Was Martin Luther anti-Semitic?

I already explained why YOU were wrong and a hypocrite.

I have no need to defend Luther … I am neither Lutheran nor any other flavor of Protestant … I am a Baptist.
Baptist is a Protestant denomination.

We spring from two different lines several centuries later that drew people from various denominations based on a belief that Scripture should be obeyed and that it commands Believer’s Baptism. I care about what Paul and John wrote, not what Luther and Calvin (or any ECF or Church Council or Magisterium) wrote.
The OP of this thread is about whether or not Martin Luther is an anti-Semite.

I just think that it is wrong of you to make false accusations against a dead Christian because of the culture he lived in and a desire to inflate yourself.
  • Would you rebuke God and claim Abraham was not righteous since Abraham owned slaves … or are you defending slavery? If we are to hold Luther to 21st century standards, then we must hold EVERYONE to those same standards, right?
  • Paul said Jews should ‘emasculate themselves’. Better condemn Paul’s anti-Semitism.
  • God commanded genocide in Jericho. Better condemn God as a War Criminal.
Are you prepared to hold everyone to YOUR standard of Justice? (Or just Luther and anyone that disagrees with you?)
These aren't accusations. His documented anti-Semitism is full display. You seem to be directing your frustrations toward me when I have nothing to do with him.
A person who preaches hatred, prejudice or violence against other people due to their religion is acting against Christ.
Christ Himself told Saul (Paul) in the road to Damascus that he was acting against Christ.
So, in that sense, Luther’s attitude was anti-Christ.

Just let me insist that we all show anti-Christ attitudes at some point of our life, as a result of our ignorance.
Even Paul did it… and not just at the beginning against Christians… He supported a commonly held prejudice against people from Crete (Titus 1:12,13) One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and idle gluttons!” This witness is true.

Now replace Cretans by “Mexicans” and Paul will sound more prejudiced than Trump! ;)
Yeah that's a good point, but I don't think Luther was ignorant nor innocent for that matter. His beliefs are well-documented in his writings. He began his early career as a loving man who loved all people it seems, even Jews. That changed over time. Imagine hating people so much that one needs to write a 65,000 word book expressing it and then publishing it to the masses. It's a difficult mindset to assume, but he knew exactly what he was doing.
He wasn't anti-Judaism. Luther hated those who are ethnically Jewish, but as a side note he also hated Jesus' religion as well.
You have gotten worse proportionally to your time here. You distort scripture and history and take sides with those against Christ at the situations we have seen here..
Yeah that's a good point, but I don't think Luther was ignorant nor innocent for that matter. His beliefs are well-documented in his writings. He began his early career as a loving man who loved all people it seems, even Jews. That changed over time. Imagine hating people so much that one needs to write a 65,000 word book expressing it and then publishing it to the masses. It's a difficult mindset to assume, but he knew exactly what he was doing.
His writing was to warn Christians of a threat. The threat he had observed were the teachings of the rabbis. But who can speak against the rabbis in the early 1500s since you seem to view them as unable to sin. You also deny the power of God to restore Christian truth through a person like Martin Luther. That is the truth that ultimately gave you the opportunity to deny it.
Baptist is a Protestant denomination.
Nope. Fun fact, those opposed to Infant Baptism were persecuted by Rome starting about 25 years after the death of the Apostle John (Tellurian wrote about it), continuously through the Dark Ages and the Ana-Baptist movement far predates the Reformation. We were NEVER part of ROME to either Reform it or split from it. As I keep stressing, Baptists have a DIFFERENT historic origin than the denominations that emerged from the Protestant Reformation. The Credobaptist doctrine goes back millennia and the modern English Baptist Church Movement emerges centuries after the Reformation in England, Holland and America.
The OP of this thread is about whether or not Martin Luther is an anti-Semite.
Not really, but what does this have to do with your false statements about my beliefs and motives that forces me to educate you on Baptists in general and my beliefs in particular?
Nope. Fun fact, those opposed to Infant Baptism were persecuted by Rome starting about 25 years after the death of the Apostle John (Tellurian wrote about it), continuously through the Dark Ages and the Ana-Baptist movement far predates the Reformation. We were NEVER part of ROME to either Reform it or split from it. As I keep stressing, Baptists have a DIFFERENT historic origin than the denominations that emerged from the Protestant Reformation. The Credobaptist doctrine goes back millennia and the modern English Baptist Church Movement emerges centuries after the Reformation in England, Holland and America.
Very good points for us to consider. Thanks for the post, atpollard.
Love to all Baptist friends.
Besides, Baptist churches’ music is uplifting.
You have gotten worse proportionally to your time here. You distort scripture and history and take sides with those against Christ at the situations we have seen here..
I've probably become too confident after being on this board and all of the other ones.
His writing was to warn Christians of a threat. The threat he had observed were the teachings of the rabbis. But who can speak against the rabbis in the early 1500s since you seem to view them as unable to sin. You also deny the power of God to restore Christian truth through a person like Martin Luther. That is the truth that ultimately gave you the opportunity to deny it.
This is nonsense. I have never read anyone defend Luther like you're doing. Did you research this? From what obscure rock did you pull that idea out from under?

