These are not the definitions I would go by.
Scripture describes humans as tripartite:
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 5:23 NKJ)
So humans are all three of those things.
Scripture says we will put off the body part, so humans are more essentially soul and spirit.
This is also the image of God, soul and spirit.
God is both spirit and soul:
Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles. (Isa. 42:1 NKJ)
Body is the extra part.
knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. (2 Pet. 1:14 NKJ)
We are not talking about a human being. We are talking about God the Son.
But lets look at a human person to hopefully better understand what I am saying.
Is your heart, liver, brain, lungs etc your body? Yet they all go together to make your body. In the same way spirit, soul and body go together to form a human person alive in and to this world and also to God. But your body is not the essence of your humanity, that comes from your soul. Even without a body you are still you. Your soul is consciousness (of self and others), mentality (thinking in all it's forms), volition, emotion, conscience. It is from here you have a personality and develop character, good or evil. It is your soul that makes you, YOU. Your spirit is what discerns spiritual matters much like how your lungs extract oxygen from the air, your spirit extracts the spiritual meaning from the truths of God's word. This is why Jesus spoke in parables because those who did not believe and had no desire to believe didn't have the capacity (a human spirit) to understand the spiritual significance of everyday events. It is why Jesus said you must be born from the First ie God the Spirit. Without regeneration we remain spiritually dead ie, no spirit, just as physically dead is to be without a body. Our human life is in our soul. Our spiritual life is in our spirit and is to be drawn upon and hidden within the heart (the treasure vault of the soul) out from which comes our character and our physical life is in our body.
Now God has a soul and that soul is in the Son who is the Word. That soul is the essence of humanity, uncreated and eternal. The Son is distinct from the Father and Spirit for they are not Deity and soul united in one person, only the Son is and He has been the same person eternally. He did not change being the person He is at the Incarnation by adding a second nature. He was, is and will always be the God/man, the Unique One, the One and Only, God the Son.
Like I said earlier, whether you say soul, humanity or man, it is the same essence from upon which our humanity is based and you did give that post a thumbs up so I'm a bit confused as to what you are now disagreeing with.