Introduction To JW Beliefs & Practices

1John 4:1 . . Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the
inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false
prophets have gone forth into the world.

The Greek word translated "false prophets" roughly defines a supposedly inspired
speaker who's actually on the wrong side of the aisle, viz: an imposter.

Jesus said that false prophets are known by their fruits (Matt 7:15-20). For
example: the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's predictions regarding
Armageddon and Christ's return have been incorrect every time. Seventh Day
Adventism's performance hasn't been any better.

When a religion's predictions fail, then prudence requires that we assume its
theology is highly suspect no matter how reasonable and/or logical it sounds.
They are 100% correct, Jesus received his crown=1914( Rev 6:2) its called the presence= something the darkness has no clue about even though mentioned over and over( Matt 24:37--1Cor 15:23--phillip 2:12--2Pet 3:4)--Rev 6:4--peace will be taken from the earth=1914=ww1, Not a single war-earth= a world war--Thus in 1879 Mr Russell said--Peace will be taken from the earth in 1914. He confused the ride of the white horse at Rev 6:2--for this ride=Rev 19:110 an easy error to make since both are white horse( righteous war)
Apostates living in darkness call it a false prophecy=those serving a non existent trinity god= satan posing as that god misleading all of them to be worse than a false prophet by giving worship to satan.
John 14:16-17 . . I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to
be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive, because
it neither beholds it nor knows it. You know it, because it remains with you and is in

John 14:26 . .The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name,
that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told

Rank and file JWs are taught to believe that they obtain boldness in speaking the
word of God, and zealousness in engaging in the work of witnessing, from "having"
the holy spirit. (pg 382, Reasoning From The Scriptures)

However; when speaking of "having" the holy spirit, the JWs mean that it is
alongside them rather than inside them. Only a special guild of 144,000 JWs are
believed to actually have the spirit inside them. The special guild are known as the
anointed class; a label taken from 1John 2:27.

The non-anointed class-- a.k.a. the great crowd, a.k.a. the hewers of wood and
haulers of water --are in a very serious condition. Here's why:

Rom 8:9 . .You are in harmony, not with the flesh, but with the spirit, if God's
spirit truly dwells in you.

Seeing as how God's spirit does not truly dwell "in" John Que and Jane Doe
missionary, then they are, by default, in harmony with the flesh. That only makes
things worse.

Rom 8:5-8 . . For those who are in accord with the flesh set their minds on the
things of the flesh, but those in accord with the spirit on the things of the spirit. For
the minding of the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life and
peace; because the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not under
subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. So those who are in harmony
with the flesh cannot please God.

The non-anointed class' situation is just too ironic for words. They displease God,
and He displeases them; yet they go door-to-door sincerely believing themselves
Jehovah's friends and allies.
John 14:16-17 . . I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to
be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive, because
it neither beholds it nor knows it. You know it, because it remains with you and is in

John 14:26 . .The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name,
that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told

Rank and file JWs are taught to believe that they obtain boldness in speaking the
word of God, and zealousness in engaging in the work of witnessing, from "having"
the holy spirit. (pg 382, Reasoning From The Scriptures)

However; when speaking of "having" the holy spirit, the JWs mean that it is
alongside them rather than inside them. Only a special guild of 144,000 JWs are
believed to actually have the spirit inside them. The special guild are known as the
anointed class; a label taken from 1John 2:27.

The non-anointed class-- a.k.a. the great crowd, a.k.a. the hewers of wood and
haulers of water --are in a very serious condition. Here's why:

Rom 8:9 . .You are in harmony, not with the flesh, but with the spirit, if God's
spirit truly dwells in you.

Seeing as how God's spirit does not truly dwell "in" John Que and Jane Doe
missionary, then they are, by default, in harmony with the flesh. That only makes
things worse.

Rom 8:5-8 . . For those who are in accord with the flesh set their minds on the
things of the flesh, but those in accord with the spirit on the things of the spirit. For
the minding of the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life and
peace; because the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not under
subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. So those who are in harmony
with the flesh cannot please God.

The non-anointed class' situation is just too ironic for words. They displease God,
and He displeases them; yet they go door-to-door sincerely believing themselves
Jehovah's friends and allies.
John 10:16= the great crowd =i have OTHER SHEEP who are not of that fold( little flock)--these are the only ones in Gods favor and will be saved. Only the little flock is anointed.
1John 2:26-27 . .These things I write you about those who are trying to mislead
you. And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and
you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but, as the anointing from him is
teaching you about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught
you, remain in union with him.

The anointing provides people with some valuable advantages to which people who
lack it of course have no access.

(1) Protects people from deception

(2) Enables people to comprehend Jesus Christ's teachings the way he wants them

(3) Makes it possible for people to remain in union with him.