Got a source? I have about 100 sources that say other wise. I am ready to match when you are.
Nope. Fun fact, those opposed to Infant Baptism were persecuted by Rome starting about 25 years after the death of the Apostle John (Tellurian wrote about it), continuously through the Dark Ages and the Ana-Baptist movement far predates the Reformation. We were NEVER part of ROME to either Reform it or split from it. As I keep stressing, Baptists have a DIFFERENT historic origin than the denominations that emerged from the Protestant Reformation. The Credobaptist doctrine goes back millennia and the modern English Baptist Church Movement emerges centuries after the Reformation in England, Holland and America.
So you believe in infant baptism?
You say "we." And can you give evidence that any Anabaptist ever believed in Divine determinism or rejected conditional election?
Not really, the fact that all the written records were made by the people that were killing them for re-baptizing sort of limits the available theology one can provide evidence for. We can prove CREDOBAPTISM as a core belief that was the cause of their martyrdom and that really is the defining attribute of “baptists” (it is in the name). As a more pragmatic point, only HALF of the modern Baptists support “Limited Atonement” (and TULIP in general) being Particular Baptists. The other half of most Baptist Congregations are General Baptists (supporting General Atonement and some form of “Arminianism/Wesleyanism”). As I keep telling you, we Baptists did not emerge from the RCC or Protestant Reformation. We have a different history (one written in the blood of martyrs that forms our views on “separation of church and state” and “individual soul liberty”).
Not really, but what does this have to do with your false statements about my beliefs and motives that forces me to educate you on Baptists in general and my beliefs in particular?
You said you're a Baptist, but that's a denomination. I didn't assign it as a denomination so I am not just speaking about your beliefs. I don't really know what you believe aside from the label you gave yourself, but in a later comment you seemed to have represented yourself differently. How about you just come right out and say what you believe and I'll let you know if I still think you're in a denomination or not.
I've probably become too confident after being on this board and all of the other ones.
Sure. You seem to suffer from pride in your own exaggeration of your ability. If you can reasonably convince people here that the verses they point out about the divinity of Christ are wrong, then maybe you could start to have reason to boast how good your are in your interpretations.
This is nonsense. I have never read anyone defend Luther like you're doing. Did you research this? From what obscure rock did you pull that idea out from under?

Got a source? I have about 100 sources that say other wise. I am ready to match when you are.
wow. you really feel excited about smearing Christians. So you only follow the crowd if it smears Christians.
Sure. You seem to suffer from pride in your own exaggeration of your ability. If you can reasonably convince people here that the verses they point out about the divinity of Christ are wrong, then maybe you could start to have reason to boast how good your are in your interpretations.
Just confident because the arguments here are super easy. I am sure there is a playbook you all use or maybe some crash course in apologetics that's popular. I haven't seen any new arguments in a long time.
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