Wars and Rumors of Wars Part Deux

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
I happen to think the current wars and rumors of wars with Israel are the wars and rumors of wars are the ones to which Jesus was referring in Matthew 24.

Next come earthquakes in various places. I find it interesting that there have been a number of 6.3+ earthquakes in Afghanistan where no known fault exists. Whether that has anything to do with earthquakes in various places is, IMO, TBD.

What thinkest thou?
I happen to think the current wars and rumors of wars with Israel are the wars and rumors of wars are the ones to which Jesus was referring in Matthew 24.

Next come earthquakes in various places. I find it interesting that there have been a number of 6.3+ earthquakes in Afghanistan where no known fault exists. Whether that has anything to do with earthquakes in various places is, IMO, TBD.

What thinkest thou?
The usefulness of something being sign is in proportion to how unique it is in order to avoid false positives, so the sign of "wars and rumors of wars" strikes be as being extraordinarily unhelpful considering that it could describe most of human history. Evil will always look like evil, so people will always be able to look at the world around them and see things that look like what is being described in Revelation. Whoever the next US President is, I would be shocked if no one found a reason to think that they are the antichrist and so forth. People are going to want to connect prophetic significance to every war with Israel. This is not to deny that the current war has prophetic significance, but to point out that people like to jump the gun.
It's not that the things are occurring. It is the rate at which they occur. Like the contractions that a pregnant woman experiences before giving birth. THAT is the point of what Jesus said.
I happen to think the current wars and rumors of wars with Israel are the wars and rumors of wars are the ones to which Jesus was referring in Matthew 24.

Next come earthquakes in various places. I find it interesting that there have been a number of 6.3+ earthquakes in Afghanistan where no known fault exists. Whether that has anything to do with earthquakes in various places is, IMO, TBD.

What thinkest thou?

What Jesus was pointing to though, about the idea of "wars and rumors of wars", was in comparing a time of war to a time of false peace at the very end.

Remember He said that as long as we hear of wars and rumors wars, to not be troubled, for those things must be, BUT THE END IS NOT YET.

So the OPPOSITE of wars is what? A time of peace.

And that... a time of world peace for the 'end', is what He was actually pointing to for the time we need to really be watching and prepare for the time of "great tribulation."
I happen to think the current wars and rumors of wars with Israel are the wars and rumors of wars are the ones to which Jesus was referring in Matthew 24.

Next come earthquakes in various places. I find it interesting that there have been a number of 6.3+ earthquakes in Afghanistan where no known fault exists. Whether that has anything to do with earthquakes in various places is, IMO, TBD.

What thinkest thou?
Could be RT. Keep in mind there's been horrific things happening in Israel at different times in the last 60 years. (since 1948) There was the 6 Day War in 67, suicide bombers years later which seemed to settle down for a few years. Thing we should embrace with all tenacity though is let not our hearts be troubled. For us when sin abounds grace does much more abound. We look not to this world with any hope it can straighten itself out but keep our focus on the coming Kingdom of God.
Those who pull from false pre-trib rapture book authors like Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye will constantly be lied to about the coming time of "great tribulation", pushing ideas of all out war against Israel as one of the main signs of the coming trib.

But those authors only push those ideas to serve man's false Pre-trib Rapture theory.

What God's Word actually reveals about what kind of time the tribulation will be, is a time of world PEACE, though a fake peace. This is why Apostle Paul showed in 1 Thessalonians 5 that when the deceived and wicked say, "Peace and safety", then the "sudden destruction" will come upon them, meaning God's Wrath on the last day of this world, the "day of the Lord", which is when Jesus comes to gather His Church.

1 Thess 5:2-4
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
For when they shall say, "Peace and safety"; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

Lord Jesus also showed the above deception of the deceived and wicked for the time of tribulation at the end when He said the day of His coming would be like the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, giving and taking in marriage until the flood came and took them all away.

Likewise in Daniel 8, the "king of fierce countenance" that is to come, i.e., the final Antichrist at the end, will destroy many using PEACE it says...

Dan 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full,
a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

That means the coming false-Messiah will cause all wars to end, and instead bring a time of world peace and safety. The 'way' he will use that peace to destroy many will be through his false claim of being GOD The Christ, with the power of miracles. Revelation 13:4-8 says the whole world (except Christ's elect) will worship that coming Antichrist, and he will be given power over the saints, and over all nations for a period of 42 months (same as the 1260 days of Rev.11).

Even in Revelation 11, once the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit that will kill God's "two witnesses" in Jerusalem towards the end of the future "great tribulation", leaving their dead bodies laying in the plaza of Jerusalem, the peoples of the earth will REJOICE over their death, and will send each other gifts!

Rev 11:9-10
9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

10 And
they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

Why will the peoples on earth do that rejoicing after the bodies of God's "two witnesses" are laying in the street? It will be because of the end of their torment the "two witnesses" did with the power to send plagues upon the earth. The deceived will thus rejoice at their death, because it means a time of the return of war??? NO! It will be because they think that world peace has returned through the false-Messiah, that "beast" there that kills the "two witnesses" in Jerusalem for the end.

Thus the "great tribulation" time will NOT be a time of all out WAR. It will be a time of deception towards thinking it will finally be a time of "Peace and safety"! That is what the deceived and wicked will think. Satan's servants on earth finally believe they have won with finally establishing their desired "one world government", and their false "king of the world", the false-Messiah.
I happen to think the current wars and rumors of wars with Israel are the wars and rumors of wars are the ones to which Jesus was referring in Matthew 24.

Next come earthquakes in various places. I find it interesting that there have been a number of 6.3+ earthquakes in Afghanistan where no known fault exists. Whether that has anything to do with earthquakes in various places is, IMO, TBD.

What thinkest thou?
If not, they certainly fit the type...
What God's Word actually reveals about what kind of time the tribulation will be, is a time of world PEACE, though a fake peace. This is why Apostle Paul showed in 1 Thessalonians 5 that when the deceived and wicked say, "Peace and safety", then the "sudden destruction" will come upon them, meaning God's Wrath on the last day of this world, the "day of the Lord", which is when Jesus comes to gather His Church.
You have read my mind!!! And filled in some of my considerations!! Thank you...

And if the two witnesses are killing folk with fire (the truth?) from their mouth and by drought and undrinkable water, then it is almost certain that the miracles of the beast that turn people against GOD will be miracles of peace, healings of mind, body and soul so everyone rests in his power...
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