The fake OJB (Orthodox Jewish Bible)

Are we not told “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).

John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me..

We are not the tree that God called His chosen. The Jews, primarily the Messianic are that tree.

We are merely grafted in and as such I personally believe that as Jesus originally said "But He answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”... before we were grafted into the tree... that they would naturally not be 100% in line with what we are and it does not matter because so long as our FAITH is solely in Him... That is what counts.

I personally have had questions on Paul myself... but then Paul is not our savior.

While on earth Jesus followed every single Jewish custom and celebration. He taught in the synagogues as did they who he sent out at times.

When he was talking to Nicodemus about how to be saved.... He never once told Nick to drop their ways... he emphasized being born again.

For me, what you wrote is not a problem

Well Paul's claim is that his writings were divinely inspired..God's Words.

He referred to the scriptures as the Old Testament and then put his writings on the same level.

As for equality with the Revelation, it is Jesus speaking to churches, the Spirit speaking to the churches and Jesus is given terms used for the Father. The Alpha and Omega.

When He said the Father is 'greater than I' .. He not long after ascended to be one with the Father. So the 'greater' is the position the Father was in compared to Jesus, but not referring to superiority.
I can read just fine. You have a problem with comprehension.

No need to repeat yourself. I read it the first time. I responded to it.

I see now. You're one of the reasons I started this thread. You're a Judaizer that believes Jews are superior to Gentiles.

You need to read the entire narrative. Jesus answered her prayer.

Mat 15:28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Ruth was a Gentile. A Moabite. Contrary to the law, Boaz married Ruth. Jesus was both Jew and Gentile. A Son of Eve. Jesus is referenced as the second Adam. Not the second Abraham.

The Complete Jewish Bible is different than than the OJB. Goble introduced languages outside of Hebrew into his work. You should abandon your inconsistent position. A double minded man is what???? Unstable....

Either way, do what you want. You don't answer to me. However, don't divorce yourself from reality. It is very important that you see things for what they are. I can't force you to do this. I will argue with you about it. You need to change. I can tell you why you need to change.

Wow. Zola Levitt. Be his disciple. I will honor Jesus Christ.

I come from a line of English non-conformists. However, like all men, my family is full of sinners not worthy of mentioning. Contrary to what you believe about the superiority of Jews, all men are now the same. We are all products of lesser men. The only thing that changes this is the man Jesus Christ. I will praise Him. Not you. Not your family. Not my family. Not any other man. Him alone.
How define "superior"? The Jewish ✡️ people are Adonai's chosen people, but Jew ✡️ and Gentile are equal in the gospel of Yeshua in the New Covenant.
It seems to me, there are two main kinds of Messianic Jews, so it gets confusing.

One is just basically normal Christians that practice some OT rituals just for fun as way to honor heritage.

There other is more like Hebrew Roots that think they are actually still under the Old Covenant legalistically.
It seems to me, there are two main kinds of Messianic Jews, so it gets confusing.

One is just basically normal Christians that practice some OT rituals just for fun as way to honor heritage.

There other is more like Hebrew Roots that think they are actually still under the Old Covenant legalistically.
Actually there are Christian Gentiles masquerading as Messianic Jews ✡️.
Then there are Messianic Jews ✡️ that identify with their Jew roots and customs.
There also may be Messianic Jews ✡️ that identify with Christianity.
So are the quasi Christians who come onto forums and overtly refer to your Jesus or the one that I worship, because they hold to a different belief.


For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-- you may well put up with it! (2 Cor. 11:4 NKJ)

We disagree from time to time. We have for a long time. I respect his commentary to a degree. He is well learned. More so than most here. That doesn't mean we agree. He knows how to study and how to learn. He doesn't need me or those like me. I can respect someone like this when it comes to knowledge. He doesn't make impassioned comments contrary to reason.

For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-- you may well put up with it! (2 Cor. 11:4 NKJ)

Is this a reference to the Jesus that prefers certain of his heirs over others? Is this Jesus the one that will force Abraham to return to his home country to rule in the Millennial Kingdom?

Abraham loved Gentiles. He family were rebels. Sinners. Abraham loved the descendents of Ham. That is why he saved them in Sodom and Gomorrah and prayed for them.....

Jonah wasn't like Abraham. He hated Gentiles....

So which "Jesus are we talking about". The one Abraham looked for or the one Jonah didn't like because GOD loved Gentiles?
There are most certainly and most definitely, people on this very forum who follow another Jesus, not the one of Scripture.

How do you know? You have obviously spent a very short time in the Scriptures. If doesn't matter how long you've studied. You've mixed it with the opinions of men to the point you've never been sola scriptura.

nothing gets by you man crazy
Do you really deny you're an Arminian? I can read most all you believe in very short order. You judge the Scriptures from their perspective. I rejected this method a very long time ago. I constantly reconsider what I know based upon what I learn. I want to know where I'm wrong. I keep saying this but I think I only know but a few people that I can honestly see this perspective of change in. I recently meet someone that honestly changed my mind about a few things. I'm grateful for them but they will not give me the time of day because I disagree significantly in a few positions. I wish people were different.
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