John 1 does not support Calvinism


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John 1:9
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world

John 1:11-12
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

The Light who came into the world gives light to everyone but only those who receive and believe the Light will become children of God though faith in the Light of the world the condition is always faith. This is the consistent message throughout John’s gospel especially in John 6 and 10.

hope this helps !!!
John 1:9
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world

John 1:11-12
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

The Light who came into the world gives light to everyone but only those who receive and believe the Light will become children of God though faith in the Light of the world the condition is always faith. This is the consistent message throughout John’s gospel especially in John 6 and 10.

hope this helps !!!
Wrong. See verse 13. Which you and your fellow Pelagians conveniently leave out.
Wrong. See verse 13. Which you and your fellow Pelagians conveniently leave out.
One becomes a child of God after they believe in Him and receive Him- 1:12. The new birth comes from God- 1:13

as scripture says everywhere faith is required to be saved.

next fallacy-
John 1:11-12
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
And even how it says this. He came unto his own. His own? That seems to say they belonged to him but I thought Calvinist said not all belong to God. They did as a nation. But those who belonged to him did not receive him. A Calvinists would say anyone belonging to God would and would have to. But many of them didn't.
And even how it says this. He came unto his own. His own? That seems to say they belonged to him but I thought Calvinist said not all belong to God. They did as a nation. But those who belonged to him did not receive him. A Calvinists would say anyone belonging to God would and would have to. But many of them didn't.
Yes another contradiction in their theology- they were Gods elect/chosen people. so much for being an elect/chosen people much like the calvinists claim about themselves.
Wrong. See verse 13. Which you and your fellow Pelagians conveniently leave out.
Nice try since calvinists always quote 1:13 and leave out all the other passages in John 1 which contradict your view. Its the calvinist who isolates passages and removes them from their context. I just showed how 1:13 fits perfectly with my biblical interpretation.

next fallacy determinist/fatalist :)
Predestination is about..

1... heaven being a preset destination for someone who believes on Jesus Christ Revelation there are preset judgements for believers who struggle in their faith, faithful believers, and lost folks.

It's not about pre set salvation.
Nice try since calvinists always quote 1:13 and leave out all the other passages in John 1 which contradict your view. Its the calvinist who isolates passages and removes them from their context. I just showed how 1:13 fits perfectly with my biblical interpretation.

next fallacy determinist/fatalist :)
Passages such as?
Sure. Ephesians 1:8,9. It is a gift of God. It's "through" faith, not because of faith.
“Dia”, ‘through’ according to BGAD, in Eph 2:8, is used “to denote the efficient cause” of salvation. If it is the “cause” of salvation, then it is because of faith (and Grace) that we are saved. Faith be (the) cause!

Paul's rhetorical question, "what do you have you did not recieve".

The context of 1 Cor 4:7 is very specific as to the scope of its meaning.

6Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. 7For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

In fact, you have taken it “ beyond what is written” and violated what Paul intended to say, which was merely that both he and Apollos had given them the Word of God faithfully and that there is no reason for creating competition between them or exalting one above the other!

There is no reason to expand the meaning beyond what it was intended to convey.

“Dia”, ‘through’ according to BGAD, in Eph 2:8, is used “to denote the efficient cause” of salvation. If it is the “cause” of salvation, then it is because of faith (and Grace) that we are saved. Faith be (the) cause!

The context of 1 Cor 4:7 is very specific as to the scope of its meaning.

6Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. 7For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

In fact, you have taken it “ beyond what is written” and violated what Paul intended to say, which was merely that both he and Apollos had given them the Word of God faithfully and that there is no reason for creating competition between them or exalting one above the other!

There is no reason to expand the meaning beyond what it was intended to convey.

Sorry Doug but it does not say because of faith. Faith is the means to a end used by God. That's the point. Ultimately God is solely the cause of your salvation.

Doug, what do you have you have not recieved? It's clearly a rhetorical question. So what's your answer to Paul's question. For me? It's easy. Nothing
Sorry Doug but it does not say because of faith.
Then you must be smarter than BGAD, the premier lexical source that we have!

Faith is the means to a end used by God. That's the point. Ultimately God is solely the cause of your salvation.
No doubt, but he predicates his action of salvation on our trusting him to do what he promised. Faith is the immediate cause of God’s actions to save us, because he says he only saves when we believe.

Doug, what do you have you have not recieved? It's clearly a rhetorical question. So what's your answer to Paul's question. For me? It's easy. Nothing
Paul’s intent was not to say that faith is given to us by God in 1 Cor 4:7. The context has nothing to do with “faith”! To extrapolate beyond the contextual intent and purpose is to “go beyond what is written”, the very thing that Paul warned against!

Then you must be smarter than BGAD, the premier lexical source that we have!

No doubt, but he predicates his action of salvation on our trusting him to do what he promised. Faith is the immediate cause of God’s actions to save us, because he says he only saves when we believe.

Paul’s intent was not to say that faith is given to us by God in 1 Cor 4:7. The context has nothing to do with “faith”! To extrapolate beyond the contextual intent and purpose is to “go beyond what is written”, the very thing that Paul warned against!

Maybe I should say because of "your" faith.

And that faith is a gift of God as is all of salvation. It is a means to a end. The immediate cause of salvation is God and God alone.

I did not say that faith is what Paul had intended. As I said, my answer to his question is nothing. What would your answer be?????
Maybe I should say because of "your" faith.

And that faith is a gift of God as is all of salvation. It is a means to a end. The immediate cause of salvation is God and God alone.

I did not say that faith is what Paul had intended. As I said, my answer to his question is nothing. What would your answer be?????
God saves hence the Savior
Man believes hence becomes a believer- without faith its impossible to please God.

man believes the gospel message, then God saves the man who trusts in God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.

Bible Soteriology 101.

hope this helps !!!
God saves hence the Savior
Man believes hence becomes a believer- without faith its impossible to please God.

man believes the gospel message, then God saves the man who trusts in God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.

Bible Soteriology 101.

hope this helps !!!
And belief is granted or given by God.
John 1:9 is about the elect born into the world, they will be regenerated.. Thats why its called the true light, in opposition to mere natural light by nature.
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