The Elect

I've talked about this various times. Calvinists in presentations usually always make this statement, "Well we believe in God's sovereignty" As if to say people that don't believe what they do don't.

They need to be told, "No you don't, no you don't, NO YOU DON'T! You don't get to claim that you own that word. We also believe in his sovereignty too, just as much as you but we claim our view is more balanced with scripture on how that works! Now we can each discuss our view but let's not imply there isn't another view that shouldn't be examined as possibly valid"

It's like they try to play a game of One-Up-On. We need to make a stand and being as kind as possible say NO to that.
Lol. Your keep-up-manship doesn't do it, though! It is simply self-contradictory to call God sovereign and then turn around and say he is not sovereign over whatever he chooses to not be sovereign over. (lol, not to mention that a preposition is not what a phrase should be ended with :D). I heard that a man once told a friend of mine, "It is the most sovereign thing God can do, to give up some of his sovereignty!" It's poetic, I suppose, and probably appeals to a wide swath of believers, but it is self-contradictory.

But let's say here, that we are piddling around with words, badly expressing what we mean to be conveying. Let's say that the Arminian is not saying that God is not sovereign over absolutely everything —that nothing happens without God being (at least) the first cause of it— and even admits that God both causes that everyone have libertarian free will and causes that whatever choices are made are actually made. What it comes down to is the question of whether libertarian free will is actually logically possible.

(I'm currently arguing with one of the most vehement and staunch Reformed members of another site about this very thing, though on the surface it is currently an argument over the meaning of "contingencies". He actually believes that God is the "inventor" —my word for it, not his— of not only everything that will come to pass, but also what COULD come to pass. I say that there is no such thing as what he assumes there. So the Arminian who posits Libertarian Free Will is in pretty good company there, but for semantics.)​

From what I have seen, Libertarian Free Will, as opposed to the mere ability to will(verb) a choice, is defined as the will unconstrained to choose one way as opposed to the other. Implicit in the definition is the idea that God does not cause one to choose one way or the other. Yet those within this self-determining frame claim that they do choose as they wish. Logically, then, are they not admitting that at least they are constrained to that one thing —their inclinations? You might say that yes, that is true, but what we mean is that the will is not necessarily encumbered externally, but only internally. So, I ask, where did that internal inclination come from?

Here I don't mean to argue compulsion, but simple inclination: If the will is neither inclined to choose one way nor to the other (with which I don't agree), yet the choice is indeed made from the will (with which I do agree), then how can a choice be made at all? So, it is axiomatic: The will is inclined one way more than the other, even if only for that moment of decision.

Then, why is that will inclined more one way than the other? Can you do more than merely posit that man is not constrained to choose one way over another?

We can later get to the question of whether other things can happen besides what actually does happen.
Was God Sovereign prior to creation ?

No kingdom, no Sovereignty to rule over. No creation no Sovereign. :)

Sovereignty is relational to having someone to rule over.
So, what are God's 'innate' attributes? I'm not following your reasoning, here.
You named one with Aseity.

Here is a list I came up with.

These are Gods Attributes apart from creation. Who God is within His own Being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit

1-Aseity- Self Sufficient
10-God is One- Unity within the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
11- Infinite
12- Transcendent
13- Humility
14- Good
15- Glorious

hope this helps !!!
Was God Sovereign prior to creation ?

No kingdom, no Sovereignty to rule over. No creation no Sovereign. :)

Sovereignty is relational to having someone to rule over.
lol, only in our minds :LOL:

Was there a 'prior to', since time was part of what he created?

We argue as though there were substance to our words. Not to be funny, here, but we are constrained to do so, even when we know our words are are the mere babble of learning to speak.
So, what are God's 'innate' attributes —at least as deals with this discussion? I'm not following your reasoning, here.
Here is the thread on our old forum . You will recognize many posters names . I’m guest on there because they banned me for opposing Calvinism. It’s a Calvinist forum. I was in great standing for 20 years there as a Calvinist , then all hell broke loose lol.

I use Gods innate attributes in this thesis paper I wrote to oppose the doctrine of PSA below. It created a bid stir up on our old forum CARM where carbon, reverendRV, Josheb, LA Dodger and several other calvinists came from with thousands and thousands of replies.

Forgive me, but I don't see it in scanning what the link produced.

What, specifically, is PSA? I'm looking for information. Lol —Permanently Silly Advice??

