Was Martin Luther anti-Semitic?

Nor can calivn , the RCC and scores of others .
I tell us all what and who can be TRUSTED and that all others must be tested by this .
GOD can be trusted and the what is HIS BOOK known as the BIBLE . Them words are meat to the soul of the sheep .
And by them we must test all things that all men do say and teach and we must continue
daily to always test all men . ANY who speaks must always be tested and tested every time they do speak .
It really is bible time in the building my friend . NEVER let a wise sounding scholar or man
fool ya into thinking one cannot simply learn and read the scrips for themselves .
Thanks, but don't worry about me. There are millions of Protestants you should be directing this message toward.
I read the text. I did not take anything out of context.
What was the textual context for burning synagogues and closing their schools?
what did you learn about the historical and local context of situations that Luther encountered?
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Martin was anti-Jew. Jesus is a Jew. Therefore Martin is automatically anti-Christ. He was probably lying about all of the things he said about believing in Jesus. I posted the evidence in the OP.
Your OP could indicate evil misrepresentation. The idea of being anti-Jewish is not found with Martin Luther but rather is anti-Judaism. Your slander of Martin Luther as being against Jesus is evil and nonsense. You expose the corrupt viewpoint that you hold. You will do as you please to accuse God's people. You try to demean Martin Luther so that you can use that as support for some unknown body of doctrine that you hold and keep secretive.
The idea behind Runningman's rejection of both Roman Catholicism and Protestants would suggest a claim held my some groups that they maintained a true doctrine while these two major systems held to improper doctrines and worship. It seems odd however to reject the corrections Luther introduced, as if they were not a critical change for Christians to recognize and accept
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Your OP could indicate evil misrepresentation. The idea of being anti-Jewish is not found with Martin Luther but rather is anti-Judaism. Your slander of Martin Luther as being against Jesus is evil and nonsense. You expose the corrupt viewpoint that you hold. You will do as you please to accuse God's people. You try to demean Martin Luther so that you can use that as support for some unknown body of doctrine that you hold and keep secretive.
The idea behind Runningman's rejection of both Roman Catholicism and Protestants would suggest a claim held my some groups that they maintained a true doctrine while these two major systems held to improper doctrines and worship. It seems odd however to reject the corrections Luther introduced, as if they were not a critical change for Christians to recognize and accept
Your religion is from an evil and foul man as the OP proves. We Christians condemn it.
Now it is more obvious than ever that you did no research or insufficient research. That lack of insight should be obvious to many people now.
Matin Luther called for violence against Jewish people. Did you read the OP? I am not debating the OP. I am informing you. Do you hate Jews too?
Now it is more obvious than ever that you did no research or insufficient research. That lack of insight should be obvious to many people now.
Yes start researching. You're going to find mobs of real scholars and historians who flat out disagree with you. Martin Luther, your church father, was an anti-Semite. Don't blame me, but rather look inward and ask yourself why you didn't look into this first.
Matin Luther called for violence against Jewish people. Did you read the OP? I am not debating the OP. I am informing you. Do you hate Jews too?
Oops. I missed where you expressed the possible historical context to which Luther was reacting.
You assume that sharing knowledge about the 1500s is somehow hating Jews. Hopefully you will not be condemned for such a slanderous accusation.
Yes start researching. You're going to find mobs of real scholars and historians who flat out disagree with you. Martin Luther, your church father, was an anti-Semite. Don't blame me, but rather look inward and ask yourself why you didn't look into this first.
you keep expressing ignorance. the term "anti-semite" does not apply. You never learn from discussions. He could be described as "anti-Judaism" since he learned about evildoing that appears to have been pushed by the rabbis. I suppose that if you are willing to deny the divinity of Christ then you are willing to deny the negative encounters Luther had with Judaism.
Martin changed over time, but in the end we can see clearly who he was.

Why do you want to protect that man who talked about killing Jews and burning their books, synagogues, houses, and schools? He fueled Hitler and is partially responsible for the Holocaust and yet Martin Luther is a so called Christian who founded Protestantism. Maybe you don't want to get your hands dirty too and should distance yourself from him.
I already explained why YOU were wrong and a hypocrite.

