The context of the Eucharist from Passover Seder : sacrifice, real presence, priest, unblemished lamb

The priest does nothing, Christ acts through him.
It is the real body and blood, not spiritual.
Are you claiming the bread and the wine are actually physically changed to Christ's body and blood

That if examined scientifically it would be revealed as such?

The Eucharist* (or Mass)—the single most important of the RomanCatholic sacraments—involves a resacrificing of Jesus (or, more accurately,a “re-presenting” or “renewing” of the sacrifice of Jesus) over and overagain. We are told that the Mass constitutes a “true and proper sacrifice.”10Karl Keating writes, “The Church insists that the Mass is the continuationand re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary.”11 The CatholicEncyclopedia asserts, “We may establish that the Eucharist is a truesacrifice.”12 Whether you call it “resacrifice” or “re-presenting” thesacrifice, Roman Catholics say that in every single Mass, God is appeased.As defined by the Council of Trent, the same Christ who offered himselfin a bloody manner on the cross is during the Mass (or Eucharist) presentand offered in an unbloody manner. Consequently, the Mass is viewed as a truly propitiatory sacrifice by which the Lord is appeased.13

11. Karl Keating, Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on“Romanism” by “Bible Christians” (San Francisco: Ignatius Press,1988), p. 248.
12. Robert Broderick, The Catholic Concise Encyclopedia (Saint Paul, MN:Simon and Schuster, 1956), pp. 375-76.
13. Hardon, Pocket Catholic Dictionary, p. 248.

Pivotal to a proper understanding of the Mass is the Catholic teachingthat the bread and wine miraculously turn into the actual body and blood ofJesus Christ. This happens at the prayer of consecration said by the priest.Even though the bread and wine still look and feel and taste like bread andwine, in fact, there is a change such that it turns into Jesus Christ in His fulldeity and humanity. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it, “Inthe most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist ‘the body and blood, togetherwith the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the wholeChrist is truly, really, and substantially contained.’”14 Vatican II proclaimedthat “in the sacrament of the Eucharist Christ is present, in a manneraltogether unique, God and man, whole and entire, substantially andcontinuously.”15

14. Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 383.
15. Second Vatican Council, “Sacred Liturgy,” “On Holy Communion andthe Worship of the Eucharist Mystery Outside of Mass,” no. 6.

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‘- The Mass is the unbloody re-enactment of the sacrifice of Calvary. Through the consecration of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, the Mass perpetuates the sacrifice of the Cross by offering to God the same Victim that was immolated on Calvary for the redemption of man. In the Mass the priest speaks not in his own name, but as the ambassador of Jesus Christ, speaking the very words which Christ uttered at the Last Supper. Thus Jesus Christ is both the High Priest and the Victim in the sacrifice of the Mass and in the sacrifice of the Cross, and the ends for which both sacrifices were offered are identical
The faith of millions – John O’brien
And the problem is that Jesus is sacrificed over and over millions of times, like the first sacrifice wasn't good enough. He was sacrificed once, as the Bible and you have pointed out. He is a victim, I think that is what they call Him. He is always portrayed as being crucified, or dead and laying on Mary's lap, or a baby--never as having victory over death. He is not on a cross, not a victim, not a baby--He is a Redeemer!!!!He lives!!!
And the problem is that Jesus is sacrificed over and over millions of times, like the first sacrifice wasn't good enough. He was sacrificed once, as the Bible and you have pointed out. He is a victim, I think that is what they call Him. He is always portrayed as being crucified, or dead and laying on Mary's lap, or a baby--never as having victory over death. He is not on a cross, not a victim, not a baby--He is a Redeemer!!!!He lives!!!
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Amen. A continued sacrifice denies the efficiency of the one sacrifice and denigrates what Christ has accomplished
Are you claiming the bread and the wine are actually physically changed to Christ's body and blood

That if examined scientifically it would be revealed as such?

The Eucharist* (or Mass)—the single most important of the RomanCatholic sacraments—involves a resacrificing of Jesus (or, more accurately,a “re-presenting” or “renewing” of the sacrifice of Jesus) over and overagain. We are told that the Mass constitutes a “true and proper sacrifice.”10Karl Keating writes, “The Church insists that the Mass is the continuationand re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary.”11 The CatholicEncyclopedia asserts, “We may establish that the Eucharist is a truesacrifice.”12 Whether you call it “resacrifice” or “re-presenting” thesacrifice, Roman Catholics say that in every single Mass, God is appeased.As defined by the Council of Trent, the same Christ who offered himselfin a bloody manner on the cross is during the Mass (or Eucharist) presentand offered in an unbloody manner. Consequently, the Mass is viewed as a truly propitiatory sacrifice by which the Lord is appeased.13

11. Karl Keating, Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on“Romanism” by “Bible Christians” (San Francisco: Ignatius Press,1988), p. 248.
12. Robert Broderick, The Catholic Concise Encyclopedia (Saint Paul, MN:Simon and Schuster, 1956), pp. 375-76.
13. Hardon, Pocket Catholic Dictionary, p. 248.

Pivotal to a proper understanding of the Mass is the Catholic teachingthat the bread and wine miraculously turn into the actual body and blood ofJesus Christ. This happens at the prayer of consecration said by the priest.Even though the bread and wine still look and feel and taste like bread andwine, in fact, there is a change such that it turns into Jesus Christ in His fulldeity and humanity. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it, “Inthe most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist ‘the body and blood, togetherwith the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the wholeChrist is truly, really, and substantially contained.’”14 Vatican II proclaimedthat “in the sacrament of the Eucharist Christ is present, in a manneraltogether unique, God and man, whole and entire, substantially andcontinuously.”15

14. Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 383.
15. Second Vatican Council, “Sacred Liturgy,” “On Holy Communion andthe Worship of the Eucharist Mystery Outside of Mass,” no. 6.

Page 355

‘- The Mass is the unbloody re-enactment of the sacrifice of Calvary. Through the consecration of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, the Mass perpetuates the sacrifice of the Cross by offering to God the same Victim that was immolated on Calvary for the redemption of man. In the Mass the priest speaks not in his own name, but as the ambassador of Jesus Christ, speaking the very words which Christ uttered at the Last Supper. Thus Jesus Christ is both the High Priest and the Victim in the sacrifice of the Mass and in the sacrifice of the Cross, and the ends for which both sacrifices were offered are identical
The faith of millions – John O’brien
Where have you been?

In the Eucharistic miracles it has been shown as human heart tissue

And it isn’t me saying it.
It is Jesus and the apostolic church since the beginning.

Only the apostates and heretics since the reformation claimed it wasn’t so and have handed you a myth.
It doesn’t matter what you think, or what you wrongly think scripture means.
The apostolic succession handed down truth, because Jesus decided it.
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