--Oh, nevermind, Penal Substitutionary Atonement
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Forgive me, but I don't see it in scanning what the link produced.

What, specifically, is PSA? I'm looking for information. —lol, Permanently Silly Advice??
Its the view of the atonement that was developed during the Reformation- The Penal Substitution Theory of the Atonement. The thread addresses the doctrine in light of Gods attributes as a Tri-Unity.

Try this link below

Here is the thread on our old forum . You will recognize many posters names . I’m guest on there because they banned me for opposing Calvinism. It’s a Calvinist forum. I was in great standing for 20 years there as a Calvinist , then all hell broke loose lol.

Can you provide a brief synopsis? I'm already spending A LOT more time on these forums than I should.

How does PSA and TULIP contradict God's 'innate' attributes?
Can you provide a brief synopsis? I'm already spending A LOT more time on these forums than I should.

How does PSA and TULIP contradict God's 'innate' attributes?
I’m getting ready to take off to work I’ll respond after work today . I know the suspense will be killing you 😂😂😂
You named one with Aseity.

Here is a list I came up with.

These are Gods Attributes apart from creation. Who God is within His own Being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit

1-Aseity- Self Sufficient
10-God is One- Unity within the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
11- Infinite
12- Transcendent
13- Humility
14- Good
15- Glorious

hope this helps !!!
1. Aseity is not just self-sufficiency, but self-existence, independent of any other principle, real or imagined. Aaargh these little words!
7. Holy —purity, no contamination

I hope you can agree that the list is OUR words for him, and not sufficient to describe him. The attribute of his Simplicity, which you did not mention, among other things combines all the attributes as one in God. One does not exist independently of the others, since they are only our words for what we must compartmentalize in order to describe them. In fact, I would say that they each contribute definition to the others.

I say that even when we see one mentioned separately in Scripture, it is WE who read it as independent of the others.

If I can remember to, and find the time, I will deal with why I asked, and deal with your thesis countering PSA and TULIP. But I think it will not be a long post, even if only one. Don't have the time.
1. Aseity is not just self-sufficiency, but self-existence, independent of any other principle, real or imagined. Aaargh these little words!
7. Holy —purity, no contamination

I hope you can agree that the list is OUR words for him, and not sufficient to describe him. The attribute of his Simplicity, which you did not mention, among other things combines all the attributes as one in God. One does not exist independently of the others, since they are only our words for what we must compartmentalize in order to describe them. In fact, I would say that they each contribute definition to the others.

I say that even when we see one mentioned separately in Scripture, it is WE who read it as independent of the others.

If I can remember to, and find the time, I will deal with why I asked, and deal with your thesis countering PSA and TULIP. But I think it will not be a long post, even if only one. Don't have the time.
That’s up for debate :) Augustine got many things wrong about God.

According to the classical theism of Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas and their adherents, God is radically unlike creatures and cannot be adequately understood in ways appropriate to them. God is simple in that God transcends every form of complexity and composition
God is not made up of parts, nor is he compounded or composite in nature. That means he does not possess attributes, as if his attributes are one thing and his essence another. Rather, his essence is his attributes and his attributes his essence. God is his attributes. That means, all that is in God simply is God. Simplicity is key for it distinguishes between the infinite, eternal, and immutable Creator and the finite, temporal, and mutable creature.
In other words, "I know you are, but what am I?"

That's not remotely connected to anything I said.

I literally said to respect the text and not taking something out of it.

Then you say I'm calling you names.

How does that logically equate?

How is that coherent?

If you just change anything I say into an insult, it's like dealing with random incoherence.
Your keep-up-manship doesn't do it, though!
There you go again. Suggesting we need to keep up with you. How about just make your arguments and we will to and let readers decide.
It is simply self-contradictory to call God sovereign and then turn around and say he is not sovereign over whatever he chooses to not be sovereign over.
You're playing checkers.....looking at things in one dimension. God is playing chess. It might offend you but God can do anything with his sovereignty he wants to do. When you say God HAS TO do a certain thing because he has the power and ability to do so God might be saying to you how about just stop trying to order me around. Just because I have the power to do something

doesn't mean I have to. And even if the other would have brought me pleasure doesn't mean I have to listen to you and enforce it. He has a right to allow his character to direct whatever he does with his power and if his character is such to give men genuine free choice it would be his sovereign right to do so.

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