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I'm being consistent and have been consistent. Not only does God predetermine when I relieve myself, he predetermined how I chose to do so. Therefore, only one outcome was possible. He even decreed your continuing waste of electron activity.You've clearly stated that the "facts" that you're reference are the ONLY choice. Which would = God has predetermined your bowel movements.
I use this as a reference in an attempt to get you realize how silly such arguments are. Your position requires God to predetermine exactly when you CHOSE to relieve yourself. Remember.... only ONE outcome. Please be consistent with your own claims.
You are dead wrong. "No one can possibly believe that God predetermined your bowel movements."? I believe it. Do you honestly believe that they happen by chance?No. I presented you a choice. I established a ridiculous contrast. No one can possibly believe that God predetermined your bowel movements. Yet, that is the argument you're making. We need to the find the edges of your belief. You are correct, I could say more. However, I have chosen this example because Elijah made pretty much the same argument against the prophets of Baal. I was trying to indirectly....."shake your memory"......
I'm not God. I didn't predetermine your mistake.
The primary cause, "First Cause" —i.e. God— does indeed logically necessarily cause all subsequent causes and effects.That primary cause don't determine your choice. This "choice" you demand as being the only viable outcome becomes rather silly relative to such nonsense as when you decide to use the bathroom.
Timing? Oh my, yes! God is amazingly wise.To everything there is a season. Any system relative to Determinism requires "timing".
Ecc 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
What you fail to realize is that "seasons" add variability to the equation. God has defined boundaries and established limits. Man operates freely within those boundaries of these "seasons".
How does the introduction of the notion, that "to everything there is a season", help your position? If anything, it adds to the evidence of causation! You say, it adds variability. No, it only adds variation.