According to Watchtower Society theology, only 144,000 special Jehovah's
Witnesses have the anointing. There aren't that many living Witnesses who have
the anointing though because when anointed Witnesses die, their passing doesn't
create vacancies; viz: 144,000 is the maximum unless an anointed JW either
apostatizes or is ousted via the process of disfellowship.

What that means is: the vast majority of today's living JWs don't have the
anointing. We're talking about some serious numbers here.

Currently, there are approximately 20+ million adherents following the
Watchtower's Society's version of Christianity. Even if all 144,000 anointed
Witnesses were alive today, that would leave approximately 19.86 million JWs
roaming the earth in our day who 1) have no protection from deception, 2) are
unable to grasp Jesus Christ's teachings the way he wants them grasped, and 3)
not in union with him.

I'd imagine that quite a few ordinary Witnesses sincerely believe that their
association with the Watchtower Society keeps them in union with Jesus Christ; but
according to 1John 2:26-27, union with Jesus Christ isn't accomplished on the
coattails of an organization; it's accomplished by means of the anointing, i.e. no
anointing = no union.

Ironically, every non anointed JW coming to our doors preaching the kingdom of
God are themselves "those who are trying to mislead you."
1John 2:26-27 . .These things I write you about those who are trying to mislead
you. And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and
you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but, as the anointing from him is
teaching you about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught
you, remain in union with him.

The anointing provides people with some valuable advantages to which people who
lack it of course have no access.

(1) Protects people from deception

(2) Enables people to comprehend Jesus Christ's teachings the way he wants them

(3) Makes it possible for people to remain in union with him.

According to Watchtower Society theology, only 144,000 special Jehovah's
Witnesses have the anointing. There aren't that many living Witnesses who have
the anointing though because when anointed Witnesses die, their passing doesn't
create vacancies; viz: 144,000 is the maximum unless an anointed JW either
apostatizes or is ousted via the process of disfellowship.

What that means is: the vast majority of today's living JWs don't have the
anointing. We're talking about some serious numbers here.

Currently, there are approximately 20+ million adherents following the
Watchtower's Society's version of Christianity. Even if all 144,000 anointed
Witnesses were alive today, that would leave approximately 19.86 million JWs
roaming the earth in our day who 1) have no protection from deception, 2) are
unable to grasp Jesus Christ's teachings the way he wants them grasped, and 3)
not in union with him.

I'd imagine that quite a few ordinary Witnesses sincerely believe that their
association with the Watchtower Society keeps them in union with Jesus Christ; but
according to 1John 2:26-27, union with Jesus Christ isn't accomplished on the
coattails of an organization; it's accomplished by means of the anointing, i.e. no
anointing = no union.

Ironically, every non anointed JW coming to our doors preaching the kingdom of
God are themselves "those who are trying to mislead you."
God will show the world the opposite of what your words say.
So-called Replacement Theology is just another name for identity theft. Take for
example the Watchtower Society's interpretation of Rev 7:1-8 wherein is listed a
specific number of Hebrews taken from every tribe of the sons of Israel.

The Society claims that those aren't biological sons of Israel; but rather "spiritual" sons--
referring of course to the Society's elite cadre of 144,000 Witnesses who have
supposedly undergone a spirit birth per Christ's instructions at John 3:3-12; & the
anointing per 1John 2:26-27.

The Society's claim is premised upon its observation that there never was a tribe of
Joseph; when in reality Joseph is listed as both a son and a tribe (Gen 49:2-28 & Ezek
48:31-34). So that portion of the Society's reasoning is clearly a false premise.

The Society's claim is also premised upon its observation that Ephraim and Dan are
missing from the list of tribes at Rev 7:4-8. However, what the Society's theologians
have somehow overlooked in the Old Testament is that it doesn't matter whose names
are chosen to represent the twelve tribes of Israel just so long as there are twelve
names. Are there twelve in Rev 7:4-8? Yes. Well then that's good enough. I realize that
makes no sense but then the Lord's apostles were still referred to as "the twelve" even
with Judas out of the picture. So that premise in the Society's reasoning is spurious too.

The Society's claim is also premised upon its reasoning that Levi isn't a valid tribe
based upon the fact that the Levites are exempt from warfare. However, Levi is clearly
listed as both a son and a tribe (Gen 49:2-28 & Ezek 48:31-34) which is a good many
years after Num 1:1-54. So that premise is bogus too.

The Watchtower Society not wanting the 144,000 to be genuine Hebrews is one thing;
but I would just like to know from whence Charles T. Russell's and Joseph F.
Rutherford's followers got the idea that their people constitute the 144,000. That's a
pretty serious claim. How do they validate it? I don't know; but I can just about
guarantee that their explanation is an outlandish stretch of the imagination consisting of
humanistic reasoning, rationalizing, spiritualizing, clever sophistry, and semantic

NOTE: According to Rev 14:1-4, the 144,000 are supposed to all be males, and none
have ever slept with a woman. That, if true, would of course disqualify married JWs and
all the females among them too.
So-called Replacement Theology is just another name for identity theft. Take for
example the Watchtower Society's interpretation of Rev 7:1-8 wherein is listed a
specific number of Hebrews taken from every tribe of the sons of Israel.