I have no need to defend Luther … I am neither Lutheran nor any other flavor of Protestant … I am a Baptist. We spring from two different lines several centuries later that drew people from various denominations based on a belief that Scripture should be obeyed and that it commands Believer’s Baptism. I care about what Paul and John wrote, not what Luther and Calvin (or any ECF or Church Council or Magisterium) wrote.

I just think that it is wrong of you to make false accusations against a dead Christian because of the culture he lived in and a desire to inflate yourself.
  • Would you rebuke God and claim Abraham was not righteous since Abraham owned slaves … or are you defending slavery? If we are to hold Luther to 21st century standards, then we must hold EVERYONE to those same standards, right?
  • Paul said Jews should ‘emasculate themselves’. Better condemn Paul’s anti-Semitism.
  • God commanded genocide in Jericho. Better condemn God as a War Criminal.
Are you prepared to hold everyone to YOUR standard of Justice? (Or just Luther and anyone that disagrees with you?)
Paul describes that punishment in the book of Romans as two things, wrath and death.

The Law brings wrath and the wages of sin is death.

Now death in Scripture is not mere non-existence as that would be a relief for a lifetime of sin.

We learn in the book of Revelation that death includes "the second death" in the Lake of Fire.
Paul does not make any connection between wrath and Jesus.
I already explained why YOU were wrong and a hypocrite.

I have no need to defend Luther … I am neither Lutheran nor any other flavor of Protestant … I am a Baptist. We spring from two different lines several centuries later that drew people from various denominations based on a belief that Scripture should be obeyed and that it commands Believer’s Baptism. I care about what Paul and John wrote, not what Luther and Calvin (or any ECF or Church Council or Magisterium) wrote.

I just think that it is wrong of you to make false accusations against a dead Christian because of the culture he lived in and a desire to inflate yourself.
  • Would you rebuke God and claim Abraham was not righteous since Abraham owned slaves … or are you defending slavery? If we are to hold Luther to 21st century standards, then we must hold EVERYONE to those same standards, right?
  • Paul said Jews should ‘emasculate themselves’. Better condemn Paul’s anti-Semitism.
  • God commanded genocide in Jericho. Better condemn God as a War Criminal.
Are you prepared to hold everyone to YOUR standard of Justice? (Or just Luther and anyone that disagrees with you?)

Some people would blame Luther for German's treatment of Jews. Is Luther wrong for how people 400 years later possibly interpreted Luther?

Is the Bible wrong for recording the judgment against people in the Levant for their adherence to evil gods because later people might read the text and use the scripture as an excuse to kill people thousands of years later?

I'm sure there are people happy to discredit Martin Luther and that Protestants also could (knowing even how some even deny God). There often appears an inclination to make oneself seem righteous by denying they would do evil like someone in the past had done. Jesus in Matt 23 even noted this of the Pharisees but also pointed out that they would kill Christians and share in the guilt of their ancestors.
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Martin was anti-Jew. Jesus is a Jew. Therefore Martin is automatically anti-Christ. He was probably lying about all of the things he said about believing in Jesus. I posted the evidence in the OP.
A person who preaches hatred, prejudice or violence against other people due to their religion is acting against Christ.
Christ Himself told Saul (Paul) in the road to Damascus that he was acting against Christ.
So, in that sense, Luther’s attitude was anti-Christ.

Just let me insist that we all show anti-Christ attitudes at some point of our life, as a result of our ignorance.
Even Paul did it… and not just at the beginning against Christians… He supported a commonly held prejudice against people from Crete (Titus 1:12,13) One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and idle gluttons!” This witness is true.

Now replace Cretans by “Mexicans” and Paul will sound more prejudiced than Trump! ;)
Oops. I missed where you expressed the possible historical context to which Luther was reacting.
You assume that sharing knowledge about the 1500s is somehow hating Jews. Hopefully you will not be condemned for such a slanderous accusation.
you keep expressing ignorance. the term "anti-semite" does not apply. You never learn from discussions. He could be described as "anti-Judaism" since he learned about evildoing that appears to have been pushed by the rabbis. I suppose that if you are willing to deny the divinity of Christ then you are willing to deny the negative encounters Luther had with Judaism.
Thanks. i will remember that if I were to find myself in such a situation.
He wasn't anti-Judaism. Luther hated those who are ethnically Jewish, but as a side note he also hated Jesus' religion as well.
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