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You could someday become President or pastor and rule over the person who is now President or pastor. This is because, as you have pointed out, your nature is the same. You and them are adult humans.
In contrast, God and Christ could never swap roles. His relationship is not one that they agreed by convenience, but that could have been otherwise,
God cannot subject to anyone else, cannot receive authority from anyone, cannot be sent by anyone, cannot sit on the right hand of anyone, cannot speak or do what is ordered to speak and do, cannot mediate between man and anyone… and this is all because He is God.
Phil2:5In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness…