I already explained why YOU were wrong and a hypocrite.
I have no need to defend Luther … I am neither Lutheran nor any other flavor of Protestant … I am a Baptist. We spring from two different lines several centuries later that drew people from various denominations based on a belief that Scripture should be obeyed and that it commands Believer’s Baptism. I care about what Paul and John wrote, not what Luther and Calvin (or any ECF or Church Council or Magisterium) wrote.
I just think that it is wrong of you to make false accusations against a dead Christian because of the culture he lived in and a desire to inflate yourself.
- Would you rebuke God and claim Abraham was not righteous since Abraham owned slaves … or are you defending slavery? If we are to hold Luther to 21st century standards, then we must hold EVERYONE to those same standards, right?
- Paul said Jews should ‘emasculate themselves’. Better condemn Paul’s anti-Semitism.
- God commanded genocide in Jericho. Better condemn God as a War Criminal.
Are you prepared to hold everyone to YOUR standard of Justice? (Or just Luther and anyone that disagrees with you?)