Was Martin Luther anti-Semitic?

wow. you can parrot things, even your earlier posts, without presenting the context within his writing nor any context except of those who want to simply slander Luther. They say people start believing lies when they are repeated enough. Is that the approach you want to convey? Also, you keep on sharing your disregard of context. This explains your theology too.
Better to laugh at you at this point. What a joke. Let me know when you are ready to get serious and most especially HONEST about the things Luther said about Jews and we can actually have a constructive talk about it. Burring your head in the sand, defending him, downplaying his words is not the way to address this important matter about the origins of your organization.
I asked Copilot the following question
Mention the Lutheran writers, leaders or theologians who have acknowledged the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther

And this is the response I got:

1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A prominent Lutheran theologian and anti-Nazi dissident, Bonhoeffer recognized and criticized Luther's anti-Semitic writings.
2. Karl Barth: Although not strictly Lutheran, Barth was a Reformed theologian who had significant influence on Lutheran thought. He acknowledged Luther's anti-Semitism and called for a re-evaluation of his writings.
3. Jaroslav Pelikan: A renowned church historian and Lutheran theologian, Pelikan addressed Luther's anti-Semitism in his scholarly work.
4. Franklin Sherman: A Lutheran scholar who has written extensively on the topic, Sherman has highlighted Luther's anti-Semitic views and their impact on subsequent generations.
5. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA): The ELCA has officially repudiated Luther's anti-Semitic writings and acknowledged their harmful effects.
These individuals and institutions have played a crucial role in addressing and condemning the anti-Semitic aspects of Luther's legacy.
Thanks for being honest. Yes and there are A LOT more than that.
Everyone wants to trace their lineage back to the earliest church to look good.

But if you have no evidence of any Anabaptists believing in Calvinism, and a lot of evidence they did not, you cannot legitimately trace your lineage to them, because they did not believe what you believe.

The fact is, there is no widespread recorded belief of Calvinistic doctrine before the Reformation, it's just a historical fact.
Umm … there was no Arminian doctrine before the Reformation either, so you have a pretty fat thumb on that scale.

Setting aside Scripture itself, the earliest THEOLOGY had bigger issues that Monergism vs Synergism … people denied Jesus was God, people denied Jesus was human, people denied the Holy Spirit was God, people denied that we were all sinners and actually NEEDED a savior … so the first centuries were about dealing with BIGGER problems while not getting martyred.

After that, Monergism dominated theological thought reaching a peak around Augustine. After that, the Church changed its mind and various forms of Synergism came to dominate.

Ultimately, I have to ask why it is (bad/wrong/evil) of me to believe that when God said “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father.” - John 6:65 or “So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it.” - Romans 9:16 - that God was not lying?
I asked Copilot the following question
Mention the Lutheran writers, leaders or theologians who have acknowledged the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther

And this is the response I got:

1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A prominent Lutheran theologian and anti-Nazi dissident, Bonhoeffer recognized and criticized Luther's anti-Semitic writings.
2. Karl Barth: Although not strictly Lutheran, Barth was a Reformed theologian who had significant influence on Lutheran thought. He acknowledged Luther's anti-Semitism and called for a re-evaluation of his writings.
3. Jaroslav Pelikan: A renowned church historian and Lutheran theologian, Pelikan addressed Luther's anti-Semitism in his scholarly work.
4. Franklin Sherman: A Lutheran scholar who has written extensively on the topic, Sherman has highlighted Luther's anti-Semitic views and their impact on subsequent generations.
5. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA): The ELCA has officially repudiated Luther's anti-Semitic writings and acknowledged their harmful effects.
These individuals and institutions have played a crucial role in addressing and condemning the anti-Semitic aspects of Luther's legacy.
Pancho did some fine research there. He found people denouncing his anti-Semitic view around or after World War II. Indeed many people got that focus after news of that time. A quick finding (yes, with AI) was Bonhoeffer's interest more in reconciling with Jews and thus against what Luther had written (link: #jcrelations article ). Then Franklin Sherman is one who ELCA followed in their views. So, an excellent way of listing the same group twice.