The Society claims that those aren't biological sons of Israel; but rather "spiritual" sons--
referring of course to the Society's elite cadre of 144,000 Witnesses who have
supposedly undergone a spirit birth per Christ's instructions at John 3:3-12; & the
anointing per 1John 2:26-27.

The Society's claim is premised upon its observation that there never was a tribe of
Joseph; when in reality Joseph is listed as both a son and a tribe (Gen 49:2-28 & Ezek
48:31-34). So that portion of the Society's reasoning is clearly a false premise.

The Society's claim is also premised upon its observation that Ephraim and Dan are
missing from the list of tribes at Rev 7:4-8. However, what the Society's theologians
have somehow overlooked in the Old Testament is that it doesn't matter whose names
are chosen to represent the twelve tribes of Israel just so long as there are twelve
names. Are there twelve in Rev 7:4-8? Yes. Well then that's good enough. I realize that
makes no sense but then the Lord's apostles were still referred to as "the twelve" even
with Judas out of the picture. So that premise in the Society's reasoning is spurious too.

The Society's claim is also premised upon its reasoning that Levi isn't a valid tribe
based upon the fact that the Levites are exempt from warfare. However, Levi is clearly
listed as both a son and a tribe (Gen 49:2-28 & Ezek 48:31-34) which is a good many
years after Num 1:1-54. So that premise is bogus too.

The Watchtower Society not wanting the 144,000 to be genuine Hebrews is one thing;
but I would just like to know from whence Charles T. Russell's and Joseph F.
Rutherford's followers got the idea that their people constitute the 144,000. That's a
pretty serious claim. How do they validate it? I don't know; but I can just about
guarantee that their explanation is an outlandish stretch of the imagination consisting of
humanistic reasoning, rationalizing, spiritualizing, clever sophistry, and semantic

NOTE: According to Rev 14:1-4, the 144,000 are supposed to all be males, and none
have ever slept with a woman. That, if true, would of course disqualify married JWs and
all the females among them too.
Symbolism. The bible explains itself-Women= false religions. Proof= In the account of King Jehosaphat at 2 Chron 21--He was a good king, but failed to take down the high places( where false god worship and practices occurred)thus in verse 13 God called what those leaving true worship to him and going to those high places to worship false gods= immoral intercourse--Thus in revelation, Babylon the great( worldwide false religions= many of them) God calls her a harlot( Wh---)--thus the word women= many not just 1. So it really means had nothing to do with false religions. The darkness cannot see it because they do not know God or his word or how to use it.
Peter was married and is one of the 144,000.
POSIT: The holy spirit guided the New World Translation.

REPLY: Non-anointed JWs are living proof that their Bible is unreliable. Here's

According to 1Cor 2:12-15, folks who've received the spirit which comes from God
are enabled to comprehend, and to accept, the things of God. Well: it's believed by
JWs that only 144,000 anointed Witnesses have received the spirit of God; which
means that all other JWs are physical people rather than spiritual people.

Rom 8:9 . .You are in harmony, not with the flesh, but with the spirit, if God's
spirit truly dwells in you.

Seeing as how God's spirit does not truly dwell "in" John Que and Jane Doe
missionary, then they are, by default, not in harmony with the spirit, and thus not
in harmony with the manner in which God prefers His word to be understood, viz:
were the NWT really and truly a spirit-guided translation, then non anointed JWs
would reject it.

So beware! Though a JW's beliefs might be honest beliefs, they just might also be
honestly wrong instead of right.
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Matt 24:45-47 . .Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master
appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is
that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to YOU, He will
appoint him over all his belongings.

The core of the Watchtower Society-- the Governing Body --sincerely believes itself
the faithful and discreet slave spoken of in that passage, i.e. believes that God
chose the leaders of the Watchtower Society as His sole distributor of truth to
mankind; thus explaining why John Que and Jane Doe Jehovah's Witnesses are
taught that they need to submit unquestioningly to the Governing Body in order to
associate with God, and for protection from doomsday, viz: the calamities depicted
in the book of Revelation.

"That faithful slave is the channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers
in this time of the end. It is vital that we recognize the faithful slave. Our spiritual
health and our relationship with God depend on this channel.
" (Jul 15, 2013
Watchtower, p.20)

"We need to obey the faithful and discreet slave to have Jehovah’s approval." (Jul
15, 2011 Watchtower, Simplified English Edition, p.24)

"[A mature christian] does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor
private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete
confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus
Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave.
" (Aug 01, 2001 Watchtower, p.14)

According to the above: rank and file JWs are being taught that it's essential to
comply with the Governing Body's teachings. However; at the same time they are
warned that the Body's teachings should not be assumed either inspired or

"The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in
doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watchtower Publications
Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our
Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful
slave would produce perfect spiritual food.
" (Feb 2017 Watchtower Study Edition,
¶12, under the heading: Who is leading God's People today?)

