20) Jesus vs the religious leaders
Mark 10: Some Pharisees ask Jesus whether it is lawful for a man to divorce a wife!
- If The Israelites were authorized to divorce their wives by writing a certificate of dismissal according to Moses and their hardheartedness, from the beginning of creation, man and woman must become one flesh and can’t divorce!
- Once again man’s tradition vs God’s word!
- You can’t choose both!
- You must choose one!
- It’s a simple one!
- Man tries to find ways not to choose!
- It doesn’t work!
- There is only one way!
- Man is always trying to follow his own way!
- He will only get lost!
- The Israelites chose the wrong one and they got lost!
- Humanity will always choose the same wrong way and get lost!
Mark 10: Some Pharisees ask Jesus whether it is lawful for a man to divorce a wife!
- If The Israelites were authorized to divorce their wives by writing a certificate of dismissal according to Moses and their hardheartedness, from the beginning of creation, man and woman must become one flesh and can’t divorce!
- Once again man’s tradition vs God’s word!
- You can’t choose both!
- You must choose one!
- It’s a simple one!
- Man tries to find ways not to choose!
- It doesn’t work!
- There is only one way!
- Man is always trying to follow his own way!
- He will only get lost!
- The Israelites chose the wrong one and they got lost!
- Humanity will always choose the same wrong way and get lost!