Well-known member
Amen the God you have described shows the ultimate Sovereignty. And a God who allows creatures to be free , have choices is the most Sovereign and never threatened by such freedom. It’s the God of the Bible. Creating man in His own image and likeness. A truly Sovereign and loving God.There you go again. Suggesting we need to keep up with you. How about just make your arguments and we will to and let readers decide.
You're playing checkers.....looking at things in one dimension. God is playing chess. It might offend you but God can do anything with his sovereignty he wants to do. When you say God HAS TO do a certain thing because he has the power and ability to do so God might be saying to you how about just stop trying to order me around. Just because I have the power to do something
doesn't mean I have to. And even if the other would have brought me pleasure doesn't mean I have to listen to you and enforce it. He has a right to allow his character to direct whatever he does with his power and if his character is such to give men genuine free choice it would be his sovereign right to do so.