help poor jacob left behind
who will be going through tribulation
and with Christ the 144k
now in their resurrected being
will bring many of jacob to God
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the sons will restore eden paradise
in the other reality
with Christ
and rule our eden land
made for us by God
with Christ
Jesus is the son of God, as will be all the restored sons, the 144k sons and daughters..

the sons will rule with Christ.

the difference is that Jesus
didnt fall, though he did come
here to this earth not made by God
just as we did
(through the same torture
we suffered , see daniels oven
...all of this happening in the other reality
not on this earth...)

He volunteered...
and took a huge step down to enter
this fleshbody God hates and did not create
---doing this to save us out of here...
out of this hellish satanic realm
The great crowd remains on earth forever.( Psalm 37:29, Prov 2:21-22) Earth( new earth) = Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences ever. Earth transformed into an Eden( paradise) one is NEVER sick, diseased, no aging like now, all motives of all mortals out of LOVE. All have plenty to eat, etc,etc. Gods kingdom. Gods original plan for mortals never changed.
more likely esau invented that phrase
'great crowd' in his sorcery kjv
to bully jacob

esau and all those demons can
have it... it's their ugly earth....

jacob is going home to eden
paradise in God's realm
in the other reality.

this earth will be fit only
for moles and rats.
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the great crowd could only be esaus
and this IS esau's type reality and nature
ot perhaps esau invented that phrase
to bully jacob

esau and all his fellow demons can
have it... it's their ugly earth....

jacob is going home to eden
paradise in God's realm
in the other reality.

this earth will be fit only
for moles and rats.
All the wicked and satan and the demons will be destroyed. Adam and Eve lived the the garden of Eden=a paradise--God told them to turn the whole earth into that-Gen 1:28-subdue the whole earth( into a paradise(eden)-- Jesus did not lie-- Matt 5:5= Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
All the wicked and satan and the demons will be destroyed. Adam and Eve lived the the garden of Eden=a paradise--God told them to turn the whole earth into that-Gen 1:28-subdue the whole earth( into a paradise(eden)-- Jesus did not lie-- Matt 5:5= Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
yes but the land described in His scroll
is not this one.
yes but the land described in His scroll
is not this one.
Its Gods kingdom rule in full control, no more satan influences. Jesus taught us to pray your kingdom come( to earth) your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. See Rev 21:2 New Jerusalem coming down( to Earth) out of heaven.
He erred about worship. But was correct that the word was not called God at John 1:1 like satan willed deceiving bibles have.

You are in a strong delusion. Robertson most certainly does:

Luther argues that here John disposes of Arianism also because the Logos was eternally God, fellowship of Father and Son, what Origen called the Eternal Generation of the Son (each necessary to the other). Thus in the Trinity we see personal fellowship on an equality.
Its Gods kingdom rule in full control, no more satan influences. Jesus taught us to pray your kingdom come( to earth) your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. See Rev 21:2 New Jerusalem coming down( to Earth) out of heaven.

The new earth is restored eden paradise in the other reality ...

The 12 gates are the same windows enoch describes regarding the movement of the eden sun, which is not revolving (as is the satanic revolving one we have now) but passes through the windows, with no seasons. all is temperate. this is shown to enoch when God takes him to the other reality, to the eden binary system, and enoch sees many things. and not in this solar system. Enoch describes eden as cubic. So does revelation regarding our restored paradise soon.

Also, eden is (currently) below mystery babylon, just as rev 21 shows, which captured her but that situation will change with Christ rescuing us soon and the sons rebuilding.

So rev 21 makes sense but does not refer to this earth at all.
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You are in a strong delusion. Robertson most certainly does:

Luther argues that here John disposes of Arianism also because the Logos was eternally God, fellowship of Father and Son, what Origen called the Eternal Generation of the Son (each necessary to the other). Thus in the Trinity we see personal fellowship on an equality.
There is no equality--one living an illusion might see equality, but its not taught in the bible.
The new earth is restored eden paradise in the other reality ...

The 12 gates are the same windows enoch describes regarding the movement of the eden sun, which is not revolving (as is the satanic revolving one we have now) but passes through the windows, with no seasons. all is temperate. this is shown to enoch when God takes him to the other reality, to the eden binary system, and enoch sees many things. and not in this solar system. Enoch describes eden as cubic. So does revelation regarding our restored paradise soon.

Also, eden is (currently) below mystery babylon, just as rev 21 shows, which captured her but that situation will change with Christ rescuing us soon and the sons rebuilding.

So rev 21 makes sense but does not refer to this earth at all.
Mystery babylon= all the false religions on earth=the harlot. There is no other reality.
There is no equality--one living an illusion might see equality, but its not taught in the bible.

In post 100 you falsely asserted that Robertson affirmed the Word was not called God in John 1:1.

The information in post 112 refutes your false claim.
In post 100 you falsely asserted that Robertson affirmed the Word was not called God in John 1:1.

The information in post 112 refutes your false claim.
I may have erred, but he did if he said the word was God, which is misleading 2 billion into not entering Gods kingdom. YHWH(Jehovah= is the only true God=the Abrahamic God= a single being God. Did you miss in the OT where he said-I am YHWH(Jehovah) besides me( not we) there is no other God.
Mystery babylon= all the false religions on earth=the harlot. There is no other reality.
the other reality is where heaven and eden paradise are and where are the satanic principalities (mystery-babylon).
This earth is babylon and per prophets will be destroyed.
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