Spurgeon on Election

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
I'm not fond of quoting people vs. scripture, but this bit of preaching caught my eye. I don't have it handy, so I'll paraphrase it.

[speaking to Christians]
"Are you better than reprobates?" (everyone says "yes")
"Who do you credit for making you better? Yourself or God?" (everyone says "God")
"There you have it: The doctrine of election."

While I'm repeating stories, here's a bit of fiction that I like. A neighbor comes to visit [me, for the sake of the story]. He sees a model of the solar system in my study, with the planets orbiting the sun. He's fascinated by it.

The neighbor says, "That is a spectacular model of the solar system. Did you build it? Where did you get it?"

I answer, "Oh, I didn't buy or make it. A bunch of random things came together and formed it."
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