Muhammad is not Equal to Jesus But Jesus is Equal to Allah!

The Bible tells us "having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." 2 Timothy 3:5

Islam has their own god, Judaism and Christianity believe in the same God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. Also the Islamic Allah doesn’t fit with the Bible’s description of God as shown in Judaism and Christianity.
You don't understand Islam and that scripture reference is not applicable to Muslims.
There is more to a lot of subjects than I know Or understand. however, I do know all I need to know about Islam after intense study. I'm glad that you're in a position to witness to them and I pray for your safety.
Thank you, have been living with them for 15 years.
You don't understand Islam and that scripture reference is not applicable to Muslims.
How could you possibly tell if I understood Islam or not? When that scripture was written there was no such thing as a Muslim. It's about people that have a false god like Allah.
And so should we-that is an Imperative from our Lord Christ Jesus.

Forget about the Trinity. It plays no part in the preaching of the gospel.

We’re moving away from your OP now. If you would like to continue the conversation about the gospel that Jesus preached then let’s think about doing it in a new thread.
How could you possibly tell if I understood Islam or not? When that scripture was written there was no such thing as a Muslim. It's about people that have a false god like Allah.
Yes, many have a false god they worship, money, drugs, pleasure etc..

I didn't open this thread to Muslim bash-as you do brother.
Do you have a Quran and their Hadith?
That's what I mean-let's preach the gospel and leave the Trinity aside.
One cannot separate the One Lord (YHWH, Kurios in LXX) from the gospel. He is the gospel. A false christ cannot save anyone as per Galatians 1. There is another jesus and another gospel going around.
One cannot separate the One Lord (YHWH, Kurios in LXX) from the gospel. He is the gospel. A false christ cannot save anyone as per Galatians 1. There is another jesus and another gospel going around.
Didn't say that brother or that anyone should separate YHVH from the Besorah. They are indissolubly Echad.
Forget about the Trinity. It plays no part in the preaching of the gospel.

We’re moving away from your OP now. If you would like to continue the conversation about the gospel that Jesus preached then let’s think about doing it in a new thread.
An excellent idea.
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