lol. You have been saved by grace through faith, not of works lest anyone shoudl boast.
Why do you continue to boast of your work? And not in God?
I boast in one thing, that my Lord saw fit to save me when I was an enemy to Him. He said come to Me, and I came. He said surrender to Me, and I surrendered. He said submit your will to Mine, and I surrendered, as did all those in Scripture who were praised by Him as His servants. I deserve no glory for this, but He will glorify me when this life is over. I deserve no honor for this, but He will honor me when I stand before Him in Heaven. It is not what we want, or how we think it should be done that salvation is received. It is how HE says it is, and what HE commands that brings salvation to us.
Your right,
But he also said we must recieve it his way not our way. LOOK to the cross in faith. as the jews did by looking on the serpent. And you will be saved, And given the promise this new life is eternal and you will never die.
Or you can do it your way, by adding works to the equation
I have added nothing to the equation. I have simply included the things that He commands that you omit.
No. He promised if we look to him in faith and call on his name, he will save us
Just looking to Him is meaningless, and just calling on His name is worthless. As He says, there will be many who have called Him Lord, who have done great and mighty things in His name, but He will tell them, "I NEVER knew you. Depart from me you who practice wickedness." Just calling Him Lord is not calling on His name. But who does He say will enter the Kingdom of Heaven? "...the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven
will enter."
there is nothing we can do to earn salvation.
Correct, there there are things that we must do to receive it.
When you realize this, you will become poor in spirit. and maybe just maybe you can then enter the kingdom of God
I have been in the Kingdom of God since I was fourteen years old.
Me standing still and saying yes to God is not earning salvation. it is recieving what someone else bought
That is not how you receive salvation, according to Scripture anyway. According to you it may be. But you don't determine what is required to receive His gift; that is for Him to decide.
Doing the work of walking miles or doing what ever they had to do to be immersed in water to be saved, is far different than just crying out to Jesus.
Just crying out to Jesus is not what Scripture commands. It is a step in the right direction, for sure, but it is not what God says is required.
Yes, And he said that which is born of flesh (water) is flesh and that which is born of spirit (spirit) is spirit.
The word BAPTIZE is no where in the text. for something so important as you claim. it is odd Jesus never uses the word once.
Jesus said "that which is born of flesh is flesh" after Nicodemus asked about natural birth. He is not referring to water as the water of natural birth in that phrase. It is in the action of being baptized in water that the Holy Spirit takes action to give us new birth (1 Pet 3:21, Rom 6:1-7, Col 2:11-14, Gal 3:26-27, Eph 5:26-27).
In all of those things, Water baptism is not in context. Holy Spirit baptism is
in 1 peter. Peter makes it clear. baptism does not remove filth of the flesh (sin) but it is the answer of a good conscious to God. It is the resurrections which saves us and our faith in it. Water baptism, like the waters of the flood represents what realy saves us
You are stuck in your false education and cannot see the truth of God's Word. Peter is not talking about sin, but about dirt from the body (as was symbolized by the dipping and washing commanded of the OT). Baptism in water is indeed the point at which the Holy Spirit removes our sins and gives us a clean conscience. Yes, it is the death and resurrection of Jesus that provides the power to remove our sins, and it is the Holy Spirit that does the action of removing our sins from us. But it our actions of faith (repentance, confession, and water baptism) that mark the time when this is done to/in us. If we don't repent, then we cannot be forgiven and receive the refreshing that God wants to give us (Acts 3:19). If we don't confess Jesus as Lord verbally then we cannot receive salvation (Rom 10:9-10). And if we are not baptized in water, then the Holy Spirit never cuts our sin from us (Col 2:11-14), unites us to the death and resurrection of Jesus (Rom 6:1-7), or adds us to the Church (Eph 5:26-27).