Just imagine the degree of confusion and insecurity that would pervade the minds
of Bible-believing Christians had the authors of the New Testament scriptures
attached a disclaimer to their writings similar to the above.

In addition to the Society's disclaimer -- there's a recommendation for its literature
on page 5 of the Jan 01, 1942 issue of the Watchtower magazine where it's stated:

"Those who are convinced that The Watchtower is publishing the opinion or
expression of a man should not waste time in looking at it at all. Those who believe
that God uses the Watchtower as a means of communicating to his people, or of
calling attention to his prophecies, should study The Watchtower.

In other words: the haulers of water and the hewers of wood-- John Que and Jane
Doe rank and file JW --are not only expected to know what's in The Watchtower
magazine, but they're also required to accept it as God's providence in spite of the
Society's caveat that their teachings are neither inspired, infallible, nor guaranteed
free of error.
Some of the Watchtower Society's ethics rub people the wrong way. For example
they don't celebrate birthdays, observe Christmas, participate in Halloween and
Easter, vote, serve in the military, nor allow blood transfusions, etc.

Their feelings about blood transfusions appear tenable from the passages below.

Gen 9:3-4 . . Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in
the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul— its
blood —you must not eat.

Lev 7:26-27 . .You must not eat any blood in any places where you dwell,
whether that of fowl or that of beast. Any soul who eats any blood, that soul must
be cut off from his people.

Lev 17:10-14 . . As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who
is residing as an alien in your midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set
my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off
from among his people.

Acts 15:19-20 . . Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who
are turning to God, but to write them to abstain . . from blood.

The Society construes those passages to imply that medical transfusions are all the
same as consuming blood for food.

Rather than get into a semantic quarrel with the Society over its interpretation of
those passages; I suggest another tact. And our purpose is not to win a debate;
only to offer a second opinion.

The Jews' sabbath law is very narrow. In point of fact, the covenant that Moses'
people agreed upon with God imposes capital punishment for sabbath violators. (Ex

Now, that is very interesting because Jesus broke their sabbath on a number of
occasions, and when doing so based his actions upon the principle that human life,
safety, and welfare trump strict observance of religious law. (cf. Matt 12:3-8)

One of the best illustrations I've seen of a die-hard legalist was a cartoon showing a
man behind the wheel of his car stopped at a red light while huge landslide
boulders are within seconds of crushing to death him, his family, and the family
dog. While his wife and children shriek in mortal panic, the legalist calmly points
out that he can't move the car until the light turns green, viz: legalists typically
refuse to accept the possibility of mitigating circumstances.

Although it's illegal to run red lights, those boulders rumbling down the hill to crush
the man's family to death unless he moves the car, are an acceptable excuse to go
before the light turns green. In those kinds of cases, human life, safety, and
welfare trump strict conformity to traffic laws.

Compare Ex 1:15-21 where Jewish midwives lied through their teeth in order to
save the lives of little Jewish boys. Did God punish the midwives for the sin of
dishonesty? No, on the contrary; He overlooked it and instead rewarded the
midwives' actions with families of their own. In point of fact, their actions were
adjudged as fearing the true God. (Ex 1:21)

Should someone reading this section chance to discuss blood transfusions with a JW
from a humane perspective; I urge them to go about it with the utmost in tact and
civility because this is a hot-button issue. Should your JW audience come to the
realization that they've made a monstrous mistake, they will be overwhelmed with
guilt, disillusion, and humiliation; not to mention fear of the organizational tsunami
that'll come their way should they dare to question the Society's stance on blood
Mark 11:12-13 . .The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he
became hungry. And from a distance he caught sight of a fig tree that had leaves,
and he went to see whether he would perhaps find something on it. But, on coming
to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season of figs.

FAQ: If Jesus was a theophany-- Jehovah in a human form --then why didn't He
know by omniscience that the fig tree would have no fruit? Why was it necessary
for Him to examine it up close in person?

REPLY: Jehovah's conduct in Mark 11:12-13 would've been unusual but by no
means uncharacteristic.

In the 11th chapter of Genesis, the people built themselves a tower and Jehovah
came down to inspect it. Now, if Jehovah is omnipresent and omniscient, then why
bother coming down out of heaven to inspect the tower in person?

In the 18th chapter of Genesis, Jehovah announced to Abraham that He was on a
journey to visit Sodom in order to determine whether the reports He was hearing
about the city were true or not. Again: if Jehovah is omnipresent and omniscient,
why bother coming down out of heaven to visit Sodom in person?

In the 22nd chapter of Genesis, Jehovah had Abraham offer his son as a sacrifice
made with fire. At the conclusion of the event; a celestial being-- speaking for
Jehovah and speaking as Jehovah-- said: "Now I do know that you are God-fearing
in that you have not withheld your son, your only one, from Me."

