The trinity religions disliked him because he exposed them as false religion. 19 other translations had a god. That single letter error at John 1:1 exposes all trinity religions as false. A bible scholar( A.T. Robertson) who thought it was proper to give worship to Jesus said- (edit) as was given to the word at John 1:1, same occurred at 2 Cor 4:4 Theon=god of this system of things-and Ton Theon to the true God-God. He was in error about worship to Jesus-Jesus has a God( John 20:17)--you see it takes believing Jesus over the errors. Few will, that is why Few will find the road that leads off into life.Kneeland is one translation from 200 years ago, and he is not the only translator. There are myriads more that do not translate it as “a god” so that point is moot. Secondly, and again, this does not substantiate your “v”, “g” argument, in which you claim (wrongly) that the Greek letter ς (sigma) corresponds to the English letter g, and for which you have not acknowledged your error and corrected it. Furthermore, the “v” (Greek letter nu) in Theon does not constitute a capital G, God translation.
I would say that Greek person raised speaking Greek could do it too. Even a non-scholarly person.
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