Nope. There is no coercion in Compatibilism.
…God is the only being who is ultimately self-determining, and is himself ultimately the disposer of all things, including all choices — however many or diverse other intervening causes are. On this definition, no human being has free will, at any time. Neither before or after the fall, or in heaven, are creatures ultimately self-determining
In order to understand this better theologians have come up with the term "compatibilism" to
describe the concurrence of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. Compatibilism is a form
of determinism and it should be noted that this position is no less deterministic than hard
determinism. It simply means that God's predetermination and meticulous providence is
"compatible" with voluntary choice. Our choices are not coerced ...i.e. we do not choose against
what we want or desire, yet we never make choices contrary to God's sovereign decree. What
God determines will always come to pass (Eph 1:11). A beginners guide to free will
In other words God determines your desires, and you can only do what is determined for you to do.
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