It goes without saying that Jehovah knows every man's thoughts, and He also
knows the future, viz: nothing we do, say, or think catches Jehovah by surprise; He
sees everything. So then, if Jehovah already knew in advance that Abraham would
offer Isaac, and already knew in advance that Abraham was God-fearing, then why
did He say "now I know"? Shouldn't Jehovah have already known? Well the thing is:
Jehovah knew in his head that Abraham would go thru with it, but it was his desire
to observe him as as an eye witness to a current event.

FAQ: Well then, why didn't Jesus use the powers of Jehovah to make that tree
produce fruit for him to eat right then and there on the spot instead of cursing the
poor thing?

REPLY: When the Word of John 1:1-3 came into the world as the flesh of John 1:14,
he came not as a divine man but as a Jewish man subordinate to a higher power
the same as all other Jewish men are subordinate to a higher power. (Phil 2:6-8)
viz: Jesus was micro-managed. He cursed that fig tree in compliance with his
Father's instructions to do so.

John 6:38 . . I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of
him that sent me.

John 8:28 . . I do nothing of my own initiative

In the end; Jesus had to examine that fig tree up close and personal because it was
on his God-given itinerary to do so; and if ever Christ had a passion; it was
compliance with his Father's instructions.

John 4:24 . .My food is for me to do the will of Him that sent me

John 8:29 . . I always do the things pleasing to Him.

FAQ: How is it possible for Jehovah to be on earth in a subordinate form while
simultaneously above in a superior form?

REPLY: I don't know. My IQ is inadequate to comprehend it; which is to be expected
when dealing with a religion whose very basis is supernatural rather than logical.
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FAQ: In common Bibles; Jesus told one of his fellow prisoners that they would be in
paradise the very day of their deaths (Luke 23:43). But three days later he told
Mary Magdalena that he had not yet ascended to his Father. (John 20:17)

REPLY: Well, of one thing we can be very certain: when Jesus died, he didn't go up--
quite the opposite --he went down. (Matt 12:40, Ps 16:9-10, and Acts 2:25-31)

Paradise is structured such that its elements exist in more than one place. For

The Pacific Crest Trail (a.k.a. PCT) traverses the north/south length of three states--
California, Oregon, and Washington. No matter where trekkers (a.k.a. hiker trash)
might be located on the trail at any given moment-- whether south at mile No.1 in
Campo San Diego, or 2,140 trail-miles to the north at Cascade Locks Oregon --
they're all on the very same PCT regardless of which State they happen to be
passing thru.

Alaska is one of the USA's fifty states though it isn't contiguous with any of the lower
48, same with Hawaii; yet all three places are reckoned America.

Paradise is sort of like that. There's a section of it in the netherworld (Luke 16:19-31)
another in a secret region called the third heaven (2Cor 12:2-4) and yet another
situated with God. (Rev 2:7)
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FAQ: Why do Solomon's remarks in the book of Ecclesiastes conflict with some of
Christ's teachings in the New Testament?

REPLY: According to 2Tim 3:16, Solomon was inspired to write Ecclesiastes, but the
catch is: his comments essentially represent a thinking man's world view-- a
philosophy of life under the sun --rather than a book of either history, revelation, or

In other words: Solomon's observations are restricted to the scope of empirical
evidence and human experience, i.e. a perception of reality moderated by what we
can see for ourselves going on around us in the natural than the supernatural--
which is at least one of the reasons why Ecclesiastes appeals to cultists, atheists,
and agnostics, et al.

Solomon's world view is punctuated with pessimism; which is basically a mindset
inclined to dwell on the negative in human experience rather than the positive. For

" You only go around once, so do it with all the gusto you can get! "

That was a Schlitz beer slogan some years ago. It's worldly wisdom thru and thru
rather than Christ's. Compare it to a couple of Solomon's remarks:

Ecc 9:5 . . The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they
are conscious of nothing at all.

Ecc 9:10 . . All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is
no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in sheol, the place to which you
are going.

That wisdom reflects Schlitz beer wisdom, viz: it's earthly wisdom rather than the
wisdom that comes from above.

Solomon was a very wise man, in point of fact: the brightest intellectual of his day.
But Solomon didn't know everything there is to know, nor had he seen everything
there is to see, nor been everywhere there is to go. Whereas Solomon's knowledge
was incomplete, Christ's knowledge is unlimited.

Col 2:3 . . Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of

And as his alter ego the Word per John 1:1-3, Christ has seen everything there is
to see, and been everywhere there is to go.

So then, it only stands to reason that Christ would have more to tell about the
afterlife than Solomon, whereas Solomon didn't see anything beyond the grave
when he penned Ecclesiastes.

A good rule of thumb to apply when the teachings of Solomon and Jesus contradict
each other, is to keep in mind that Jesus is Solomon's superior, viz: Jesus' thoughts
trump Solomon's.

