Allah no son...


Well-known member
Over the years I've learned that Allah doesn't have a son.
At first, I conflated Allah and YHVH. Then one day it dawned on me that YHVH does actually have a Son.
So, this tells me that YHVH and Allah are two disparate, distinct persons who are not the same.

Whoever Allah is.... he is NOT YHVH, who IS the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
There's a lot more differences in theology than just that.
I'm sure of that. And I'd thought about bringing a number of different things into this, but I wanted to make sure that the idea was clear, without adding anything that could confuse the issue.
But mainly in Islam there is no atonement for sins, you have to earn your way.
Right. Great for a separate op.
And of course what we mean by God's Son in the case of Christ—they may accept the term "child" of God, but not God incarnating.

I'd always understood the distinction being about Jesus not being Allah's Son.

I have been dialoguing with a Muslim for a few months now, it has been interesting.
I bet.
Over the years I've learned that Allah doesn't have a son.
At first, I conflated Allah and YHVH. Then one day it dawned on me that YHVH does actually have a Son.
So, this tells me that YHVH and Allah are two disparate, distinct persons who are not the same.

Whoever Allah is.... he is NOT YHVH, who IS the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
BINGO!!!! ISLAM is a TOTALLY SATANIC Religio/Governmental system with ONLY ONE MOVITION.

As the "Religion of Peace", They MUST "bring PEACE on earth". Their ONLY METHOD to accomplish that is to make EVERY LIVING PERSON on earth a Muslim, which unapologetically includes the MURDER of any and all persons who opposes them, and their demonic system.

Muslims clerics do refer inaccurately to many biblical characters, believe in the miraculous "Virgin Birth" of "Isa" (Jesus), and give Isa HONOR as a great PROPHET. Not as great as Mohammed, of course, but "great".

HOWEVER, they deny that HE was ever CRUCIFIED as our SIN OFFERING, and teach that we don't NEED any such thing, since ISLAMIC Victims have to EARN their own salvation - so when MUSLIMS die physically, they'll ALL GO TO HELL, as LOST unsaved Sinners.

As satanic JOKES on humanity go, ISLAM is every bit as great as "Purgatory", or "the Roman Catholic Blessed Virgin" foolishness.
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