Muhammad is not Equal to Jesus But Jesus is Equal to Allah!

Yes, many have a false god they worship, money, drugs, pleasure etc..

I didn't open this thread to Muslim bash-as you do brother.
Do you have a Quran and their Hadith?
Okay so let's see... first You tell me I don't understand Islam. Then you want to tell me that bashing it. And then you want to know what I have in my library.
Okay so let's see... first You tell me I don't understand Islam. Then you want to tell me that I'm bashing it. And then you want to know what I have in my library.
I asked you if you have a Quran and the divers Hadith's on the Quran and can you tell me the different sects within Islam?

According to Interpretation of the holy Quran it can be divided into three basic groups: Tafsir bi-l-riwaya (by transmission), also known as tafsir bi-l-ma'thûr. Tafsir bil-ra'y (by sound opinion; also known as tafsir bi-l-diraya, by knowledge). Tafsir bi-l-ishara (by indication, from signs).

Qudsi: meaning “Divine”. ...
Marfu`: meaning “Elevated”. ...
Mauquf: meaning “Stopped”. ...
Maqtu`: meaning “Severed”.

How many Quran's are there currently. And correct-Edit on this thread. Or Islam for that matter.

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This is between you and him brother-we should always be the first to seek reconciliation, extend the right hand of fellowship.

He’s set. You’re the one who has indicated some willingness to learn.

There is a shallowness, a mere formal gesture, in extending the right hand of fellowship to idolaters.
Always more than willing to learn, I don't claim to have my theology or doctrines 100% correct.
But you and I are being called an idolators and scripture says no idolator will inherit the kingdom of God.

So that’s a condemnation upon all trinitarians who he says are his enemies.
Jesus is not equal to Allah because Allah doesn't exist. Jesus is far superior to some make believe deity. Christianity and Judaism have their sacred books which the founders of these religions have produced known today is the Holy Bible. In them were the words of God, transmitted through Moses to the Jews and through Jesus and the Holy Spirit to the Christians. Jesus and Moses had been God's ambassadors to His people.

Who can then could bring to the Arabs The Gospel of Jesus Christ "The Great Commission". The Arabs had, their fortune-tellers and augurs who cast lots before their god and explained his will in mysterious rhythmical utterances. Muhammed was at first more intimately connected with this class of Arab fortune-tellers than is usually supposed. Then you have Muhammad's encounter with a demon in a cave at Hira that started Islam. And the rest is history. Pretty much similar to Joseph Smith's story and the start of Mormonism.
Have you forgotten the OP he gave us titled “Know Your Enemy”?

I know my spiritual enemies and I treat them as I would have them treat me.
All I'm doing is to seek common ground brother and with other brothers and sisters in Messiah.
All I'm doing is to seek common ground brother and with other brothers and sisters in Messiah.
As an enemy according to him there is no common ground since we are idolators.

Notice 1 Cor 6 with idolators

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a]10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
All I'm doing is to seek common ground brother and with other brothers and sisters in Messiah.

The Trinity isn’t common ground for you and I. Why then would you consider me to be your spiritual brother?

Those who believe in the Trinity are they whom you presently have common ground with. It is they who are your spiritual brothers and sisters.
I asked you if you have a Quran and the divers Hadith's on the Quran and can you tell me the different sects within Islam?

According to Interpretation of the holy Quran it can be divided into three basic groups: Tafsir bi-l-riwaya (by transmission), also known as tafsir bi-l-ma'thûr. Tafsir bil-ra'y (by sound opinion; also known as tafsir bi-l-diraya, by knowledge). Tafsir bi-l-ishara (by indication, from signs).

Qudsi: meaning “Divine”. ...
Marfu`: meaning “Elevated”. ...
Mauquf: meaning “Stopped”. ...
Maqtu`: meaning “Severed”.

How many Quran's are there currently. And correct-Muslim bashing is not allowed on this thread. Or Islam for that matter.

I'm going to take the 5th Amendment on the advice of my attorney.
And 2 Cor 6
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial[b]? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“I will live with them
and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they will be my people.”[c]
17 Therefore,

“Come out from them
and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
and I will receive you
Maybe we should all calm down a bit and give each other some space brother-that's all I'm asking.

Can’t you see that it’s spiritual warfare? Can’t you see that I’m not yoked with trinitarians?

We don’t believe in the same God. We don’t believe in the same Jesus. We don’t believe in the same Holy Spirit.
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