Matt 12:42 . .The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with this
generation and will condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth to
hear the wisdom of Solomon, but, look! something more than Solomon is here.

John 3:31 . . He that comes from above is over all others.

And Jesus comes highly recommended too.

Matt 17:5 . . This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him.

So then, when encountering remarks in the book of Ecclesiastes that are out of step
with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament; my unsolicited spiritual counseling is
to marginalize Solomon's view of the afterlife and go with the wisdom of "my Son".

John 8:12 . . I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means
walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.
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The passage below from the Watchtower Society's bible is deliberately misquoted.
Watch for the revision.

Ps 146:3-4 . . Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to
whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that
day he loses awareness.

The actual passage says "his thoughts do perish" which is quite a bit different than
losing awareness.

The Hebrew word for "thoughts" in that passage is 'eshtonah (esh-to naw') which
basically means thinking.

Unfortunately, Ps 146:4 is the only place in the entire Old Testament where
'eshtonah appears so we can't compare its uses in other contexts.

According to Webster's the word "thinking" is ambiguous with quite a variety of
meanings to choose from; including, but not limited to: concerns, anticipations,
conceptions, opinions, imaginations, visualizations, ideas, epiphanies, plans,
schemes, fantasies, arguments, aspirations, deliberations, and the like.

For the rich man in Jesus' parable at Luke 12:16-20; I would choose ideas, plans,
and schemes.

" I will say to my soul: Soul, you have many good things laid up for many years;
take your ease, eat, drink, enjoy yourself. But God said to him: Unreasonable one,
this night they are demanding your soul from you. Who, then, is to have the things
you stored up? "

For a contemporary example: consider all those people who perished in the World
Trade Center, and in the Japan and Indonesia tsunamis, and the Haiti earthquake.
None of them woke that day planning on it being their last on earth. No, on the
contrary; they had people to see, places to go, and things to do: but before the day
ended; whatever was on their itinerary lost its importance-- their priorities went
right out the window and became no more significant than green cheese on the

All their plans, their dreams, their schedules, their appointments, their schemes,
their problems, their ambitions, their loves, and their aspirations went right down
the tubes as they were suddenly confronted with a whole new reality to cope with.

So then, an alternative to the Watchtower Society's interpretation is that people
don't lose awareness when they die; no, Ps 146:3-4 only means to say that
whatever was on their minds before they passed away is now null and void.

Take for another example Pop singer Michael Jackson. While working on a new
world tour, Jackson died in his sleep. As a result; his tour wrapped on the spot.

When my eldest nephew was paroled from prison, he quit drinking and began going
to college with the goal towards becoming a counselor. For 2½ years all went well.
His parole officer was happy, and he was on track and getting good grades. My
nephew's future looked assured. And then on the morning of Sept 25, 2015, he
dropped dead to the floor of natural causes.

My nephew's passing was a terrible disappointment to everybody; but actually we
all kind of expected it. He was grossly overweight, had high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, rarely exercised, and smoked. But the point is; my nephew's dream
ended just as abruptly as flipping a light switch. And all of our hopes for his success
ended the same way, viz: our thoughts perished right along with his.

Death is the mortal enemy of human ambitions. It often casts its long shadow when
people set about planning their lives. The Scottish poet Robert Burns noticed that
life sometimes throws a curve ball that makes all your careful preparations strike
out instead of getting you on base.

He was working one day plowing in the field and uprooted a mouse's underground
nest who was all set for the oncoming winter. The mouse had picked a fallow field
as the site for its winter retreat thinking it would be safe and snug; unmolested
during the cold. But it didn't (or maybe we should say it couldn't) know the
workings of powers higher than itself-- in this case, farmers and their machinery.

Mousie, you are not alone in proving foresight may be vain.
The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew,
And leave us naught but grief and pain for promised joy.

The Watchtower Society insists people cease to exist as persons when they pass
away as if human existence is no more resilient than that of a pig or a chicken. The
prophet Jonah is a very useful rebuttal to the Society's position.

Jonah 1:17 . . The Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and he was insid
the fish three days and three nights

FAQ: Was Jonah alive in the fish?

REPLY: Yes. (Jonah 2:1)

FAQ: The whole time?

REPLY: No; at some point in his nautical adventure Jonah went to a place called
sheol (Jonah 2:2) which is located at the roots of the mountains. (Jonah 2:6)

Well; the roots of the mountains aren't anchored in the tummies of fish, nor are
they anchored under the sea, rather: they're anchored underground deep in the
earth. So, the only way that Jonah could possibly be at the roots of the mountains
while simultaneously in the belly of a fish was for the man and his body to part
company and go their separate ways. This is not impossible because according to
Matt 10:28 people can, and do, exist as disembodied souls.

Also, the language of Jonah's prayer strongly suggests that his corpse was restored
to life, i.e. resurrected.

