Muhammad is not Equal to Jesus But Jesus is Equal to Allah!

A piece of paper doesn't prove anything. It's called being deceived the Bible warns about it. But now I see the conversation has switched to Muslims that have converted to Christianity. It would seem to me if you're going to convince a Muslim that Christianity is true you would have to convince them that Islam is false.
Not necessary-once the gospel is explained they can see that for themselves-maybe I should give mighty testimonies on Muslims converted to Christianity-will work on that tomorrow.
And I won't compromise on my stance either @Matthias -if you don't view me as a spiritual brother there is nothing I can do about it.
We all are going to stand before Messiah to give an account of every idle, useless, inoperative words we have spoken, in word, thought and deed.

I work out my salvation with fear and trembling, I can't do it for you.

I believe it, since I have made my own research in the Hebrew Bible.
You have your own gifts and calling- so have I-and make full use of the talent YHVH gave me.
Time is short and has been shortened and we are not getting younger.
Shalom then.
Have a blessed day in Messiah.

I like that there is no personal animosity on either side of the divide.
Not necessary-once the gospel is explained they can see that for themselves-maybe I should give mighty testimonies on Muslims converted to Christianity-will work on that tomorrow.
I'm not sure what you're saying by not necessarily. Are you saying they can come to believe in God and still believe that Allah is just another god? I understand they have to make the decision for themselves but it's an either or decision. You can't have it both ways.
I'm not sure what you're saying by not necessarily. Are you saying they can come to believe in God and still believe that Allah is just another god? I understand they have to make the decision for themselves but it's an either or decision. You can't have it both ways.
You have to work with tact and be honest, transparency is the key and it is not a overnight kind of thing-but praise God, the gospel is the dunamis UNTO salvation to everyone that believe!

2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [of the flesh], but mighty by God to the destruction of strong holds;)
2Co 10:5 Casting down reasonings, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

2Co 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the basar, [Ep 6:13 17] but full of ko'ach through Hashem to the overthrowing of strongholds, reasonings [Jer 1:10; 23:29]
2Co 10:5 And every high minded thing rising up against the da'as of Hashem, and leading captive every machshavah (thought) into the mishma'at of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, [Isa 2:11,12]

Once some have entrusted themselves to Messiah there is NO need to convince them the system is wrong in Islam, the Holy Spirit is doing the work-opening the eyes of the understanding of some in the lev of these precious souls.
Hope this answer your question.
I am tired-2.46 in the morning here and might make mistakes.
yes lets stay in Fellowship.
Psa 133:1 Behold, indeed what is good or what is delightful, none other than the dwelling of the brethren together.
Psa 133:2 As perfumed liquid upon the head going down upon the beard -- the beard of Aaron; the going down upon the edge of his garment;
Psa 133:3 as dew of Hermon going down upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD gave charge to the blessing -- life unto the eon.

Hinei, mah tov umah na'im shevet achim gahm yachad (how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity)!
Psa 133:2 It is like the precious shemen upon the rosh, that ran down upon the beard, even Aharon's beard; that went down to the collar of his robes;
Psa 133:3 As the tal of Chermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Tziyon; for there Hashem commanded the berakhah, even Chayyim Ad Olam.
The honor killings are what get me. They happen right in the USA.
Innocent blood has been shed in the name of Christianity in history brother-

What are the 3 meaning of jihad in Islam?
Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle: A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible. The struggle to build a good Muslim society. Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary.

Innocent blood has been shed in the name of Christianity in history brother-

What are the 3 meaning of jihad in Islam?
Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle: A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible. The struggle to build a good Muslim society. Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary.

Keyword "History". Now the world we live in is a little different. According to the list at Wikipedia a whole lot of forces is necessary. But it's not to defend Islam it's to reach their goal of world domination. Only then will the Madani return.

List of Islamist terrorist attacks​

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