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from Blue Letter Bible
Event | Reference | Year (AD) |
Descent of the Holy Spirit | Acts 2:1-13 | 30 |
Setting Up of the Church | Acts 2:40-47 | 30 |
First Persecutions (Illustration) | Acts 4:1-22; 5:21-42; 7:1-60 | 35 |
Philip at Samaria | Acts 8:4-13 | 35 |
Conversion of Saul (Illustration) | Acts 9:1-9 | 36 |
First Gentile Converted | Acts 10:1-48 | 40 |
Founding of Church at Antioch | Acts 11:19-30 | 43 |
Writing of Matthew's Gospel | Matthew | 43 |
James Writes his Epistle1 | James | 45 |
Paul's Call | Acts 13:1-3 | 47 |
His First Missionary Journey Begun (Map) | Acts 13:4-14:28 | 48 |
Council at Jerusalem | Acts 15:6-35 | 50 |
Second Missionary Journey Begun (Map) | Acts 15:39-18:22 | 51 |
Writing of I Thessalonians | I Thessalonians | 52 |
Writing of II Thessalonians | II Thessalonians | 53 |
Third Missionary Journey Begun (Map) | Acts 18:23-21:17 | 54 |
Writing of I Corinthians | I Corinthians | 57 |
Writing of Galatians | Galatians | 57 |
Writing of II Corinthians | II Corinthians | 58 |
Writing of Romans | Romans | 58 |
Writing of Luke's Gospel | Luke | 59 |
Paul's Arrest at Jerusalem | Acts 21:26-22:29 | 58 |
Paul at Caesarea | Acts 23:23-26:32 | 59 |
Paul Starts for Rome | Acts 27:1-2 | 60 |
Paul Reaches Rome | Acts 28:11-16a | 61 |
Paul's Imprisonment at Rome | Acts 28:16-31 | 62 |
Paul Writes Ephesians | Ephesians | 62 |
Paul Writes Philippians | Philippians | 62 |
Paul Writes Colossians | Colossians | 62 |
Paul Writes Philemon | Philemon | 62 |
James Killed by Herod1 | Acts 12:1-25 | 62 |
I Peter Written | I Peter | 63 |
Acts Written | Acts | 63 |
Paul is Acquitted | - | 63 |
Paul Visits Various Places | - | 63 |
Paul Writes Hebrews | Hebrews | 63 |
Paul Writes I Timothy | I Timothy | 63 |
Paul Writes Titus | Titus | 63 |
Writing of Mark's Gospel | Mark | 64 |
II Peter Written | II Peter | 65 |
Paul's Second Imprisonment at Rome | - | 65 |
II Timothy Written | II Timothy | 66 |
Martyrdom of Paul | - | 66 |
Destruction of Jerusalem | - | 71 |
Jude's Epistle Written | Jude | 75 |
Writing of John's Gospel | John | 85 |
Writing of John's Three Epistles | I John; II John; III John | 90 |
John's Visions at Patmos | Revelation 1:9 | 96 |
Revelation Written | Revelation | 97 |
Death of John | - | 100 |