Jonah 2:6 . . I descended to the roots of the mountains. The earth with its bars
was around me forever, But Thou hast brought up my life from the pit, O Lord my

The Hebrew word for "pit" basically pertains to holes in the ground, but sometimes
speaks of putrefaction too, e.g. Ps 16:8-10 & Acts 2:25-31. In other words: had
Jonah's body been left inside that fish's tummy for much longer, it would've been
digested to oblivion.

Matt 12:40 . . For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge
fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Now when you think about it; Jesus' remains weren't laid to rest in the heart of the
earth; and in point of fact they weren't even buried in the earth's soil. They were
laid to rest up on the surface of the earth, above the soil, in a rock tomb. So the
only way that Jesus could be up on the surface of the earth while simultaneously
down below was for he and his body to part company and go their separate ways
the same as Jonah's did.

Also: it was essential to get Jesus back up on his feet again before a fourth day to
prevent his body from being lost to rot. (John 11:39, Ps 16:8-10, Acts 2:25-31)

NOTE: Jonah 2:5-7 strongly suggests the prophet was already deceased via
drowning prior to the fish; which makes sense seeing as Jesus was deceased prior
to the tomb, viz: neither man was buried alive.
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One of the Greek words translated "hell" in the New Testament is haides (hah'dace)
a term borrowed from Hellenistic mythology that labels an afterlife situation to
which all the dead retire: the good dead & the bad dead regardless of one's age,
race, sex, gender identity, economic status, political ideology, and/or religious
beliefs and practices.

In the story told at Luke 16:19-31, there's a rich man dead and buried (Luke
19:22) and there's the patriarch Abraham dead and buried. (Gen 25:9) Technically,
they are both in haides, though of course Abraham's accommodations are much
superior to the rich man's.

Haides is believed by some to indicate "the grave" which lends itself to a variety of
humorous observations.

To begin with: there's a pauper in the story named Lazarus whose remains were
transported by celestial beings to Abraham's grave where they apparently exhumed
the olde gentleman so Lazarus could be buried with him.

Luke 16:23 . . The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to
Abraham's side.

The thing is: Abraham was dead and buried several centuries before Moses and the
prophets came along so that the only remains that Lazarus' corpse was likely to
encounter in Abraham's grave were the patriarch's bones; yet the story portrays
those bones just as sentient, just as capable of sight, and just as capable of
speech, as Abraham was before he passed away.

The rich man's circumstances are curious too. In death, he is able to see from his
grave over to Abraham's grave

Luke 16:22-23 . . The rich man also died and was buried. In hades, he looked up
and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.

And they communicated by voice from grave to grave.

Luke 16:24-25 . . He called to him; Father Abraham - - and Abraham replied

I am very curious how the two dead men were able to communicate with one
another at all let alone through the ground like that. And aren't graves supposedly
pitch black dark? Are dead folks equipped with night vision or maybe even X-ray
vision so they can see thru the ground into other graves?

NOTE: The Watchtower Society insists people cease to exist as persons when they
pass away as if human existence is no more perpetual than that of a skunk, an
ostrich, or a lobster. If it turns out the Society is resting upon a false premise, their
disappointment will be very grievous.

Eccl 12:7 . . For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to
God who gave it.

The million dollar question is: What does God do with people's spirit once He gets it

And another: Is it possible dead peoples' spirits are transferable to a different form
of existence than the one had before passing away?

Those are very, very disturbing questions; especially for Jehovah's Witnesses
because they believe the angel Michael's life force was transferred to Mary's womb
so he could exist as a human being without losing the essence of his identity; and
then when his human existence passed away on the cross, Michael's life force was
transferred back so he could pick up where he left off as an angel. Were I a JW, the
Watchtower Society's thoughts about life force would make me very nervous.
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The Watchtower Society claims Luke 16:19-31 is a parable; which of course implies
that the story is fiction; and some would even say fantasy. But the parable theory
has some fatal flaws,

For one: whenever Jesus told a parable, he eventually took his disciple aside and
explained its meaning. (Mark 4:34)

I would've liked to been on hand when Jesus expounded his defense for quoting
Abraham saying things that the patriarch didn't really say; which in my judicious
estimation is especially despicable due to the fact that Abraham is one of God's
buddies. (Isa 41:8)

All I'm saying is: if we can't trust Jesus to tell the truth about his Father's friends,
then how are we supposed to trust him to tell the truth about one of us?

This is a serious question because Jesus is the one and only mediator in Heaven
between God and Man (1Tim 2:5) Well; I for one don't want someone unfaithful to
me speaking on my behalf before the throne of God.

One other point: nothing Jesus taught originated with him.

John 8:26 . .He that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which
I have heard of Him.

John 8:28 . . I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak these things as the
Father taught me.

John 12:49 . . I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, He
gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

John 14:24 . .The word which you hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent

John 3:34-35 . .He is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God's spirit is upon
him without measure or limit.

