There have always been gods and religions in this world God placed us in. Many, like the religious promoter in the garden of Eden, quote some of God's Word in order to convince men, as it did Eve, that transgressing God's commandments or judgments is not really that wicked. "For God doth know"!!!
I don't believe God's judgments are evil...
they're just.
And @Pancho didn't reply or give me a I'm not 100% sure he agrees with my post no. 207.
Paul says that the very reason why the penalty is so steep for disobedience to God, is so that people will understand just how "Exceedingly Wicked" it is to reject God's Judgments and Commandments.
I agree, but I also think it was very wicked of Adam to prefer to serve satan instead of God who made him.
I almost think it was personal,,,if that could be possible with God.
And so, yes, the breaking of the commandment was very grave.
The Bible promotes a "Way of the Lord" that few will "Yield themselves" to walk in, according to what is written. Example after example of this is given to us in the Scriptures, like 600,000 men leaving Egypt, but only 2 "Yielded themselves" to God. Jesus said to "Strive for the Path" that few enter, the Path HE walked, and that God calls many, but only a few "Harden not their hearts" in the day they hear His Voice, and for their repentance, are chosen. Paul said he "labored that he might be accepted (chosen) by this God.
Agreed 100%
My brother Pancho has adopted a different philosophy. That as long as a man doesn't steal or murder, and is kind to others, God's Judgments given in the Scriptures that Jesus and the Faithful in the Bible walked in, don't really matter.
I don't think Pancho is saying that they don't really matter.
I wish HE would respond here.
The Baha'i people happen to be very nice people with high moral values.
Maybe he means that not only Christianity teaches this but also other religions, but in different ways.
That God called Abram away from his past life, not because of idolatry or sin, but because God wanted to Create another "Religious Sect", a "Jews Religion". Which also included laws against murder and theft and promoted kindness to others, the same as the gods of the Egyptians, and other religious people of the world.
I agree with this.
Don't you?
Other religions also teach not to kill and steal.
God wanted to get Abram out of UR so God could start a religion teaching that HE is the true God and not the pagan gods.
But not all religions worshipped pagan gods....some worship the one true God.
And that God didn't expect people to leave their religions, or the worship of their gods, and "Yield themselves" to HIM in obedience to His Judgments, Statutes and commandments, as long as they were kind to one another.
This is very complicated.
If a person does not know Jesus...we can say that the above is most probably correct.
IF a person comes to know Jesus...then I think it's a totally different story.
This is the problem as I see it:
Christianity is the only religion that states that its messenger is God.
No other religion believes their messenger is God.
Jesus was resurrected to prove He was God.
And rejecting Jesus, for us, is like rejecting God.
So, you see, it's not as easy as we Christians like to think.
And perhaps he is right. And it certainly makes human sense. And if this is the case, then God will gather all the worshippers of gods and pagan religions, along with the hundreds of differing religions who "profess to know the God of Abraham", along with the hundreds of religious businesses who call Jesus Lord, Lord, as long as they don't murder., steal, and are kind one to another. I think this is the Bahai's philosophy, if I am understanding it right.
The problem here is that some can only know their own religion.
If it is worhsipping GOD and its adherents obey the natural laws of God (like the Noahic Laws) then I do believe that Pancho is correct.
Have you read Romans 1:19-21 (about)? I won't post it. Read it and let me know what you think about it.
Read also Romans 2:14-15
And I'd direct to all those verses that state that God will render to each man as are his works/deed.
John 5:28-29 and many others.
I love Pancho, and his insights have helped me see scriptures in a different light. I intend no offence, or insult, or derogatory words towards him. We have frank, and respectful discussion concerning Scriptures mostly. But I hold the Bible as the Inspired Word of God, and have separated myself from this world's religious system,
And this is correct. You're a Christian and should hold to Christian tenets.
If anything,,,I think Pancho could expand your horizon and maybe get God out of the box many seem to want to keep Him in.
as much as is possible, for almost 30 years now. By reason of use, I understand why God created His Judgments and Statutes, many of which are rejected by this world's religions today, as they were in Jeremiah and Jesus' Time.
Correct. Agreed.
But we are not like those that shrink back...
Hebrews 10:39
If the religious philosophy my friend Pancho has adopted is right, then I am OK. If the Bible is right, and the Commandments and Judgments of God are necessary to "Endure to the End", I still have Hope of being OK. But those who continue to live by the course of this world, which has laws against stealing and murder, and promote that men should be kind one to another, but reject much of God's definition of Holy, Clean and righteousness, then life in this world is their reward, as Jesus said in Matt. 6.
Here's how I understand it Studyman:
IOW....we need faith first...
and then we also need works (which would be obedience to God as you've been posting).
What have I got to lose by trusting God and His Judgments as defined by the Holy scriptures? A porkchop? Opening day of trout season? A few bucks?
Your very soul.
Jesus said to "count the cost", and I find this Yoke Light, compared to the promised Glory.
It does make for a good discussion, and I am grateful for Pancho's perspectives.