Reason To Believe in God - Part II


Well-known member
I'm not sure if Evangelism is the right thread for the topic. I feel like Christians do not play the hand God gave us as well as we could and should regarding reaching out to others. Yes, faith is important but it does not resonate with unbelievers. So, I want to create 2 threads that deal with the mantra of the educated and scientifically literate, EVIDENCE. I hope you can help me compile the evidence to use in reaching out to unbelievers.

PART I. What facts cause a reasonable person to believe in God?
PART II. What facts of the Bible or your life would cause a reasonable person to believe in the God of the Bible?

The Bible is filled with stories where believers appealed to evidence for the God of the Bible.

John 1:45-46 NLT
45 Philip went to look for Nathanael and told him, “We have found the very person Moses[a] and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.”

46 “Nazareth!” exclaimed Nathanael. “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

Come and see for yourself,” Philip replied.

I love how Phillip does not launch into the type of exchanges common today with complicated doctrinal analysis retreating into foreign language and suppose invented meanings of common words. It's persona. It's evidential. It's simple. See the evidence for yourself and believe.

I look forward to your contributions to this thread.
Another great example from the Bible is when Elijah challenged 400 prophets to see which God could start a fire. Those who watched saw the evidence with their own eyes.
Sad. This Scripture comes to mind.

Woe to you, you teachers of the law and Pharisees. There is such a gulf between what you say and what you do. You will stand before a crowd and lock the door of the kingdom of heaven right in front of everyone; you won’t enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from doing so.
Matthew 23:13 (VOICE)

This thread is not a debate about using evidence; just a place to compile the evidence.
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