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still looking thanks for asking.Thank you, for your time in giving your short timeline of your journey. The Lord be with you. Are you seeking a job, or have you found one yet?
still looking thanks for asking.Thank you, for your time in giving your short timeline of your journey. The Lord be with you. Are you seeking a job, or have you found one yet?
Doug, scripture must be understood as a cohesive whole, so going backward to Genesis where there is very little doctrine yet to be develop, as when it is in the beginning of the churches epistles, such as Romans, where the many doctrines are taught and expanded upon throughout the rest of the epistles to the churches to whom God would make known the mysteries of His truths.
That is an esegetic conclusion.So, by reading mainly the NT, (certain OT saints had knowledge, but limited, and not to the degree we have it in the NT) we see what made the difference between Abel and Cain, and it was not flesh and blood that made this different., but the grace of God to one and not to the other.
Example would be Jacob and Esau~where in the NT Paul expanded upon this truth, so that men might know that salvation from sin and condemnation is not to him that willeth, or him that runneth, but of God, that shows mercy to whom He will and whom he will He hardeneth~not that God works in men's hearts to harden them, but he just leaves them to THEMSELVES and they are naturally harden by the own depraved hearts received from Adam.
I'll be more than happy to go to Romans 9 and expound upon this more in depth with you, if you would like to do so.
Respectfully, why can Romans 9 not be both.Secondly, regarding “God, that shows mercy to whom He will and whom he will He hardeneth”, these words are the preamble to the set up of his argument for why God is sending his gospel message to the Gentiles and seemingly leaving Israel behind. Paul is basically saying it is God’s sovereign right to send the gospel to whomever he chooses, and however he chooses. God can save Gentiles if he wants to do so; Israel is not exclusively chosen.
But, let it be known, we believe that God has children in different mainline sects, EXCEPT for Mormons, JW, Islamic, and others like them that worship others gods, or, denies some of the cardinal truths concerning Christ.
Respectfully, why can Romans 9 not be both.
Paul seems to effortlessly transition between examples of "individuals" and "peoples", so why would any limitation on its applicability not be an artificial and external construct that WE added to God's message. God most certainly demonstrated that He could choose to save Gentiles as well as Jews [Even in the OT where we have stories like Rahab and Ruth]. God most certainly demonstrated that He can choose one person and not another [Peter and Judas, Jacob and Esau, Ishmael and Isaac, David and Saul, Saul/Paul plucked out of left field to be an Apostle].
Respectfully, why can Romans 9 not be both.
Paul seems to effortlessly transition between examples of "individuals" and "peoples", so why would any limitation on its applicability not be an artificial and external construct that WE added to God's message. God most certainly demonstrated that He could choose to save Gentiles as well as Jews [Even in the OT where we have stories like Rahab and Ruth]. God most certainly demonstrated that He can choose one person and not another [Peter and Judas, Jacob and Esau, Ishmael and Isaac, David and Saul, Saul/Paul plucked out of left field to be an Apostle].
Red,Doug, I'll post ASAP~at the moment I can hardly use my right side of my upper body, not sure what is wrong, if not better in a day or so,, then I'll call my doctor for an appointment. Thank for responding, and in the spirit in which you did, I just read it and will do so again shortly. RB
I'm praying for you and that you would get a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. Even if it does clear up in a day or two there must be an underlying cause and that sounds pretty serious.Doug, I'll post ASAP~at the moment I can hardly use my right side of my upper body, not sure what is wrong, if not better in a day or so,, then I'll call my doctor for an appointment. Thank for responding, and in the spirit in which you did, I just read it and will do so again shortly. RB
RB stepping out here of our going back and forth with scripture might I encourage you to see a doctor right way. There could be a thing where time can be important in having it checked. I do hope and pray for your well being.Doug, I'll post ASAP~at the moment I can hardly use my right side of my upper body, not sure what is wrong, if not better in a day or so,, then I'll call my doctor for an appointment. Thank for responding, and in the spirit in which you did, I just read it and will do so again shortly. RB
Didn't really work, did it?The whole of Romans 9-11 is a broad explanation of God’s purpose of using the Gentiles to make the Jews jealous and repentant.”And so all Israel will be saved”!
I could probably make an argument to counter this, but it is not worth it. Your answer suggests your mind is made up and the concept is decided for you. So I will let it pass in the interest of "shalom" (peace and well being).None of these examples are about choosing one for salvation and one to be excluded from hope. These are all about roles not salvation for one and not the other. With Jacob and Esau it was a case of God choosing to not follow the primogeniture custom of human origin.
With Ishmael and Isaac, it was a matter of Abram not believing in God’s promises and trying to make things happen on his own.
David and Saul was a matter of the latter’s disobedience.
Didn't really work, did it?
There was never a MASS REPENTANCE and conversion of Jews because Gentiles believed (at least that I am aware of). Acts mostly focuses on the growth of Gentile Christians and History mostly focuses on their persecution by Jews (followed by a turning of fortunes and Jewish persecution by Gentile Christians).
If your objective is to convince me of the validity of your argument, then you are probably right. If, however, the goal is to have an honest conversation about our differences of opinion, your choice to withdraw is disappointing. There need not be a lack of peace and well being between anyone simply because of a lack of agreement. The choice is always yours to make, and I will respect your decision, but as for me, I am always open to honest dialogue.I could probably make an argument to counter this, but it is not worth it. Your answer suggests your mind is made up and the concept is decided for you. So I will let it pass in the interest of "shalom" (peace and well being).
God and Paul sure are playing the LONG GAME on that one.The declaration is a prophetic statement about the eventual outcome.
Dialogs are most interesting when they SAY something new. I suspect that you and I would just retread the Romans 9 conversation with a few new verses inserted each time as we moved from example to example with identical presuppositions.If your objective is to convince me of the validity of your argument, then you are probably right. If, however, the goal is to have an honest conversation about our differences of opinion, your choice to withdraw is disappointing. There need not be a lack of peace and well being between anyone simply because of a lack of agreement. The choice is always yours to make, and I will respect your decision, but as for me, I am always open to honest dialogue.
Like I said, it’s your choice, but I’m always ready and willing to begin again.Dialogs are most interesting when they SAY something new. I suspect that you and I would just retread the Romans 9 conversation with a few new verses inserted each time as we moved from example to example with identical presuppositions.
That sounds like less interesting, to me.
Much of the NT is about the long game!God and Paul sure are playing the LONG GAME on that one.
I believe I have a rotator cuff injury~I have a upcoming appointment coming very soon, then I'll know more.Doug, I'll post ASAP~at the moment I can hardly use my right side of my upper body, not sure what is wrong, if not better in a day or so,, then I'll call my doctor for an appointment. Thank for responding, and in the spirit in which you did, I just read it and will do so again shortly. RB
I'm marking this so I can come back later and post an answer to you.God has children everywhere. The smallest grain of faith changes everything. There are many innocent people in this world that know nothing but what they were taught. They're a victim of other sinful men. God has mercy on the downtrodden and those deceived by their own brothers.
Do you know what the best thing a person can do in this life relative to God?
Just admit they don't know Him. That is faith. Job found this in his life a long time after calling on God.
Job 42:5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
Job 42:6 Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.
There are many in this life that claim to know God intimately. What they believe about God is nothing like Him. These are called an IDOL...
Such idols are everywhere. Everywhere. There are many in this world in all sorts of circumstances that come realize they just don't what the Truth is. It is that small measure of faith that begins the journey to know God.
It is wonderful to be free enough to admit that "I know that I don't know"......