Also, I did not see where Luther was seeking to kill Jews for not following Christ. His issues were of vile doctrines and actions of Jews. Some were based on his experience and some based on the writings of (and communications with) someone who was of a rabbinic family and became a Christian. So, the argument against him has to be partly based on the knowledge he had about Jews or about overreacting. We also have to discern what Jewish behavior and views truly were in Germany at that time.
If someone addresses those reasonably, then maybe we can listen to the anachronistic, vagueness of the term anti-Semite applied to him.
Thanks, but don't worry about me. There are millions of Protestants you should be directing this message toward.
The RCC is deadly deadly deadly , be sure not to follow that road either . give me a bit of comfort and let me know
you follow no HO . the protestant realm again has become enamored by her ever seducing ways .
And beleive you me , I dont heed calvin , lutheran, methodist , southern baptist , nar realm prosperity realm either .
MY SUGGESTION remains the same to all , BIBLE TIME in the building .
Muslims are Unitarians like you .
one thing i seem to notice and specially in these very late hours of these very last days .
A delusion has come to unite . and unite it is and uniting all it will . ALL NOT IN THE LAMBS BOOK of life
to be as one under what they believe is LOVE and or the LOVE OF GOD . IT Just aint looking good at all in these last hours .
Leaven has come in under its version of what IT says was loving . the judge not correct not .
from there it has grown for under the banner of judge not correct not it was allowed to remain .
because its root , its seed WAS NOT THE PLANTING OF THE LORD but of men . very very clever men .
MAY i suggest we all begin afresh and anew in the bible . Be encouraged my friend . be always encouraged IN THE LORD .
No idea what you're talking about. Luther and his calls to violence do not protect him from condemnation. It is everyone's job to speak out against evil and shut it down regardless of where it comes from.
So dont complain when MEN LIKE ME warn against the all inclusive interfaith co exist finding common ground . CAUSE IT BE EVIL .
EVIL that has found a common BUT false love that all not in the lambs book of life will unite under and agree with . ITS OF THE DEVIL .
I do not think we should ever water down or condone the wrong that Luther, or any other past saint, has ever done.

I am amazed at the length some Calvinists will go to, to gloss over and excuse his behavior.
and by all means lets not excuse and gloss over the RCC and her whorish ways .
IT BE BIBLE TIME . and what i say to one i DO indeed say to all , BIBLE TIME . men are DECIEVING entire houses now
we must learn for ourselves what these do not teach but rather twist unto their own destruction .
and pure and holy words in that bible. DO not wait till the morrow , LET US DO THIS NOW and never look back .
The RCC is deadly deadly deadly , be sure not to follow that road either . give me a bit of comfort and let me know
you follow no HO . the protestant realm again has become enamored by her ever seducing ways .
And beleive you me , I dont heed calvin , lutheran, methodist , southern baptist , nar realm prosperity realm either .
MY SUGGESTION remains the same to all , BIBLE TIME in the building .
I agree. Me too.
and by all means lets not excuse and gloss over the RCC and her whorish ways .
IT BE BIBLE TIME . and what i say to one i DO indeed say to all , BIBLE TIME . men are DECIEVING entire houses now
we must learn for ourselves what these do not teach but rather twist unto their own destruction .
and pure and holy words in that bible. DO not wait till the morrow , LET US DO THIS NOW and never look back .
one thing i seem to notice and specially in these very late hours of these very last days .
A delusion has come to unite . and unite it is and uniting all it will . ALL NOT IN THE LAMBS BOOK of life
to be as one under what they believe is LOVE and or the LOVE OF GOD . IT Just aint looking good at all in these last hours .
Leaven has come in under its version of what IT says was loving . the judge not correct not .
from there it has grown for under the banner of judge not correct not it was allowed to remain .
because its root , its seed WAS NOT THE PLANTING OF THE LORD but of men . very very clever men .
MAY i suggest we all begin afresh and anew in the bible . Be encouraged my friend . be always encouraged IN THE LORD .
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