Martin Luther hated Jews. Jesus is a Jew. Therefore there is a powerful argument to make that Martin Luther was anti-Christ.
He who hates is a murderer .
However the example of anti christ and being an anti christ
is one who denies JESUS is the CHRIST
in fact one who believes not the testimony God gave of the SON is calling GOD a liar .
Would you like a massive example of many anti christs at work .
Try examining interfaith , the lovey do road to God , which its leaders claim that all religions be serving GOD
Now who wants to be co helper to that LIE of anti christ . NOT ME my friend and none who name the name
of Christ should have in any way any part in that mess .
Now would you like an biblical example of what is also seen as hate . This might shock you to the core my friend .
Ye shall not hate your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way CORRECT HIM and not allow sin upon him .
Judge not correct not , IS HATING for it wont correct the sinner of his sins . It rather hushes and says dont judge .
Pretty scary huh . Remember when i said that satan can quoate scrips , HE can .
HE sure can say GOD is love but he gonna paint a picture of what he calls love . We better all be on gaurd .