Heb 1:1-2 . . In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at
many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His

I cannot imagine someone as famous for honesty and integrity as God directing His
own son to tell us things about people that aren't true; especially about His friends.

John 17:3 . . You . . the only truthful God

Heb 6:18 . . it is impossible for God to lie

If God really is as reliable as the Bible presents Him; then I should think it
completely safe to assume that all of Jesus' parables, every one of them, from the
shortest to the longest, are 100% true stories taken from real life.

As for Abraham; he was a prophet, i.e. an inspired man (Gen 20:7). As such, he
would be privy to information that would normally be unavailable to the average
rank and file pew warmer. Abraham was also a teacher/mentor. (Gen 18:19)

So then, I think it's fairly safe to assume the information that Abraham passed on
to the rich man came to Abraham via inspiration; which, if so, means that our
reaction to his remarks should be very different than the rich man's. He brushed
aside what Abraham told him; but we, I should hope, are wiser than that impious
dunce because we know that a prophet's teachings are the voice of God.
WATCHTOWER POSIT : Luke 16:19-31 has to be a parable because according to
Matt 13:34 and Mark 4:3, when Jesus spoke to crowds, he spoke only in parables
and never in plain speech.

REPLY: In point of fact, many of the Lord's sermons preached to crowds were plain
spoken without hidden meanings; for example Mark 12:35-37 which says;

"While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, he asked: How is it that the
teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of David? David himself, speaking
by the Holy Spirit, declared: "The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I
put your enemies under your feet." David himself calls him "Lord." How then can he
be his son? The large crowd listened to him with delight."

Jesus was speaking that day in the Temple courtyard which, at the time, was a
convenient venue for anybody with the moxie and the wherewithal to set up a soap
box and preach to one and all who cared to listen. He went on to say other plain
spoken things to the crowd that day sans hidden meanings.

Another example is Mark 12:38-40 which says:

"As he taught, Jesus said: Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk
around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most
important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They
devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be
punished most severely."

A better way to interpret Matt 13:34 and Mark 4:3 is that Jesus always included at
least one parable in his sermons when speaking to crowds.
The Watchtower Society alleges that the transfiguration event recorded in Matt
17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36, and 2Pet 1:16-18 displayed Jesus' true angelic

However; according to the reports; the transfiguration event was a preview of the
future kingdom; which, according to Heb 2:5-8 will be ruled, managed, and
supervised by human beings rather than by celestial beings.

During the event, a voice from heaven identified Jesus as "my beloved son".
According to the first chapter of the letter to Hebrews, God has never made an
angel His heir apparent nor His next of kin.

At no time during the event did Jesus undergo a name change; he was never once
addressed, or referred to, as Michael.

None of the accounts say that Jesus' physical body was changed into a spirit body.
In point of fact, the only alteration that Jesus actually underwent was the shine that
radiated from his face and his clothing; and he remained recognizable as Jesus
rather than someone that the apostle Peter had never seen before.

FAQ: How did Peter know the two men with Jesus were Moses and Elijah?

REPLY: The report says Jesus and the men were discussing his impending demise.
No doubt Peter overheard his master addressing them by name.
WATCHTOWER POSIT: It is impossible for Jesus Christ to be in heaven as a human
being in the presence of God because 1Tim 6:16 says that the king of all kings
dwells in an unapproachable light, whom "not one of men" has seen or can see.

REPLY: The Greek word translated "unapproachable" also means inaccessible;
which right there attests that humanity needs a mediator between itself and the
unapproachable light to make possible a meaningful rapport with that personage
whose existence is not only very illogical but also very alien.

Note that the passage below is misquoted. Watch for the revision.

"There is one God, and one mediator between God and men; an angel: Christ
Michael." (1Tim 2:5)

No, that passage doesn't actually say "an angel" nor does it actually say "Christ
Michael". Here it is for real.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men; a man: Christ

The Greek word for "men" as well as the word for "a man" is derived from
anthropos (anth'-ro-pos) --a common Greek word for human beings in the New

So it's readily seen from a cursory examination of the Greek that the mediator
spoken of in 1Tim 2:5 is an h.sapiens rather than an angel.

Seeing as how Christ Jesus is allowed access to the inaccessible light as a human
being, then it's safe to conclude that there has to be something very unusual about

Well; for one thing, his body is no longer that of mortal men. When he went up to
heaven, Christ Jesus' body underwent a miraculous transformation. It's still human,
that we know, but its chemistry is unlike any human body on Earth. (1Cor 15:50-53)

For another, Christ Jesus is not only human, but also divine (John 1:1, John 1:18,
and Col 2:9). That alone would surely be enough to grant him some special
privileges, and it does. For example: the angel Gabriel stands in the presence of
God (Luke 1:19) while Christ Jesus the man is seated. (Ps 110:1, Col 3:1)
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